  • Pests and diseases of roses

    Rosan driller - in the spring he lays eggs at the ends of young shoots. The larvae bite into the sprout and, feeding on, make turns to it. The tops of the shoots wither.

    Control measures - cutting and destroying the fading tops of shoots.

    Larvae of the sawfly-witweed - feed on the flesh of the leaves and buds, pupate in the leaves folded with a tube.

    Control measures - spraying with intestinal poisons, as well as collecting and crushing caterpillars.

    Roasted aphid - damages young shoots and leaves in open ground and greenhouses. Very, quickly multiplies, forming whole colonies, greatly weakening the plant. It hibernates in the form of oviposition on the bushes.

    Control measures - spraying with contact poisons, guarding ladybirds, devouring a large number of aphids.

    False mildew - appears in the second half of summer in the form of a whitish mealy coating on leaves and shoots. Affected leaves die, bushes strongly weakened.

    Control measures - spraying with 1% Bordeaux liquid, lime-brown broth, dusting with sulfur.

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    Rust of roses - in summer, on shoots and leaves, spores of the fungus appear in the form of yellow dots, which grows into brownish spots of wintering spores by autumn. Particularly severe damage to bushes is observed in the droughty period of summer.

    Control measures - cutting and burning of diseased leaves and shoots, sprinkling before blossoming with 5-10% iron vitriol, in summer - with Bordeaux fluid every two weeks.

    Black leaf spot( marzonia) - appears on the leaves in the form of black and brown large spots. The leaves turn yellow and crumble. Stronger spreads in damp weather.

    Control measures - incineration of affected leaves, spraying with a Bordeaux liquid or a copper-soap solution.

    Infectious burn of roses - in the spring, after removing the winter shelter, brown spots appear on the shoots, bordered by a red-brown stripe. Growing up, burns ring the shoots, which causes their dying. More often this is observed when roses are long in the spring under cover.

    Control measures - "dry" shelter, ventilation during thaws and timely opening of bushes, sprinkling before shelter and early spring with iron vitriol or 3-4% Bordeaux liquid.