  • Begonia, evergreen

    ( begonia semperflorens)

    Begonia, evergreen, along with pelargonium zonal, is increasingly used in floral design. It is short, relatively unpretentious, has a variety of colors of leaves and flowers, which makes it possible to create beautiful drawings. It propagates well with seeds and cuttings. Blooms continuously and abundantly until frost.

    More often begonia is propagated by seeds, sowing them and in January-February in a greenhouse. The seeds of begonia are extremely small( 1 gram to 100,000 pieces), so they are carefully planted, in boxes on a small layer of snow, topped for easy planting. Immediately pour a pink solution of potassium permanganate and cover with glass. Boxes put in a warm and bright place.

    Shoots appear on the fifth-seventh day. With the appearance of the first real leaf, the seedlings are dived into boxes filled with sheet earth, previously disinfected with a solution of formalin or manganese. As a rule, they dive twice, at first by 1-1.5 centimeters between plants, then on.3-4 centimeters.

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    The temperature is constantly maintained at about 20 °, and with insufficient light, additional illumination is given for four to five hours. Spray out of the spray.

    In the first half of May boxes with seedlings are carried out and greenhouses, in early June, plants are planted in the ground. Pinching bushes pinch. The distance at landing - no more than 10 centimeters. The thickened planting makes it possible to better preserve the subsoil climate and maintain an elevated soil moisture, to which begonia is quite demanding.

    Reproduction by cuttings begins in April with queen cells wintering in the greenhouse. In June, the seedlings are planted in the soil.

    Begonia semperflorens finds the most diverse application: on flowerbeds, brochures, partners, mikobordera, forming a smooth colorful carpet or a beautiful curb.

    Carnation of turkey from biennials of summer flowering is most popular. Flowers of red, pink, white color are collected in inflorescences - scutes. Blooms in early summer.

    Propagates by seeds, which are sown in May preceding the flowering year. Seedlings dive, they get seedlings by fall, which is planted on a permanent place in early autumn or spring at a distance of 25 centimeters plant from the plant.

    The following are the most suitable as annuals for the conditions of the Central Black Earth zone.