  • Daphne

    Dafna blooms, it occurs in April, when in the shady places near the houses and other structures on the site there is still snow. In general, it is called Daphne vulgaris, but it has a common name - "wolf-lily" "wolf lyke".The name "wolf-sheep" daphno received for its poisonous berries. The name "wolf licking" was given to her because it easily removes the bark, but on the break this bark is very, very strong. If you want to break off a part of the stem from the daphnya, then you can not do this, you'll have to take a pruner.

    Daphne is a low shrub, no higher than 1 m high, which blossoms even before leaves form. A very strong flower spike is thrown out, which is strewn with bunches of flowers in two or three pieces. Flowers are small, lilac-pink, very similar to the flowers of lilac, completely covering last year's shoots, so it is not recommended to cut daphnia. The unique charm of these flowers is that they are the very first and the earliest, while they are exceptionally beautiful, and, most importantly, have a marvelous aroma. Then, after flowering, beautiful light green leaves appear, which are collected in the rosette, at the ends of the shoot, 7-8 cm long. In July-August oval coral-red berries ripen in place of the former flowers. They taste absolutely nasty, they cause burning on the lips and tongue. Their poison is similar to the poison of a snake, that is, causes paralysis of the nervous system. Of one berry, of course, nothing will happen, and if someone just tried the berry, but immediately spat out, nothing terrible will happen. But if someone eats a handful of these berries, then you have to take emergency rescue measures. Therefore, it is usually not recommended to have a daphnu on the plot to those people who have children. Or, at least, be cautious and when the flower sprouts, take the pruner and cut off the whole faded part so that berries do not form, and the children, after seeing these very beautiful berries, did not want to try them. Daphne berries sit tightly on the ends of branches, do not crumble, they are very beautiful, and in autumn the plant looks exceptionally effective, the whole September anyway.

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    Daphne is found in the forest, so you can dig it there and plant it in your garden. Even if you bring a seedy plant from the forest and plant it on a good, organic soil, it will turn into a beauty in two or three years. And the bush itself is formed, it acquires a spherical shape, and the color of the leaves becomes very intense.

    In addition, it is perfectly distributed and self-sowing, and sowing seeds, the maturation of which occurs immediately after flowering. That is, at the end of September you will remove these berries, and immediately sow, shallow, somewhere about 3 centimeters into the soil and sowing them less often. Plants usually come up next year. It happens, of course, that plants are delayed with germination, but most often they spring in the spring. At the end of the summer, you transplant sprouts, wherever you want, but not on a sunny site, because daphne is completely shade-tolerant. And remember: Daphne, planted with seeds, will grow slowly.

    Daphne is very beautiful in solitary plantings, but she is also beautiful in the group. It is hygrophilous. In the hot, dry summer, which is very rare in the North-West region, it will have to be watered. The time of flowering of daphni coincides with the time of flowering of the blue liverwort, or hepatitis. This is also a forest savage. It grows in the forest and in the shade. And if you are planting daphni planting hepatitis, then in the spring against a background of purple leaves of hepatitis, its blue flowers standing vertically on short pedicels, get a very beautiful composition.