  • Lilac lining

    Blossoming lilacs in greenhouses can be kept all winter. Plant preparation and the process of forcing are simple. Saplings grafted on lilacs are grown on a half-stamping, for which in the first year of growth the eyepieces are crocheted, leaving four buds. In subsequent years, strong shoots are shortened to four or five kidneys, weak ones are removed. This forms a compact, well-branched bush.

    For potting in pots, two to three-year-old plants are used which are excavated with a clod of earth and planted in pots with a diameter of 20-25 centimeters.

    With larger scales, forcing cuttings usually use larger, four-year plants, without planting them in pots. Sometimes the cook is specially prepared: dig up to 40x40x40 centimeters the space formed around it and cover it with peat or humus, which contributes to the formation of a large number of fibrous roots on the coma border and the best budding of flower buds.

    In all cases, the plants are excavated usually in July, tightly installed in a shaded area, gently watered, mixed and sprayed on hot days. After planting and repeatedly a full mineral fertilizer( NPK) is introduced into the top soil layer in a ratio of 2: 1 = 1, 10-15 grams per plant. Later in the dry season very mildly watered.

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    With the onset of cold weather, plants in pots can be put in a cellar or cold store, covering the roots from drying and freezing. Plants without pots are left on the beds, well warming their foliage, sawdust, peat layer of 20-25 centimeters thick.

    In November-December, the lilac is put on the pasture. Usually it is done at different times to have longer blossoming bushes. Plants gradually thaw out and accustom to light. After two or three days, they are brought into a bright room with a temperature of 25-30 °, placed densely on ridges or racks and watered. With early and accelerated forcing, four to six times a day, sprinkle with warm water or make a warm bath, dipping the plants into the water at a temperature of 35-40 °.When buds appear, spraying is stopped and replaced with a coma. Shoots without buds are removed.

    When the first flowers bloom, the temperature is reduced to 12-15 °.Inflorescence of lilac is cut with long peduncles when 40-60-percent flowers are blossoming. It is better to cut directly before the implementation. In refrigerators at a temperature of 1-2 °, the flowers wrapped in the film can be stored for up to 12 days.

    The duration of lilac outbreak is 25-30 days. After cutting, the bushes stand the rest of the winter in cold, but bright rooms. In the spring they are planted in the ground. With good care, the plants can be re-used for distillation after three years.

    For early distillation, early blossoming varieties are taken, for medium and late - varieties of all flowering periods. But in all cases it is preferable to a variety with white flowers, since when there is a lack of light in the winter months, lilacs with a different color of flowers are not normally colored. The varieties with simple flowers turn out to be more effective, they last longer in cutting.

    Mari Legroi, Madame Casimir Perrier, Memories of Ludwig Shpet, Vestalka, Jeanne d'Arc, Madame Lemoine, Michel Bruchner, Condorcet, Florina Stepman are suitable for early forcing.