
Haircuts for long hair for a round face: photo-selection and tips of stylists

  • Haircuts for long hair for a round face: photo-selection and tips of stylists

    Long hair is a real decoration for a woman. The beauty of long hair is not able to spoil even the wrong shape of the face, for example, round. Hairdressers are unanimous in that long hair and a round face are perfectly combined, it is only necessary to choose a suitable hairstyle. We suggest to familiarize with a photo of hairstyles on long hair for the round face and to be convinced of it.

    With bang

    Hairstyles for long hair with bangs have been and remain favorites among women's hairstyles. Having such a haircut as a basic, a woman can afford any, even the most courageous experiment. For the round face, a cascade with elongated strands that will create the necessary vertical lines distracting the view from the shape of the head will go well. The bangs should be made slanting and slightly pendulous. The ends can be curled or left straight. Do not prohibit and accessories or hairstyles with complex weaving. Despite the different length of hair, the cascade allows you to make such complex designs.

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    And how without a bang?

    But the hair stylists do not recommend hair without a bang or licked back hair for a round face. It is contraindicated absolute openness, emphasizing the round shape of the head. But on curly or curly hair, the absence of a bang is perfectly permissible. The most versatile haircut in this case - ladder or cascade.

    What to avoid: tips of stylists

    According to stylists, there are some things that are simply contraindicated for chubby. This refers to hair of any length. So, a chemical wave, combed back hair, long and straight bangs, too short haircuts, a straight parting are very undesirable. High women( above 170 cm) should avoid short haircuts such as pixies, as they will make the whole figure awkward, and with a short neck it is better to make high hairstyles visually stretching the neck. If, on the contrary, your neck is swan, it is better not to collect hair upstairs, but beautifully to release behind the back two or three curls.

    For the oval face

    To the oval face, you can safely try on such hairstyles as ladder, cascade, graduated strands. It is possible to distract the eyes from the strongly elongated form of the face with large waves or ringlets. For an oval face, you can make an oblique or straight bang, or you can do without it.

    And one more tip from stylists: with an oval face, the hair should be long, but in moderation. The length below the priests is not recommended. Such hair in general, very few people go, and care for them is required special. Well, in the case of an oval face, this length only further emphasizes the elongated shape of the head. Also, you should not cut all the hair for one length - it is better to make layered strands.

    A complex hairstyle instead of a haircut

    Often with a round face, hairdressers recommend not just a styling, but a complex hairstyle. For example, you can braid long hair, cascaded, at night and get beautiful long waves:

    Make high or low ponytail:

    Use hairpins and hairpieces:

    Make waves in Boho style - from the level of the cheekbones or from the chin:

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