  • Lilac

    In the Central Black Earth zone, the common lilac is common, the so-called "simple lilac".This is one of the most popular ornamental shrubs. Lilac bushes are very tall, drought-resistant, absolutely winter-hardy in our zone, dusty and gas-resistant, which increases their value for gardening. Currently, more than 1000 varieties of lilac are known. The most common among us are the following:

    Buffon - a bush strong, spreading, blooms early. Inflorescences broad-conical, flowers lilac-lilac, single-row, fragrant. In the cut are stable.

    Vestalka - a shrub is too tall. Flowers are pure white, non-marble, long-tube, which gives tenderness, openwork to large brushes. This is a beautiful variety of simple white lilacs. Blooming early, abundant, lasts 14-23 days.

    Belle de Nancy is a bush of medium height, leaves are dark green. Inflorescences are wide-conical, loose. Flowers are terry, large, elegant, soft pink with a silvery tinge. The best of foreign pink terry lilacs.

    Hyacinth - a shrub vigorous, erect, inflorescences non-primary, high, graceful, lilac-blue. .

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    Hydrangea - strong shrub, stems strong, inflorescences large. Flowers simple, lilac-violet, the aroma is strong, the bloom is very plentiful and early. Suitable for decoration and forcing.

    Joan of Arc - medium bush, blooming abundantly. Inflorescences dense, narrow-pyramidal. Flowers are pure white, terry. Blossoms 12-30 days.

    Katerina Havemeyer - the bush is very strong, the peduncles strong, the inflorescences large. Blooms abundantly, in average terms. Flowers are terry, large, lilac-pink. The variety is beautiful both in bush and in the form of a stem. Resistant in cutting.

    Beauty of Moscow - a variety obtained from the crossing of varieties Belle de Nancy and IV Michurin. The bush is strong, spreading. Inflorescences large, peduncles strong. Flowers pink-pearly, resistant, weakly dehydrated( selection Kolesnikova LA).

    Condorcet - a bush strong, spherical, blooms moderately. Inflorescences are large, flowers are terry, bluish, fragrant. Blossoms late.

    Captain Balte - a bush strong, blooms very abundantly. Inflorescences large. Flowers are lilac-pink, not large, large. This variety is very resistant to cutting.

    Marshal Lani - the bush is very tall, blooms abundantly, flowering later. The inflorescence is medium, the flowers are very large, semi-double, lilac-lilac. Very good for landscaping and cutting.

    Madame Casimir Perrier - the bush is round-pyramidal, compact, blooming abundantly. Inflorescences large, dense, flowers densely-terry, white, fragrant. Blooms early and blooms long. Goes for gardening and is very valuable for early forcing.

    The sky of Moscow is a bush of medium height, spreading, blooming abundantly. Flowering period average. Inflorescences large, flowers terry, bluish, very fragrant( selection Kolesnikova LA).

    Twilight is a bush sprawling, of medium height. Inflorescences of medium size, flowers simple, violet-blue, fragrant. The flowering period is late.

    Morning in Moscow - a bush strong, erect, blooming abundantly, in average terms. Sotskia large, dense, flowers are terry, tender-lilac-pink, non-burning, fragrant( selection Kolesnikova LA).