
The deposition of salts in the kidneys and the necessary diet for salts in the kidneys

  • The deposition of salts in the kidneys and the necessary diet for salts in the kidneys

    The basic condition on which a diet is based on salts in the kidneys is the elimination of salts from the diet and at the time of consumption of food, and at the time of its preparation. Salt slows the excretion of water from the kidneys, thereby provoking very negative consequences. Instead of salt, you can use cranberries, vinegar or lemon juice.

    Do not overload your body with excess calories, but inadequate caloric intake is also dangerous. It is optimal to consume about three thousand calories per day - about 450 g of carbohydrates, 80 g of fats and proteins. The number of meals should be four to five times. In the presence of salts in the kidneys it is recommended to consume a lot of liquid.

    Why the salts are deposited

    The causes of the appearance of kidney stones is the presence in the diet of foods that are enriched with vitamin D and calcium. In this regard, if a person has removed stones in the past or a person suffering from renal colic is required to abandon foods with a high concentration of calcium. This group includes fish or canned meat, meat broths, sausages. In addition, you should exclude coffee, lemons, chocolate, mustard, pepper, peas, dried fruits, parsley, currants and gooseberries, radish. Milk and cheeses are allowed to eat, but in moderation.

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    If you follow the doctor's recommendations, you can minimize the risks of kidney stones and prevent any complications. It is important to consume enough fluid to realize the proper functioning of the kidneys so that the kidneys can work properly and wash out unnecessary salt. It is also allowed to drink cranberry fruit juice, which allows acidifying the urine and preventing the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria, preventing the spread of the infectious process.

    This is important! It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol or fizzy drinks during the development of an exacerbation of the disease. But the decoction of rosehip has a positive effect in kidney pathologies - it helps to eliminate salts from the kidneys and urinary canals.

    How the salt formation process of

    manifests itself For many years, salts in the kidneys may not manifest themselves at all, without giving any signs, so a person may not even suspect the development of pathology in their own organism. Provided that the salts begin to move along the ureter, severe pain and symptoms of salts in the kidney develop.

    Symptoms of lesions are manifested exclusively individually, so only a visit to the doctor allows you to make the correct diagnosis:

    • acute pain in the side or in a region slightly above the waist;
    • nausea with vomiting;
    • pain, accompanied by a violation of the outflow of urine;
    • manifestation of pain in the groin;
    • appearance of salt in the urine;
    • temperature increase up to 38 degrees;
    • clouding of urine.

    Many manifestations of kidney stones are capable of resembling other pathologies, therefore, in case of the development of the first symptoms of salt in the kidneys, it is necessary to visit a specialist who will prescribe urine, blood tests and ultrasound examination.

    This is important! Additionally, tomography of kidneys, urography, urography, MRI and other diagnostic methods may be necessary.

    Basic nutrition rules for salt deposition

    Flour products, bread with addition of bran without salt, gray and white bread, biscuits without salt.

    1. The first dishes - fruit or milk soups, borscht, soups with pasta, chicken broths or vegetable soups.
    2. The second dishes - fish, meat, lean poultry, cutlets, steamed, cereals, meatballs, pasta, vegetables, eggs - a maximum of two pieces per day.
    3. Desserts - decoctions of bran with lemon and honey, hips, syrups of prunes, dried apricots, apricots, baked apples, jelly, kissels made from fresh fruits, berries, fruit and berry juices, melon, watermelon and honey.
    4. Dairy products, curdled milk, cottage cheese, cream, kefir, sour cream and milk.
    5. Fats: cream and vegetable oil, but without the addition of salt, ghee.
    6. Milk, sour cream, tomato and vegetarian sauces.
    7. Tea with or without milk.

    People with the deposition of salts in the kidneys are strictly prohibited from eating the following foods: fish, meat, fish broths, fatty meat, fish or meat sauces, sausages, mushrooms, smoked products, sausages, beans, marinades, canned goods, sorrel, radish, parsley,onion, mustard, pepper and any spicy seasonings, such as chocolate, natural coffee. The diet is specified by the doctor depending on the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

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