  • Campanula

    Family bell-bellied.

    Grassy perennials, some grown as biennials;flowers are campanulate;the fruit is a drooping box, the seeds are small.

    Bell Altai * Perennial, the stems are collected in a compact shrub up to 70 cm high;leaves narrow,

    linear, finely toothed;flowers are single, white or blue. Bells pinnacle-lenticle * Perennial;height of the plant about 15 cm, stems creeping, filiform;inflorescence paniculate, flowers up to 1 cm in diameter, drooping, white, blue or lilac, there are varieties with double flowers;blooms in June-July. Bellflower jellyflower * Stalk erect, branched, up to 150 cm tall;inflorescences large, racemose, flowers up to 4 cm in diameter of the same colors as in the preceding species;blooms in June-July. Bells red-headed ♦ Stalk erect to 120 cm high;inflorescence - loose brush, flowers broadly-columned, blue or white;blooms in June-July. The bell is bored * The stem is pubescent, up to 60 cm high;inflorescence capitate, axillary, flowers up to 2 cm in diameter, from white to dark purple;blossoms in June-July. Handbell Medium ♦ Stalk stiff-haired, up to 1 m high;flowers up to 7 cm long, there are half-and-double and double forms, blossoms in June - July. Bellflower broadleaf * Stalk simple, up to 130 cm tall;leaves large, ovate, pubescent;inflorescence - spicate brush, flowers up to 5.5 cm in length, blue or violet, rarely white;flowers, in June. Humidity requirements: moderate. Requirements for heat and light: almost everyone prefers diffuse lighting, the Altai bell can grow in open sunny places.

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    Requirements for soil: unpretentious, but on the fertile it grows better.

    Reproduction: biennials - seeds( a sign of ripeness - the ripening of the capsule), perennials as seeds, and cuttings and fission of bushes( late autumn).Features: the optimal distance between plants is 30 cm. When planting, the root collar is left at the soil level.

    Usage: flowerbeds, broaches, mixborders;for cutting and forcing.