  • Selection of roses

    is engaged in selection of roses on a large scale by research institutions, but amateur floriculturists can also carry out a small and very interesting work on breeding new varieties.

    Most varieties of roses are obtained as a result of multiple intersortal and interspecific crossings. Therefore, in order to properly solve any selection problem, careful selection of the initial varieties is required, of which not all are equally good at conveying their properties to hybrid seedlings. The work of our and foreign breeders showed that the best results were obtained when Frau Karl Druski, Gloria Dei, Sondermeldung, Mirandi, Crimson Glory, Queen Elizabeth, Spartan, Tsirkus, Friulingsgold were used for hybridization.

    In the literature there are indications that in roses the coloration of flowers is often inherited by hybrids from father's forms, and such properties as bushy strength, length of peduncle, resistance to diseases are best transmitted by maternal varieties. It is very effective to use in breeding the best new and new varieties of roses, with an even more enriched heredity.

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    Selection tasks for roses can be different. So, for the more northern regions, winter hardiness comes first, for the southern - drought resistance, heat resistance. Sliced ​​varieties should have a beautiful, long bud, a pleasant aroma, strong peduncles, be resistant in cutting. For varieties used in gardening, strong bushes, beautiful leaves, abundant flowering are needed. Maximum resistance to pests and diseases is desirable for all zones and varieties. Among the woven varieties, there are almost always flowering, among the tea-hybrid - there are no perfect yellow, little white, it's interesting to get varieties with blue flowers. Floribunda varieties have a very rare yellow color.

    Depending on the task in hand, maternal and paternal varieties are selected that combine the maximum of necessary characteristics. Plants, especially maternal ones, should be chosen strong and healthy.

    French breeders use for the hybridization of rose roses, they are better tied and ripen seeds earlier.

    Before blossoming, the flowers are castrated, removing all the anthers. Prepared flowers are worn with parchment insulators. From pollinator varieties, anthers are collected shortly before blossoming, they are dried in a warm, dry place, but not in the sun. Pollination of the flowers is carried out the next day, stigmas of pistils and collected pollen will be completely ready. In a day pollination is better to repeat. Pollen is applied to the stigma with a soft brush, the insulators are put on again and they do not remove them until the fruit ripens. Each labeled flower is labeled with the mother and father's grade.

    Pollen can be stored for several days in the refrigerator, in the dark. If the breeder does not have the required varieties, the pollen can be discharged. Dry pollen in a parchment bag when mailed by mail does not lose the ability to germinate.

    Pollination is best done in the morning, when it's not so hot. Finish the hybridization not later than the beginning of July, otherwise the seeds may not mature.

    Fruits that are fastened on the uterine plant are collected at the beginning of the Staining, seeds are extracted from them, immediately stratified or sown. Sowing is better in a bowl or box, since the shoots of roses appear unfriendly, sometimes only the next year. Seedlings need careful care - timely watering, spraying from diseases and pests. For the summer, it is better to carry out the pots or boxes and dig in the garden. Flowering seedlings early, for the first or second year of life. On the first bloom, seedlings can be discarded with uninteresting coloring of flowers. To reject, however, for weak terryness at this time does not yet follow, since subsequently it usually intensifies.

    In the future, when the seedlings are strong and blossom again, again select the best forms, multiply them and plant them in the soil. The final, evaluation and selection of seedlings is carried out on uterine and grafted plants in the open field, comparing them with old control varieties.

    Roses often show budding variations( mutations or sports).From the kidney, in which there have been positive interesting changes under the influence of some external conditions, escapes, and from it can be obtained a vaccine plant, which has new properties. More often it happens a change in the color of the flower or the shape of the bush. Known a number of varieties that gave sports with a different coloring of flowers. The variety of Ophelia with pale-apricot-pink flowers gave a whole generation of sports. The first one is Madame Butterfly with apricot-pink flowers. From the type of Madame Butterfly, a sports rapper with apricot-orange flowers was received. Rapper gave the sport a rapper-vischev-red. From Rote Rapcher pay sports Gretel Greul - dark pink. Variety Joseph Gee red and yellow gave sports Dagmar Shpet with white flowers and Frau Astrid Shpet - with pink. From white sport, White Dorothy Perkins received a sport of pink Dorothy Perkins. Derived in Germany, Hornet has already given a whole range of sports - Pink Gore-no, Golden Hornet.

    In the tea-hybrid varieties, hybrid-polyanthic sometimes there appear laminated forms - "kleymbingi".Such forms are known in the varieties Alain, Tsirkus, Krim-sport Hornet has already given a whole series of sports - Pink Gor Elizabeth.

    Another way to obtain improved plants is polyploidy - a change in the hereditary basis of organisms, associated with an increase in the number of chromosomes. This phenomenon is observed under natural conditions, and methods for the artificial production of polyploids are also found. Polyploidy externally manifests itself in increasing the size of the whole plant of leaves, flowers. Forms with later flowering periods and others may appear.

    Among the varieties of roses are tetraploids, that is, forms with a quarter set of chromosomes, with very large flowers. This is Frau Karl Druski and Gloria Dei.

    The best results in flower plants were obtained when processing seeds, young shoots and growth points of adult plants with an aqueous solution of colchicine plant poison in a concentration of 0.1-0.25 percent with exposure from several hours to several days. For roses, as for other vegetatively propagated plants, the best method will be to influence the growth points.