
On what term the stomach grows - from what time does the stomach begin to grow?

  • On what term the stomach grows - from what time does the stomach begin to grow?

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    One of the indisputable and most significant signs of pregnancy is an enlarged tummy. But why does it start growing? It seems that the answer lies on the surface: because a child grows in it. And this should happen for every normal future mother, pregnancy still lasts as long as 9 months. But in fact, everything is a little more complicated. And, as it turned out, how does your belly grow to tell a lot about the specialists. ..

    A little bit about the tummy

    During pregnancy, the belly grows due to 3 factors: the growth of the baby, the growth of the uterus and the increase in amniotic fluid.

    On what month does the abdomen begin to grow? It should be noted that the answer is far from as simple as it may seem. After all, the question is very ambiguous and delicate. The growth of the tummy is affected by the factors described above.

    There is an average indicator on what term the stomach begins to grow in most pregnant women. Gynecologists call the figure at 16 weeks, that is, from about four months.

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    But, for sure, many of you know cases when a woman's belly is so imperceptible that she manages to hide her interesting position up to 6-7 months. Believe me, there are people who manage to hide pregnancy until the ninth month.

    But there are also opposite stories, when the tummy of pregnant women appeared already in the second month. In general, one thing is clear from all this: the stomach can begin to grow in absolutely any month and in any trimester. Maybe he does not even begin to manifest too clearly - in cases of so-called "hidden pregnancy".

    Growth Factors

    Growth Factors

    In addition to the above, we can also highlight such factors that affect the growth of the pregnant tummy:

    1. Women who become pregnant for the first time often begin to notice abdominal enlargement rather late. And his height is slow. This can be explained by the fact that the abdominal muscles of such women are still strong enough and they simply resist the stretching. But those lucky ones, who had already become mothers several times, say that with the arrival of each new pregnancy, the stomach began to show everything on earlier terms. This is due, again, to the fact that the muscles have become more elastic.
    2. Heredity. She also contributes to the growth of the belly of a pregnant woman. Ask your mom and grandmother how soon they began to appear belly. You can navigate by their answers, most likely, you will grow just as well.
    3. Very great influence is exerted by the anatomical features of each of the women. If you are small and thin, you can expect the appearance of the stomach a little earlier than all the others. Not only will it grow faster, it will also seem very large.
    4. If nature has awarded you with magnificent shapes, high growth and wide hips, you can expect that not only your surroundings, but you yourself will begin to notice the growth of the tummy only closer to the middle of pregnancy.
    5. The size of the fetus, of course, greatly affects how quickly your abdomen appears. The faster the baby develops, the sooner you notice the changes in your figure. In addition, it is very important how exactly the baby lies in the womb of a woman. If, for example, it is located close to the spine, do not expect to see a tummy in a short time - it will remain small for a long time. But if you have diligence to the anterior wall of the uterus - the stomach will begin to appear already in the early stages of pregnancy.

    The main question of

    On what term the belly grows, almost all future mothers are interested, especially if this is their first pregnancy. After all, it is quite difficult, again for those who became pregnant for the first time, to realize that a new life has arisen inside you and growing, and that this is not a dream. It's getting scary even from the fact that it's impossible to understand everything well with the baby and whether it normally develops. There is another rather banal reason for such interest: the desire to find out how soon it will be necessary to update the wardrobe.

    It is believed that the time of growth of the abdomen during pregnancy is very individual. If you attended forums for future mothers, you probably read stories, as one woman's belly appeared already at 5 weeks, and the other barely looked at 30. This, of course, is true. Yes, just pay attention to the key word in this sentence - "belly".He can even grow up in a non-pregnant woman, from overeating, for example. Or because of excessive gassing, which is also often found in future mothers.

    Therefore, those who claim that the stomach can begin to grow already in the first trimester, a little mistaken. Specifically, they simply confuse the belly with the uterus. Its rapid growth begins at about 16 weeks. And after 20 weeks, people around can understand that the woman they see is in an interesting position.

    And what about the doctors?

    And what doctors

    What do the doctors say about this? Approximately at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy a woman becomes registered in a women's consultation. And just from that moment the doctors begin to follow the growth and development of the fetus. For example, at week 10, there is still no need to talk about some more or less noticeable tummy. In addition, the doctor each time on the examinations measures the circumference of the abdomen of the pregnant woman. This data, he regularly enters into the individual card of the pregnant woman. As you understand, this value( the abdominal circumference) is very unstable. It depends on how the baby is located in the uterus, on the amount of amniotic fluid, and on the volume of the fatty layer.

    All future moms want to quickly get a tummy of impressive size. But is it good, when pregnancy is clearly visible even to others, already in the second trimester? A large belly can be called a risk factor for the appearance of the uterine tone. In addition, if the abdomen begins to grow too fast, stretch marks appear on the skin, which sometimes can not be removed. Therefore, doctors advise future mothers to wear a special bandage and not overeat. Follow these simple recommendations, and after nine months of pregnancy you do not have to regret the former figure.

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