  • Streptoderma: symptoms in children, photos, treatment

    Streptodermia is an inflammatory disease of the skin of an infectious-allergic nature.

    The disease develops due to the pathological effect of streptococci on skin tissue.

    Most often, this disease is diagnosed in children. This is because the skin of the latter is more tender and receptive to various pathogens.

    In addition, the body's defenses in children are usually weakened and this contributes to the progression of inflammation.

    In the vast majority of cases, streptoderma is acute. In addition to skin lesions, the general condition of the body worsens, so the illness requires consultation with the doctor and the use of adequate treatment. Especially when it comes to sick children.

    Causes of streptodermia

    In children and adults, streptoderma is caused by microorganisms that combine under the common name of "streptococci."In acceptable quantities, some species of these organisms are almost constantly present in different systems of the human body, including the skin.
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    However, in any adverse circumstances, the number of streptococci rapidly increases and causes an inflammatory process. A person whose pathology has already developed becomes dangerous to others, as the infection is easily transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one.

    That's why streptoderma is so common in children's groups: schools, kindergartens, families with a large number of children. Children become infected with streptodermia through toys, objects of common use. Also, the pathogen can be transferred with dust, which is why it is important to conduct regular wet cleaning for disease prevention.

    Streptococcus infection often occurs if the pathogen gets on the damaged skin. Thus, the cause of the disease can be any skin trauma, even small microcracks, as well as non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. In addition, the factor contributing to infection is stress, reduced immunity, malnutrition.

    In addition to primary streptoderma, there is also its secondary form. The causes of the latter lie in the diseases that lead to a similar state. Most often, secondary streptoderma develops after the child has recovered from a liver, eczema or scabies.

    Symptoms of streptodermia in children

    In children, symptoms develop after the expiration of the incubation period, which in this case lasts about 7 days.

    The first sign of streptoderma is skin rashes that affect mainly the face, but can also appear anywhere in the body.

    They begin gradually. At first, pink spots of small size are formed on the skin. Over time, in place of such specks appear bubbles of a flat shape, filled with a clear liquid, which quickly becomes turbid.

    Near the pustules, the skin becomes inflamed and excessively dry. In children, rashes are often quite extensive, as the blisters and spots have the property of merging. After the bubbles disappear, stagnant stains appear in their place. Rashes cause severe burning and itching.

    It should be noted that eruptions with streptoderma can exist in two varieties, such as bullous and non-bullet impetigo. With the bullous form, the bubbles filled with fluid are fairly large and painless. The non-bullet form is characterized by the presence of pustules on the skin, after rupture of which a brownish-yellow crust appears on the skin. Most often there is a non-bullet-shaped form, while it is more infectious.

    In addition to skin manifestations, streptodermia also provokes general weakness, an increase in body temperature. Many children have lymph nodes.

    Symptoms of streptodermia in adults

    Despite the fact that streptodermia is called a childhood disease, it is not so rarely diagnosed in adults. Most often it is observed in people living in poor conditions, or in persons with greatly reduced immunity.

    In both cases, the appearance of the disease provokes streptococci. In the adult part of the population, as in children, nebulous form of streptoderma is more common. It is distinguished by a lighter current. With this form on the skin of the body or face there are small bubbles or sores filled with a small amount of liquid.

    The greatest danger is streptococcal infection for women during pregnancy. In the presence of such pathology, treatment with special medications that are allowed for use during pregnancy is necessary. Otherwise, intrauterine infection of the fetus is possible, which is fraught with the presence of postpartum infection, a premature outflow of water.

    Streptodermia: photos from children

    To understand how streptodermia begins and looks in children, see photos.


    Diagnosis of a sick child or adult is carried out, first of all, on the basis of medical examination. The doctor notes the presence of ulcers, wounds or cracks, characteristic of streptoderma.

    It is important to conduct differential diagnosis with such diseases as herpes, hives, pityriasis, eczema. In the presence of typical lesions of the skin, it is also necessary to carry out a laboratory analysis confirming the presence of streptococcus. To conduct such an analysis, scraping from a bladder or pustule is taken.

    The scraping is then subjected to microscopic examination and bacteriological sowing is performed, which indicates the presence of the causative agent of the disease. It is very important that the scraping be done before the beginning of therapy, since preparations of local and general action significantly influence the results of the analysis, which may not show the presence of streptococcus.

    Treatment of streptodermia

    Treatment of streptodermia in a child should be carried out under the compulsory supervision of a doctor, while the baby will have to be isolated from other people. Given the young age of patients, in uncomplicated cases, gentle therapy is prescribed without the use of aggressive drugs. In some cases, if the disease is characterized by the presence of only skin lesions, therapy is assigned exclusively to the local.

    Than to treat? First of all, antibacterial washes and dressings are used. Before this, the doctor performs an opening of the vials with an injection needle. Then the affected surface of the skin is treated with chlorhexidine, zelenka, or medical blue. After such procedures, disinfectants are applied and an antiseptic bandage on top.

    When the blisters have already been opened and the foci are healing with the formation of a dry film on them, then during this period the skin can be lubricated with salicylic vaseline. This facilitates easy and painless removal of the upper layer of the skin. For the duration of treatment, it is forbidden to bathe the baby, or allow any contact with water from damaged skin surfaces. In order to slightly reduce the itching, children are prescribed antihistamines as well.

    In the event that the disease has a strong systemic effect on the body, antibiotics may be prescribed. Most often, cephalosporins and penicillins are used for this purpose. Preliminary should be an antibioticogram, which will show the sensitivity of a particular type of streptococcus to a single group of antibiotics. Given the negative effect of such drugs on the intestinal microflora, children are also prescribed simultaneous reception of lacto- and bifidobacteria.

    If a patient has a severe rash that affects the deep layers of the skin, hormone therapy may also be prescribed. Usually it is a question of such ointments as prednisolone or hydrocortisone.

    Malysheva tells how to treat streptodermia:

    Possible complications of the disease

    In children, streptodermia often gives complications. The skin most often suffers, as at a lesion of deep layers of integuments, after a disease all sorts of scars can form. Also streptodermia can develop into such serious diseases as scarlet fever, teardrop psoriasis, septicemia.

    One of the most dangerous complications is septicemia, which is a bacterial infection of the blood. With this disease, there is a strong decrease in blood pressure, nausea, breathing, increased body temperature. Such a condition is dangerous for the child's life, so he needs to provide immediate medical care.

    A severe complication of streptoderma is post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis. This condition leads to edema of the trunk, feet, face, an impurity of blood appears in the urine. Arterial blood pressure is greatly increased. Fortunately, such a complication is rare.

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