
Symptoms of glomerulonephritis and phytotherapy with glomerulonephritis

  • Symptoms of glomerulonephritis and phytotherapy with glomerulonephritis

    Glomerulonephritis is a kidney disease that develops because of the entry of pathogenic microflora into them, usually it is streptococcus. At times, glomerulonephritis occurs under the influence of viruses that penetrated the human body after vaccinations were made or by airborne droplets. In addition, the risk of the disease increases in case of hypothermia or long-term dampness. An excellent means of prevention in this situation is considered phytotherapy with glomerulonephritis.

    Glomerulonephritis can affect any person, but it is rarely detected in the body of older people. In the process of active struggle of the organism with the pathogen, an acute form of the disease appears. When immunity is weakened and it does not have the strength to resist infection, a chronic form develops, in which the disease lasts for a long time.

    Periodically the patient experiences exacerbations, followed by remissions. In chronic glomerulonephritis, two kidneys are damaged at once. And the pathology ends with the fact that the kidneys are wrinkled and can no longer function. Aggravations, as a rule, occur in the off-season.

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    Symptoms of the disease

    Acute glomerulonephritis begins to manifest itself through a general malaise, the person is suffering from headaches, there are frequent calls for vomiting and aversion to food, feverish condition. In this case, the skin is much paler, and with time, urge to urinate for several days. The puffiness of the face begins to form, which subsides in the second half of the day, but edema not visible to the eyes remains and they can be diagnosed by special tests.

    When a child's body is afflicted, the child has a high risk of developing heart failure. In adults, the pressure increases, but only for a couple of weeks, after which it comes back to normal on its own. Often there is a violation of the heartbeat and dyspnea, and the examination reveals a mild increase in the liver, the color of urine becomes pink.

    In medicine, three types of glomerulonephritis are classified:

    • If the puffiness on the face is pronounced, the pressure increases, the skin on the face pales, there is weakness, then the body forms a hematuric form.
    • When the swelling extends beyond the face, the pressure remains within the normal range, then most likely the patient has suffered from a nephrotic form, which is characterized by an inconspicuous onset and prolonged course.
    • Mixed form - it is characterized by very poor overall health, a strong increase in pressure and development of large edema. Urination is almost absent and there is a risk of acute kidney failure.

    Treatment of the disease

    Different medications are used to organize the treatment, depending on the severity of the lesion. When the ratio of glomerulonephritis with the preceding infection shows the use of antibiotics. An important role for the restoration and preservation of kidneys is the adherence to diet and daily regimen, the organization of phytotherapy and sanatorium treatment.

    Under the influence of anti-inflammatory agents, the aggressive effect of immunity on the body decreases, blood is liquefied and the volume of protein release along with urine decreases.

    Modern treatment of patients with phototherapy increases the effectiveness of other agents. Usually phytotherapy is carried out with the development of the chronic form of glomerulonephritis, and it has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, eliminates intoxication, produces a diuretic effect, normalizes the pressure and permeability of the capillaries in the glomeruli of the kidneys. But with severe swelling it is necessary to use with caution the decoctions and tinctures of plants.

    Usually phototherapy is prescribed for a period of one month and longer. When glomerulonephritis is used to collect medicinal herbs, fruits, fresh berries, as well as therapeutic baths.

    Phytotherapeutic treatment has been used for the treatment of glomerulonephritis for many years. An excellent effect to facilitate the course of the disease produces fees, which include plants, tested for pharmacological compatibility and activity of certain components. The best result is phytotherapy when used in the early stages of glomerulonephritis development.

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