  • Placement of flowers

    In addition to the basic principle of placing flowers in the garden, but the availability of suitable conditions for them, it is useful to remember a few varieties of planting, as well as the rules relating to the composition of flower beds.

    In the individual description of plants, a special "use" item will be allocated for this.

    Flower beds:

    The flower bed( in the most general meaning of the word) is any area designated for the cultivation of ornamental flowers and ornamental plants.

    A flower bed is a regular flower garden( circle, oval, square, rhombus).Plants on the flowerbed are planted from its center( the tallest species) to the sides( low curb plants);it is desirable to strengthen the edges with a small fence or turf.

    Rabatka - a strip of ornamental plants, located along the path;flowers are planted on it in the right rows. Very nice looking rabatkag if the composition of plants includes large color patches and stripes.

    Micheboder - unlike the shoot, delimits higher plantings, fences, walls, etc. It can include not only plants, but also vases, sculptures and other architectural and decorative details. In the background, taller species are planted, in the foreground - undersized species.

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    Border - planting of stunted plants( usually monocultural) one row along the lawn, paths, etc.

    The Alpine hill is a hill from the ground with stones, often formed in the form of terraces. Plants are selected according to the botanical-geographical principle;stones serve as background for plants. It is also close to a rocky garden, characterized by the fact that plants( in natural conditions also natives of the mountainous terrain) are planted not between stones, but in their cracks filled with a nutrient mixture.

    A rocky area is a flat area with plants of different sizes of mountain or steppe origin.

    A green lawn is a plot of grass;as a rule, are sheared.

    The Mauritanian lawn is a lawn, where, besides grasses, blooming annuals are included.

    Live hedge - used to protect from dust and wind an ordinary planting from bushes and low trees. It can be sheared( usually from small-leaved species that form a large number of shoots) and non-cropped( usually from ornamental flowering shrubs).

    Vertical landscaping:

    Pergola - arched attachment for climbing plants from arched metal rods. In everyday life it is often called simply an arch. As a rule, pergolas are placed above the path, rarely - over a narrow courtyard.

    Green arbor - a construction of wood or metal, cased around the periphery by winding perennials, the stems and leaves of which create its "walls" and "roof".Sometimes gazebos are not built specifically, but help with the tying to place lianopodobnye stems between trees or tall shrubs.

    Trellis is a decorative grid used to support climbing plants, which can be used in unsuitable areas of the garden.

    Rules for "good tone" in the placement of plants:

    • For group plantings, it is best to use plants with different flowering periods - so that the faded or not yet blossoming fit in the composition as a background and "take the baton" at the right time. Let saffron and violets be replaced by more flowering tulips and hyacinths and so on. With the correct arrangement of plants, the flower garden will delight the eye from early spring to late autumn.

    • Plants in the group planting should be selected so that they harmonize with each other in size of the bush and the flowers themselves, as well as in the shape of the leaves. Too small next to too large will look almost comical.

    • Try not to allow the neighborhood of colors with the so-called "basic" colors - red, yellow and blue. Between them should be placed decorative species.

    • Plants at the same distance from the observer with colors of warm tones( red, orange, brown) will appear closer than plants of cold tones( blue, blue).By placing "cold" flowers in the background, you can cause the illusion that the flower garden is much larger than it really is.

    • Between white and bright yellow colors white looks good, but next to lemon yellow color effect not only does not increase, but even decreases - such colors "dilute" each other.

    • Shrubs should be selected taking into account the coloring of their leaves and fruits at the end of the growing season. Light-loving crops by the autumn, as a rule, get yellow or orange color, shade-tolerant - more dark.

    • Do not overload the front garden with too many plants.

    If you are going to grow flowers for cutting( that is, for bouquets), placing them is not so important, for this can be assigned an ordinary bed. But still it is more pleasant, if even on her plants will be located grammatically and tastefully.