  • Reproduction of roses

    Roses are propagated in seed and vegetative ways. Seed sowing is used for breeding purposes when breeding new varieties and for obtaining rootstocks in nurseries. Vegetative propagation is used in cases where it is required to preserve varietal characteristics, that is, when growing planting material.

    Depending on the variety, local conditions and objectives, various methods of vegetative propagation are used.

    Division of bushes, reproduction by offsprings are most often used for reproduction of park roses. Division of whole bushes and separation of their offspring can be carried out in the autumn, not later than October, so that newly planted plants become rooted to frost, or early in the spring - before bud blossoming.

    Reproduction by layers is typical for polyanthus and climbing roses. Vertical layers can easily be obtained by hilling the base of the bushes with loose, nutritious, moist soil. Horizontal - the layout of annual shoots around the bush and also hilling as the buds awaken and the young vertical shoots grow. This work is carried out early in the spring. By the autumn, roots form on the tips of the shoots.

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    Green cuttings are widely used now under glass or under a film. Especially good results are obtained with the use of artificial fog. In this way cuttings of almost all groups of roses easily take root. Cuttings are harvested in the green bud stage with less developed lateral shoots. The segments with three eyes are planted, deepening by 0.5 centimeters at a distance of 3-5 centimeters from each other, into the greenhouse soil, the Greenhouse or the lorry box. Pour 1,5-2 centimeters of washed coarse-grained sand onto the nutrient soil layer to avoid rotting the cuttings. At a temperature of 20-25 ° for a month the cuttings take root and then begin to grow. Rooted cuttings are grown on the spot or planted in pots, and then in the spring of next year they transfer to a permanent place.

    Rooting cuttings of roses can also be done in the room - in a box or a bowl under a glass or film shelter. Cuttings must be sprinkled several times a day, especially on hot days, and pritenyayut of direct sunlight.

    Root plants are good for indoor and greenhouse crops, as well as for growing outdoors, but only in areas with mild climate and warm winters.

    Vaccination is the main way of mass reproduction of roses. The strong and stable root system of the stock provides the creation of a well-developed planting material for a season.

    For the areas of the Central Black Soil strip, the best rootstock of the Yuanin is a widely spread hawthorn rose. In the nurseries for the cultivation of roses, a special six-crop rotational crop rotation is organized, including a sowing department, two fields for growing roses and three or four fields for row crops and grasses. In addition, the farm should have a stockyard of rootstocks for harvesting seeds and a rose moth for harvesting cuttings. Cultivation of rootstocks is carried out in the sowing department.

    Rose hips are harvested at the stage of their coloration and crushed with various crushers. Seeds are cut from the pulp through a crash and stratify in basements or pits for two months for autumn sowing or 7-8 months for spring. Sometimes the seeds are sown only in the autumn of the next year after a long stratification. Sowing is done manually in sliced ​​furrows or with the help of seeders. The depth of seeding on heavy soils is 1-2, on the lungs - 2-3 centimeters.100 kilograms of fruits give 15-20 kilograms of seeds, from which you can get 150-200 thousand stocks.

    Seedlings that are suitable for budding grow in our zone in one year, which can be partially grounded on site. The rootstocks excavated and sorted according to the thickness of the root neck( the first category is 5-7 mm, the second 3-5 mm) is planted in the first field of the nursery in the autumn, not later than October, or as early as possible in the spring. Dog rose early in growth, so for a good survival requires a very early planting. On one hectare with inter-row spacing 80 and a distance of about 20 centimeters is located 60 thousand seedlings. Disembarkation is carried out on the cord or in the traces of the marker under the shovel or stake. In large nurseries use a forest plant.

    Wild birds are planted so that the root neck remains above the surface of the soil. After planting they hilled and watered. It is also desirable to water before the oculization, which is usually carried out in August and the first half of September, when the bark of the wild animals falls well behind. Cuttings are harvested from the matured budding shoots, labeled with the name of the variety and stored in wet moss or sawdust in a cool room. The most valuable eyes, well established and subsequently giving the best plants, are located in the middle part of the cuttings.

    Cut eyes with a shield 2-2.5 centimeters long with a minimum amount of wood or better without it and insert into the T-cut on the root of the neck of the uncooked and wiped wild. Immediately after oculization tightly bound. When tying the film, hilling is not necessary, when using the broom, the hawks again hills, in order to avoid drying out the eyes. Two weeks later check the survival rate of the eyes, cutting the strapping material. Plants with uninhabited eyes again vocalize. With the onset of regular frosts, the oculants - for the winter, they are bogged down with earth or better with sawdust.

    Early in the spring, the wild shoots are opened and cut "by eye", leaving 0.5-1 centimeter above the grafted kidneys( sometimes good results are obtained by cutting wildflowers in autumn, just before hiding for the winter).Eyes quickly move into growth. During the summer, the wild shoots appearing below the pressed eye are systematically removed. A young shoot of a cultivated rose to form a bush pinch over the second-third sheet. Tea-hybrid roses, varieties of groups of floribunda, polyanthus quickly blossom in the nursery and then bloom. All summer. By the autumn strong bushes are formed, ready for landing on a permanent place.

    .For the production of stamping or semi-stems, roses are used to grow vigorous dogrose. Dychki grow two or three years, driving out-strong shoots. Oculization is carried out by several eyes, for boles at an altitude of 1-1.5, for half-stems - 0.5-0.75 meters. Good results are obtained by spring budding in the root collar and on the stumps of well-established wild shoots from winter cuttings. Cut "by eye" is carried out after three weeks, grafted plants develop rapidly and this summer bloom.