
When and for what purpose the palpation of the kidneys is performed, the technique of implementation

  • When and for what purpose the palpation of the kidneys is performed, the technique of implementation

    Palpation is a method of examining the kidneys, when, with the help of touch, certain abnormalities in the organ are detected. It is actively used in everyday medical practice.

    Methods of examination

    Palpation of the kidneys is performed immediately with both hands. Different methods are used. The most common method is the following: the patient lies on his back, when he feels the right kidney, the doctor applies the right hand on the side of the abdomen, and puts the left under the twelfth rib. When you examine your left arm, they change. In this case, the patient should take deep breaths.

    This is important!

    The kidney feels at the time of a deep inspiration, which contributes to its descent. To obtain more reliable information on the size and mobility of the body, it is required to organize palpation and in the position of the patient lying on its side.

    An additional method of palpation is to feel the kidneys immediately with both hands in the patient's standing position with a slightly bent forward trunk.

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    Sometimes, with the help of this technique, it is possible to establish a wandering kidney when the organ is freely displaced for a rather large distance.

    When palpating moving kidneys, the following method is used: the left hand is located on the right side so that the thumb is under the costal arch, and the rest are in the waist region. Compressing the hand, the organ is as if forced out to the inner side and at the same time it is better probed by the right hand.

    If suspicion of presence in the fluid body is used, the balloting method. The patient is put on his back, the doctor at the same time with his left hand creates a push into the zone of the waist, which is felt and the right hand, located in front.

    How is the

    screened? Most often, kidney palpation is performed in the supine position on the back with a half-bent and slightly diluted legs. The doctor becomes on the side of the affected kidney and starts his hand with straight fingers under the patient's lumbar region, while they rest against the angle formed by the twelfth rib and the long dorsal muscles.

    The half-bent fingers of the second hand the doctor leads in front under the ribs, strictly parallel to and outward from the edge of the rectus muscle on the abdomen. Palpation is performed by approaching the fingers of both hands, but the fingers on the arm in the lumbar region slightly raise the kidney towards the front arm.

    If the size of the kidney is increased, it turns out to be seized between the fingers of two hands, and this allows us to detect violations not only in size but also in the shape and structure of the organ.

    If the kidney is not enlarged in size and the preliminary diagnosis is its pathological mobility, then it will take a little more to lift it to the front side with the fingers on the waist - the patient should take a deep breath. The organ starts to shift downwards and is gripped by the fingers of the hand in front, and after it is released on exhalation, it returns to its place.

    This is important!

    Each kidney should be probed from the same side: right - on the right, left - on the left.

    In urology, palpation is considered a very informative way of clinical examination of urogenital organs, in particular kidneys.

    How palpation is carried out in an adult and in a child

    Kidneys can be palpated only if the patient has an asthenic physique or with a very thin wall of the peritoneum. In patients, the kidneys are palpable in the case of displacement or an increase in their size. Feeling of the organ lying on its side or standing, it is required to organize for all patients - so, it is possible to detect a violation of the localization of the organ or its pathological mobility.

    If the doctor could not establish contact with the child, it subsequently becomes quite difficult to perform palpation. It is necessary that the hands of a specialist be warm.

    In infants, due to the great weakness of the abdominal wall, the more omitted position of the kidneys and the relatively large size of this organ, palpating it is much easier compared to this survey in children at school age.

    In this method, the child can diagnose an increase in its size, which often accompanies hydronephrosis, tumor growth, polycystosis, horseshoe kidney, hypertrophy with only one kidney.

    This is important!

    Sometimes the doctor manages to find a dystopic kidney, and in case of development of hypoplasia or aplasia of the muscles in the abdominal wall, healthy organs are felt.

    When the palpation of the lower abdomen is realized in children with a small body weight, at times it is possible to grope for a certain formation with a doughy consistency that is located to the side of the midline in the bladder area. This manifestation can cause the presence of a large diverticulum in the bladder.

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