
How to treat hemorrhoids after delivery: ointments, suppositories, folk remedies

  • How to treat hemorrhoids after delivery: ointments, suppositories, folk remedies

    The postpartum period is always a difficult time for a woman.

    Despite the fact that labor is a completely natural process, they are also the strongest stress for the body, as, indeed, the pregnancy itself.

    Hemorrhoids are one of the most unpleasant side effects of pregnancy. It develops due to a combination of physiological causes and the wrong way of life of a pregnant woman.

    Given the prevalence of this problem, it needs timely diagnosis and treatment, which will help to avoid many complications.

    Causes of hemorrhoids after delivery

    Despite the very sound of the term "postpartum haemorrhoids", in most women it appears even during pregnancy. Usually this happens in later terms - in the second and third trimester.

    The main cause of hemorrhoids in women during pregnancy is the pressure of the enlarged uterus and fetus on the rectum. With the increase in the period, this pressure only increases, and the flow of blood to these places is difficult.

    Often the pregnant woman may have only minor symptoms, but at birth, when intra-abdominal pressure increases many times, knots and cracks can form. The severity of lesions in this case depends on the individual characteristics of the mother, the weight of the child, the course of labor.
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    Another common cause of hemorrhoids after childbirth is constipation. A similar problem is present in a large number of pregnant women. The appearance of constipation is associated, first of all, with an excess of progesterone - the so-called pregnancy hormone. An increase in the level of this hormone in the blood leads to a decrease in muscle tone and mild atony of the intestine.

    Due to such changes, the digestion process becomes more slow, thereby provoking the appearance of constipation. Constipation, in turn, increases pressure on the rectum, contributing to stagnation of blood. This as a result leads to the appearance of hemorrhoids.

    Promotes this phenomenon of physical inactivity, as well as excess weight, which is very often affected by pregnant women. Also hemorrhoids after childbirth can provoke some hormonal drugs, which are often prescribed by doctors in a complicated pregnancy.

    See also, internal hemorrhoids, as well as external hemorrhoids.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Hemorrhoids that appear after childbirth or during pregnancy are characterized by a typical clinical picture. The presence of certain symptoms depends on the stage at which the disease is located.

    At the very beginning of hemorrhoids development, at its first stage, a woman begins to feel discomfort in the anus. She is worried about the feeling of heaviness, itching and burning, which are worse after defecation. Sometimes during a visit to the toilet can see the presence of blood in the stool. At first, the symptoms of hemorrhoids are irregular, they may disappear for a while, and then again make themselves felt.

    At the second stage, nodes begin to form. Often they cause painful sensations and give the woman a strong discomfort. And if during the pregnancy the second stage can be maintained for a rather long period of time, during the delivery, the third stage is often formed.

    It is characterized by the dropping of nodes from the anus. If they do not take appropriate measures at the time, the disease will pass to the next stage, when hemorrhoids can not be manually inserted manually by hand, they increase considerably in size, constantly bleed and become inflamed.

    Treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth

    Treatment of postpartum hemorrhoids becomes more complicated when the mother feeds the baby with breast milk. Considering that many medications, both internal and external, get into milk, it is extremely undesirable to use them. In this case, we have to look for alternative solutions.

    When hemorrhoids after childbirth, most often use external means - ointments, suppositories, cream. As a rule, they have a strong complex action - relieve pain and irritation, promote the healing of cracks, improve blood microcirculation.

    Among the main medicines( candles) that are approved for use are:

    • Sea-buckthorn candles;
    • Relief;
    • Hepatrombin G;
    • Procto-gliwenol;
    • Posterizan.
    With breastfeeding, only an experienced doctor can choose such a remedy, in no case should you buy the first best medicine, since it can damage the baby.

    With caution should be approached and to laxatives, which are often recommended for hemorrhoids. For pregnant and lactating women, such drugs are strictly contraindicated.

    In case the postpartum hemorrhoids are at the last stage and do not respond to traditional methods of treatment, they resort to surgery. Operative intervention in this case consists in removal of hemorrhoids. As the statistical data show, the severe forms of the disease after the birth are diagnosed extremely rarely. As a rule, in such cases it is in acute form, but it reacts well to medical measures.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    Given that many drugs of traditional medicine are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, the fairer sex has to resort to folk medicine. In particular, popular recipes for outdoor use: baths, ointments, lotions, enemas.

    How to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth: at home, you can use the following components:

    1. 1) Very good folk remedy for hemorrhoids after delivery is sea buckthorn oil, it is used both for cracks and for nodes. In the pharmacy you can buy ready-made sea buckthorn candles, they are not contraindicated during lactation.
    2. 2) You can also use tampons soaked in oil. Sitting baths give a good result. For their preparation use a decoction of bulbous husks or medicinal herbs: chamomile, oak bark, linden, calendula. To relieve pain and other symptoms, you can use lotions. In particular, the decoction of the horsetail of the field and the leaves of the thorn have a very good effect.
    3. 3) With postnatal hemorrhoids, it is also recommended to use enemas that not only help get rid of the symptoms of the disease, but also alleviate the situation with constipation. For enema, you can use both ordinary boiled water, and decoction of herbs or any of the vegetable oils. Pregnant women have enemas contraindicated.
    Read also, methods of treating hemorrhoids at home.

    Prevention of hemorrhoids after childbirth

    Prevention of hemorrhoids is an effective technique that, if it does not help to completely avoid postpartum hemorrhoids, at least will prevent its severe course. Preventive measures should be taken during pregnancy.

    Women who expect a baby are advised to carefully monitor their diet to avoid constipation and other problems.

    They should diversify the diet with natural food, fresh vegetables and fruits. But coffee, chocolate, baking and fatty foods should be avoided. It is also worth noting acute dishes that can irritate the rectal mucosa, and from legumes, since they provoke strong gas formation.

    In the prevention of hemorrhoids, the correct mode of the day is very important. It is recommended to visit the toilet at the same time, preferably in the morning. During defecation, one should not push hard so as not to provoke the swelling of the hemorrhoid veins. In addition, it is very important to observe personal hygiene. Doctors advise after each act of defecation to wash out with clean cool water and wipe the anus area dry with a soft toilet paper or towel.

    An important point of prevention of hemorrhoids, especially postpartum, is physical activity. Despite the fact that pregnant women are contraindicated in heavy loads, light gymnastics will do them good. In addition, pregnant women are recommended to walk a lot in the open air, which will not only help prevent hemorrhoids, but also strengthen immunity.

    Another method of prevention is Kegel exercises. Their essence is in the alternating tension and relaxation of the muscles around the anus and vagina. If you perform these exercises regularly, you can prevent not only postpartum hemorrhoids, but also the uterine dysfunction and lethargy of the vaginal muscles.

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