Importance of beneficial intestinal microflora for health
Useful intestinal microflora protects against diseases
Purification of the bowel and its normal regular emptying is of great importance for conservationbeauty and health for many years.
Unfortunately, many people do not realize the seriousness of such problems as bloating, constipation, disruption of peristalsis and microflora.
What is a normal and pathogenic microflora ^
The intestine is the most important organ of the human body, the well-being and appearance largely depend on its normal functioning.
It is no accident that cleansing always starts with cleaning the digestive tract, because it is with the poor work of the latter that the general slagging of the organism begins.
Normally, bowel evacuation occurs once a day with traditional diet, vegetarians several times a day. The act of defecation should be easy, the feces should not be hard.
With irregular defecation( constipation), unprocessed stool remains for a long time in the intestines, sucking back into the blood and causing intoxication( toxin poisoning) of the body. In addition, when the intestine does not cope with the task of removing food waste, the liver and kidneys begin to work with overload, which leads to a general contamination of blood and disruptions in the work of all organs that receive food through the blood.
The body tries to remove toxins not adapted for this purpose - through the nasopharynx, ears, eyes, skin. Therefore, an unhealthy, earthy complexion always indicates the need for immediate normalization of the intestine.
The role of useful intestinal microflora for the organism ^
The correct and regular work of the intestine depends directly on the composition of the microflora that populates it. As is known, a huge number of living microorganisms live in the human intestine, of which about 400 species are defined by scientists as useful, that is, necessary for normal digestion.
Normal intestinal microflora performs three important functions in the body:
- digestive,
- protective,
- synthetic.
Digestive function is that without the participation of beneficial bacteria in the process of digestion and metabolism, it becomes impossible to digest vitamins and minerals by the body. That is, no matter how many people use, for example, products or multivitamins containing calcium, they will not digest and pass "in transit" if there are no bifidobacteria in the intestine that form lactic and acetic acid, necessary for absorption of calcium ions or other elements.
The protective function of a useful microflora allows you to suppress harmful microorganisms, preventing their mass reproduction, and also create a protective film on the intestinal mucosa, thereby protecting it from the destruction and invasion of pathogenic and putrefactive microbes.
The synthetic function of useful intestinal microflora is that it synthesizes a variety of vitamins and enzymes that allow the body to digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and also participates in the process of water absorption, lipid, carbohydrate and protein metabolism.
Therefore, without exaggeration, we can say that if the composition of normal intestinal microflora is disturbed, all types of metabolism in the body.
What destroys the normal intestinal microflora ^
For the functioning of normal intestinal microflora, two important conditions must be observed:
- the presence of a weakly acidic medium,
- , the intake of fiber and fiber from the diet.
Traditional style of modern people's food with fast food, fried, fatty and boiled food, bakery and confectionery products creates an alkaline environment in the intestine, favorable for the development of pathogenic microflora and mold, which poison the body and cause many diseases.
Scientists have proved that putrefactive processes in the intestine are the main cause of arthritis, sclerosis, cardiovascular and oncological diseases. In addition, such food is completely devoid of the fiber necessary for a normal digestion process.
Fiber is not digested by the body, its role is that it acts like a metal scraper, cleans the intestinal walls from sticking unprocessed food masses, thereby preventing the formation of fecal stones and intoxication.
Fiber, contained in greenery, the skin of vegetables and fruits, nuts and husks of cereals, acts in the intestine like a sponge, absorbing a large amount of toxins, mucus, pus, and ensuring their withdrawal during emptying.
For the intestinal microflora, the following adverse factors may be disastrous:
- reception of antibiotics,
- smoking,
- alcohol,
- infectious diseases,
- reduced immunity.
Under the influence of these factors, microflora can be severely depleted and even completely destroyed. In this case, dysbiosis develops, a very dangerous disease characterized by frequent stools, diarrhea, sometimes with mucus, bloating and rumbling of the abdomen, bad breath, lack of appetite, earthy complexion. In severe stages, dysbiosis leads to complete exhaustion of the body.
Scientists have also proved the adverse effects of stress on the composition of microflora, in which the intestine fails. Under stress, food either quickly overcomes the gastrointestinal tract, not having time to digest( diarrhea), or there is another extreme - constipation, the composition of mucus, in which the beneficial microflora of the intestine dwells, is broken, and the person is not protected from infections. Therefore, protecting yourself from stress, you protect your microflora.
How to restore the intestinal microflora ^
How to restore the microflora: useful advice
Restoration of the intestinal microflora means the colonization of its beneficial bacteria, which requires, first of all, to completely revise its diet and lifestyle:
Eat more fiber and fiber
- Increase inits menu the amount of raw vegetables and fruits, herbs, nuts and whole grains cereals containing a lot of fiber, pectins and dietary fiber.
- Freshly squeezed juices are rich in vitamins, but are devoid of fiber, contained in the skin, therefore, in addition to juices, you must necessarily eat fruits and vegetables in kind
Daily use of dairy products
- To restore healthy intestinal microflora, it is necessary to use sour-milk products that contain lactic acid bacteria( acidophilus rod, milk streptococcus), capable ofentering the body to suppress putrefactive microflora. About this in the last century the famous scientist II Mechnikov spoke in his works.
- It is known that the inhabitants of Abkhazia and Azerbaijan, whose food is traditionally rich in sour-milk products, maintain a healthy microflora throughout their lives. Longevity, living in those areas, have a microflora of the intestine, identical to a healthy child's flora.
Drink enough water
In addition to introducing foods rich in fiber in the diet, you need a proper drinking regime. On the need to drink at least 2 liters of water every day an article is written on our website. Problems with digestion, constipation, the development of hemorrhoids, hard feces indicate a strong dehydration of the body, so begin to immediately correct this situation.
- Immediately after awakening, drink a glass of water and bite several crystals of sea salt, because the body during the sleep has lost a lot of moisture, which must be filled.
- For half an hour before each meal, also drink water with salt, which will help further the proper digestion.
- Immediately before eating and during its drinking water can not be, so as not to dilute the secreted gastric juice and not interfere with the digestive process.
Never overeat
- Overeating is very harmful to normal bowel work, which causes not only the intestines to work with overload, but also all the major digestive organs - the stomach, the liver, the pancreas.
- It is very useful once a week to give the body a break from food, setting up one-day diurnal fasting on water and salt, the regular use of which gives a very good health and healing effect.
- With regular one-day fasting, the process of self-purification of the body and restoration of useful intestinal microflora will start.
Protect your microflora
It is necessary to take care of your useful microflora, because these are living organisms that can die under adverse effects. Their total mass in an adult is about 2.5-3.5 kg. This is a very important part of the body, without a microflora a person can not live.
The initial colonization of a child by microbes occurs in the mother's birth canal. It is believed that children born naturally, in contrast to those born by cesarean section, quickly adapt to life outside the womb of the mother and are more protected from various infections.
Go in for sports and move more
It has long been known that moderate physical activity also improves bowel function, its tone and peristalsis, it serves as a good prophylaxis for varicose veins and many diseases. Especially useful in this regard is walking, which is shown even to elderly and weakened people. Regular half-hour walks before bedtime will help the good work of the intestines, calm the nervous system and provide a sound healthy sleep.