  • Some ways how to treat kidney pyelonephritis

    Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory kidney disease, which under adverse conditions provokes special microorganisms, on the type of which it depends how to treat kidney pyelonephritis.

    First of all, this disease is dangerous because it can not cause any symptoms and do not disturb the general normal state of health of a person. In this regard, some patients are too light-minded about the disease.

    In its current, pyelonephritis is classified into acute and chronic form.

    The kidney disease of acute form of pyelonephritis often has a sudden onset, when the body temperature rises sharply to 40 degrees, weakening of the body, headaches, increased sweating, nausea may develop with vomiting. Along with the change in temperature, there is pain in the abdominal region, mainly on one side only. The pains are of a stupid character, but of varying intensity.

    In uncomplicated course of the disease, urination is not impaired, and in the early days the concentration of nitrogenous slags increases in the blood. In the urine, pus, erythrocytes, many bacteria and protein are found.

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    The chronic course of a pathology usually becomes a consequence of inferior treatment of an acute form. When it was possible to eliminate the acute inflammatory process, but the pathogens in the kidney were not completely destroyed, and the outflow of urine was not resumed.

    Often the chronic form of pyelonephritis is diagnosed during a urine test or when measuring blood pressure.

    Patients complain of general lethargy, headaches, loss of appetite, frequent urination, persistent aching pain in the lower back, especially in cool, moist weather. At the same time, the skin becomes dry and pale, the specific gravity of urine decreases and hypertension often develops.

    This is important! Progressive development of the bilateral form of pyelonephritis causes kidney failure. In addition, the chronic form sometimes goes to the stage of exacerbation, when the patient develops all the symptoms of an acute form.

    Frequency of manifestation of pathology among the population

    Pyelonephritis is considered the most frequent disease, which takes second place in frequency after catarrh of the respiratory tract.

    According to the urological studies of medical institutions, among all those affected by kidney and upper urinary tract pathologies, the acute form of pyelonephritis occurs in 14% of cases, and the chronic form develops in 36% of cases. Mass studies of the child's organism in preschool age, which also produced by scientists, in 9% of cases detected the presence of bacteria in the urine in connection with the latent flow of pyelonephritis. Equally often, pathology affects both boys and girls.

    Evidence of the development of pyelonephritis

    Symptoms of kidney pyelonephritis are closely interrelated with the treatment of this disease, therefore it is very important to understand the main distinctive features of clinical manifestations of different types of pathology.

    The acute form manifests itself as follows:

    • Changes in the composition of urine - the appearance of a turbid or slightly reddish sludge, the sensation of a pungent odor even at a sufficiently large distance.
    • Pain blunt or even acute in the lower back and in the joints. Often pain is given to the groin area, and also strengthens when the body tilts forward.
    • Not passing nausea with recurrent vomiting.
    • Unexpected temperature increase on the background of complete well-being.
    • Gradually progressing headache.
    • Lack of appetite and general weakening of the body.

    Chronic pyelonephritis often has an asymptomatic course, which significantly complicates its early detection. Sometimes relapses resemble the acute form of the disease.

    There is a special classification of the course of chronic form of pyelonephritis:

    1. Hidden type - occasionally there is a rise in body temperature, which can not go down for a long time. This happens, as a rule, after suffering acute pyelonephritis.
    2. Recurrent type - general symptoms develop, manifested by weakness, subfebrile body temperature, dizziness and specific impairment of urine. This leak causes kidney failure, anemia and hypertension.

    Features of pyelonephritis in a child

    Pyelonephritis is considered a very unpleasant and severe disease for the child. A distinctive feature of the disease is the possibility of developing serious consequences for the child's organism. The most serious complication is kidney failure, which in 60% of cases causes a subsequent disability.

    In recent years, the incidence of pyelonephritis among children in early and middle age has increased very much.

    This is important! More often pathology affects newborn boys, and at the age of 5 - 6 years - on the contrary, girls because of the peculiarities of the structure of the organs of the genitourinary system.

    How is the effective treatment of the disease

    Treatment of pyelonephritis is to implement several independent stages:

    1. A strict diet.
    2. Operation.
    3. Medication.

    Proper nutrition is a very important component of an effective treatment organization, which in most cases will determine the success of therapy in general. First of all, it will be necessary to increase the number of fruits and vegetables. Then you need to drink every day no more than three liters of water, and also refuse to eat fried, spicy and too salty foods. If a person develops a chronic form, the recommendations change slightly:

    • You should consume no more than two liters of fluid per day.
    • Everyday reception of multivitamin complexes.
    • Limit consumption of fish and meat broths. Do not add seasoning to food and use only well-cooked meat for cooking.
    • Daily intake of salt should be - 7 - 8 grams.

    Antibiotic drugs are the basis of drug treatment. Treatment with antibiotics of kidney pyelonephritis is organized by courses that last no less than seven days. At occurrence of complications the course makes not less than one month.

    This is important! Surgical intervention is realized provided that other methods of treatment were not effective and did not bring the expected results. At the same time, the patient's health continues to deteriorate.

    Operations are usually conducted during the formation of suppuration, and the degree of surgical intervention will be determined already during the operation. It all depends on how the kidneys are aching with pyelonephritis, the scale of the damage and the pathogenesis of the disease.

    The main task of the operation is to prevent a purulent-inflammatory process in a diseased kidney and the development of a similar situation in an even healthy kidney. If a person has already noted a violation of urinary diversion, then it is also eliminated during the operation.

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