  • Delphinium( spur, beast)

    Family of buttercups.

    Delphinium Ajaxoe * Annual;height of the plant. up to 120 cm;stems erect, slightly branched;the leaves are three-folded;inflorescence - spicate brush( of different density in varieties), flowers with spurs on the reverse side of the corolla, on average about 5 cm in diameter( from 3 to 7 cm);blooms from June - July to September;fruit - leaflet leaflet.

    The main garden forms: hyacinth-colored - there are dwarf varieties( 30 cm), inflorescences dense, cylindrical, flowers large, terry;lion-colored - tall varieties intended for cutting, inflorescence is more friable, flowers are terry.

    Delphinium cultivated * perennial hibernating in the open ground;plant height up to 180 cm( rarely - more);stems erect, leafy;the leaves of the padcha are divided into sections with dissected lobes;the inflorescence is a cylindrical or pyramidal brush, flowers are semi-double and double, on average about 7 cm in diameter, with spurs and "bees" - well-defined bundles of underdeveloped petals and stamens with pestles, a variety of colors( varieties);blooms from June - July to September;seeds of irregular shape.

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    Varieties: "Astolat" - flowers From pale to crimson pink, "bees" are brown or black;"Black Knight" - flowers are purple-purple, "bees" are black;"Blue Jay" - the flowers are dark blue, "bees" are black;"Blue lace" - flowers are dark blue, "bees" are white;"Ginever" - flowers are pinkish-lavender, "bees" are white;"King Arthur" - flowers are purple-purple or dark purple, "bees" are large, white;"Lilac spiral" - flowers are lilac, "bees" are brown and other varieties.

    Requirements for moisture: moderately hygrophilous. Requirements for heat and light: fairly frost-resistant, prefer diffuse lighting, can grow in shady places.

    Requirements for soil: prefers neutral loamy soils.

    Reproduction: by seeds that are sown in open ground in autumn or early spring, it is possible - by seedling method( planted on the rosette stage).Frozen seeds give frost-resistant growth.

    Features: After harvesting, the stems are cut. Bloom in the year of sowing should be tried to prevent - such plants are short-lived.

    Usage: group plantings, masking of unsightly fences and walls;for cutting.