  • Itching in the anus: causes in men, women, treatment

    Itching in the anus is a pathological obsession that can be both an independent disease and a sign of many other illnesses and in some cases can be persistent.

    This delicate problem can change the way of life of the suffering person, lead to turmoil and even cause infection.

    Causes of itching in the anus in women and men

    According to the classification, anal itching can be primary and secondary, acute and chronic.

    Secondary itching is overwhelmingly caused by impaired anesthetic of the anus, as a result of weakening of the sphincter, subsequent leakage of mucus and liquid intestinal contents.

    In men and women, the main causes of itching in the anus can be attributed to the following reasons:

    1) The presence of worms in the intestine: the most common are larvae of pinworms, which often bother children, because they do not always follow the rules of personal hygiene. Often the itch is worried at night, at this time the female worms lay their eggs in the anus, thereby causing irritation. Other types of helminths are also capable of causing itching and discomfort. To make an accurate diagnosis it is necessary to pass an analysis of stool in the clinic.
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    2) In the second place are various diseases of the rectum - it can be polyps, anal fissures, fistulas. In addition, itching in the anus can be a symptom of such a common disease as hemorrhoids: external or internal.

    Other causes:

    • candidiasis of perianal skin;Genital warts
    • ;
    • allergic reactions;
    • stool retention in the rectum;
    • is an inflammation of the genitals;
    • latent diabetes( see symptoms of diabetes);
    • intensive physical activity;
    • increased sweating;
    • wearing narrow clothing;
    • tumors of the rectum;
    • skin diseases( contact dermatitis);
    • scabies;
    • psychogenic causes( neurosis).
    Based on the above points, this disease can be called multifactorial. But in some cases the cause can not be diagnosed. Itching in the anus with an unclear etiology is called idiopathic.

    About the primary, or true anal itching, you can find a lot of conflicting information. Some authors argue that there is no such itch, which would not be proctological. You just need to look for the underlying disease well.

    According to studies under the primary pruritus clinic, anogenital herpes is often concealed, affecting the perianal skin and anal canal.

    Symptoms of

    The only sign of the disease is itching in the region of the anal opening, which leads to the formation of cracks and abrasions as a result of scratching. The skin becomes thin and prone to damage. Very often, the painful condition worsens at night, causing insomnia.

    Itching can be acute, having a sudden, intense and chronic character, with a slow development and a gradual increase in symptoms.

    In the first case, the skin in the anus is moist, which is an additional irritant. In chronic course of the disease, the skin is prone to dryness.


    Diagnostic measures begin with a consultation of a proctologist who can properly interpret information about the nature and characteristics of the itching, its intensity and duration.

    At the initial examination, the doctor takes a scraping and assigns a number of laboratory tests and studies:

    • feces analysis for the presence of egg worms( triple);
    • ultrasound examination of the prostate for men;
    • bacteriological analysis of feces;
    • colonoscopy;
    • blood test for sugar content;
    • sigmoidoscopy;
    • sphincteromanometry;
    • study for genital herpes.
    In some cases, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and gastroscopy can also be performed.

    Treatment of itching in the anus

    Treatment of pruritus in men and women implies a therapy of underlying pathology. Measures to eliminate the problem include:

    • elimination of auto- and hetero-toxicity;
    • hygiene procedures;
    • use of local aids;
    • a rational diet;
    • general medicines;
    • physiotherapy;
    • surgical intervention;
    • combined methods.
    To prevent infection, you should try to avoid scratching. Since the itching is worse at night, it is recommended to put on light cotton gloves before going to bed.

    The skin near the anal opening should always be dry. For this purpose, a dry pad of cotton wool can be placed between the contiguous surfaces of the anal region. Thus, their sweating and moistening is prevented. Sometimes this procedure gives a very good result in the initial stages of the disease.

    Prevention of the problem

    Itching of the skin near the anus tells us about the development of the pathological process, so when the first symptoms need to contact the proctologist, so as not to start the disease. To prevent the progression of the disease, one can resort to elementary hygienic rules, which include:

    • washing with cool water of the perineum and anus after emptying the intestine;
    • wearing free underwear is not made of synthetic materials and without a seam in the middle;
    • Emptying the intestines at the same time every day, preferably in the morning;
    • fighting with constipation;
    • use of soap that does not cause itching.
    It should also be remembered that after defecation you can not use the newspaper, since the compounds contained in the ink composition have a bad effect on mucous membranes and skin. Toilet paper should be selected without the use of colorants and flavors.

    To reduce the likelihood of anal itching, a balanced diet that eliminates or provides for minimal consumption of sweet carbonated drinks, seasonings, spicy and fatty foods, chocolate, hot pepper, alcoholic products will help to create anal itching.

    You should drink at least two liters of clean water a day.

    You need to give up wearing tight clothes. Do not take too hot baths or take a shower for a long time. Hygienic rules are especially relevant for people living in hot climates or working in rooms with high temperature, as well as for those who are prone to sweating.

    This delicate problem should be treated very carefully, as the itching in the anus can be a symptom of a variety of, including serious diseases. In addition, a transition to the chronic phase or development of complications in the form of erosion, bleeding, eczema is possible.

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