  • Tulip

    Family lily.

    Bulbous perennials, the stem is modified, the organs of the plant form in the bulb, from which the peduncles and leaves depart;perianth and corolla six-membered or with a multiple of six, stamens 6, the stigma of the pistil is three-bladed;a fruit - a box. There are 7 basic forms of the flower: goblet, cup-shaped, oval, lily-colored, parrot, mahr and star-shaped.

    In culture, more than 2,500 varieties and hybrids are known, originating from several species of tulips;in the classification, 15 classes are divided into 4 groups, three of which are allocated according to the flowering period.

    Group I. Early-flowering tulips. Terms of flowering: March-April-early May.

    Class 1. Simple( non-primary) tulips. It combines early-flowering( usually from the first decade of April) low plants with a cup-shaped, goblet or oval flower shape. The most famous varieties: "Brilliant Star" - a bright red flower with a black base;"Van der Neuer" - the flower is transparent-dark-violet;"Cooler cardinal" - flower spike up to 40 cm high, flower cup-shaped, dark red;"Kramuazi diamond" - a flower bright red, etc.

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    Class 2. Terry early tulips. Flowers are terry, blossom somewhat later than the early( usually from the middle and second half of April).Varieties: "Bopanza" - a carmine flower with a yellow border;"Murillo Maxima" - the flowers at the beginning of flowering are white, later pink;"Shoonord" - snow-white;Electra - cherry red( with yellow central part and stamen filaments), etc.

    Group II.Srednetsvetugcie tulips. Terms of flowering: end of April - May.

    Class 3. Tulips Triumph and Mendelian tulips. It unites medium-seeded plants up to 50 cm in height, with large flowers of goblet shape, often of two-colored color. Variety Triumph: "Aviator" - a cherry-red flower with a pale pink border;"Crater" - the flower is dense red with a blue bloom outside;"Corneforos" is crimson-red;Varieties of Mendelian tulips: "Adjutant" - embroidered dark ruby;"He Grace" - crimson-pink with a light cream base;"White Sail" - light cream, with bright white sun, etc.

    Class 4. Darwin's hybrid tulips. Flowers( as well as plants in general) are large, bloom early, perianth goblet, coloration mostly red and yellow, sometimes red with a yellow edge. Varieties: "Apeldoorn" - orange-scarlet with a black base, along the edge of which there is a pronounced yellow border;"London" is wide-headed, brightly blood-red in color;"Oxford" - red, bright red at the edges, bright yellow base;and other varieties.

    Group III.Late of the night tulips. Flowering dates: May( second half).

    Class 5. Non-late late - Darwin, Briderovy and multiflorous tulips. It combines late-barking varieties with large flowers. Darwin's tulips include a variety with goblet-shaped flowers with a square base;Breederovy - oval-ovoid form and color with a metallic tint;the last subclass( multiflorous) includes varieties with several flowers on one peduncle.

    a) Varieties of Darwin: "Bargiton" - the flower is bright crimson-red;"Princess Elizabeth" is a brilliant white and pink, the base is white, the rim is blue;"Zwanenburg" is a white flower;etc.

    b) Varieties of Breeder's: "Bakhus" - a flower of dark purple-blue;"Dillenburg" - iridescent from the orange-terracotta to the crimson shade;"President Hoover" - brilliant, orange-red;"Cherbourg" - the colors of old gold( light purple-brown), etc.

    c) Varieties of many-flowered: "Georgette" - dark red;"Orange Bouquet" - orange-red, etc.

    Class 6. Lily-colored tulips. The flowers are graceful, elongated with perianth leaves bent outward. Varieties: "Aladdin" - bright red-orange with a narrow yellow bottom;"Kepetain Freyette" - with very sharp petals, dark ruby ​​red with a violet-blue base;"Mariette" - gently-raspberry-pink;and others

    Class 7. Fimbriated tulips. Combines varieties, perianth leaflets have fringe. Varieties: "Aleppo" - bluish-gray on the outside, yellow inside;"Belflauer" - outside is bright pink, inside is cherry red, base is bluish-white;"Hellas" - outside is saturated dark red, inside is red, the base is bronze-green;and others

    Class 8. Green-flowered tulips. The color of the perianth is partially greenish. Varieties: "Artist" - outside in the center green, purple edges, inside green with salmon-pink edges, filaments of green filaments, anthers greenish-violet;"Champagne" - outside with a green tushevka on the central vein with a flaming red background, inside the green is combined with jasper-red;and others.

    Class 9. Tulips Rembrandt. Includes all variegated varieties, the shape is often goblet. Varieties: "Kor-del Hull" - white background, blood-red stripes;"Montgomery" - a white background with thick pink-red strokes, the base is blue-violet;"Pieretta" - white with dark red-purple stripes;and others.

    Class 10. Parrot tulips."Black Pirrot" - the flower is almost black, on the outside with a bluish bloom, blossoms in early June;"Discovery" - lilac-pink, the edges are silvery-white;Texas Gold is yellow;

    Class 11. Terry late tulips. Includes varieties with gustomakhrovymi flowers pion shaped. Grades: "Gold medal" - thick golden yellow;"Coke" - carmine red;"Symphony" - bright crimson-red with a dark blue base;

    Group IV.Other tulip species, their varieties and hybrids.

    Class 12. Kaufman tulips( hybrids).Squat plants;leaves are bluish-green, often mottled, star-shaped flowers, early-budding( March-April).Varieties: "Ancilla" - siren-pink on the outside, pale cream inside, with red strokes at the top;"Goudstuk" - dark carmine outside, yellow at the edge;"Caesar" - outside red or carmine with dark yellow;and others.

    Class 13. Foster's hooters( hybrids).Plants of different heights, the stems are pubescent, in the upper part usually dark;leaves broad, buds elongated, perianth campanulate, blooms in late April - mid-May. Varieties: "Cantata" - brilliant, bright red;"Juan" - bright orange with a red coating on the outside, the bottom is yellow;and others.

    Class 14. Tulips Greig. They differ in the mottling of the leaves and in large flowers with a wide base, a slight bend in the middle and curved flower tips. Varieties: "Paidur" - two-color carmine-red and light yellow;"Tango" - orange-scarlet with a black base with yellow spots, etc.

    Class 15. Tulips with biological features of wild species( initial forms).

    Tulip Alberta is a short-haired( up to 20 cm tall), the stem is pubescent, the leaves are curly, the flowers are single, orange-red with a black Don.

    Tulip Greiga - see a brief class description, curly leaves, flowers of different colors.

    Tulip Kaufman - see class characteristics. On the inside, tepals are white or yellow with a yellow base, separated by a red border.

    Tulip excellent - up to 30 cm tall, the stem is strongly pubescent;leaves are pubescent, flowers up to 5 pieces( usually 1 - 3) of uniform color( from orange to dark crimson).

    Tulip F & stera - up to 50 cm tall, stalk powerful, pubescent, usually dark at the top, leaves broad, flaming red with a black-purple or yellow bottom.

    Tulip Eichler - stem up to 20 cm high, pubescent;leaves narrow, bent, lower along wavy edge with red border;flowers single, campanulate, with a wide base and shallow interception in the middle, the bottom is dark, the yellow border on top. Blossom in April-May.

    Moisture requirements: hygrophilous, but eaeto-scientists do not tolerate.

    Requirements for heat and light: frost-resistant, photophilous plant, but late-barking varieties tolerate slight shading.

    Requirements for soil: prefers loosely loamy or sandy loam soils with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction( no acidic soils are tolerated), sandy and clay soils must be appropriately acculturated. Manure and many other organic fertilizers, except humus, can be introduced into the soil of the site only a couple of years before the cultivation of tulips on it;humic and mineral fertilizers are introduced before planting.

    Reproduction: bulbs and baby;seed method - for breeding. Before planting, the bulbs are etched;plant them in September-October, at the same time, when they sow and baby, and then mulch for the winter torero-crumb or compost.

    Features: The site must be well protected from wind. In one place, in order to avoid the accumulation of pathogenic fungi and microbes, it is better not to grow tulips more than five years in a row.

    Use: flower beds, for cutting and forcing.