  • Review for hair curler babyliss: triple, automatic, electric

    In this article you will be given feedback on Babyliss hair curler.

    Svetlana. Russia - Kemerovo. Professional styler Babyliss Perfect Curl.

    I recently succumbed to the temptation to buy the new Babyliss Perfect Curl. Of course, it's pretty hard to resist when you see colorful ads at every corner with girls with gorgeous shiny curls. With the creation of ringlets, I always had a problem. Hair for a long time they do not hold, but normally use a ployka I do not know how. Because of this, almost always I go with straight hair, which is.

    At first I was very embarrassed by the price. Everywhere it ranged from an average of 4,500 to 5,000 rubles. I was lucky to find it much cheaper and I'm very happy about it! Here, I want to show how it looks, by the way, rather weighty, but the curls are made quickly and the hands do not have time to get tired.

    By the way, that's what's important, all the buttons are on the front side. And below the roller, which twists my hair.

    So that the strand warms up well, there is a lid on top, covering the curl from above and not letting out the heat.

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    And yet, it says that the device should be kept this side to face so as not to burn yourself.

    This is quite convenient and I like it very much, this company produces devices with a twisting and rather long cord, for me and my rather long hair it is very convenient and practical. In addition, I have not yet seen such cords on other stowage facilities, this too will go as a plus in my review.

    In addition to the unit itself, there was also such a brush for roller cleaning. You just need to insert it there and she will clean everything herself!

    And now I want to consider the value of the buttons on the

    panel. The first button is from 0 to 3.

    Obviously, this is the temperature from the lower to the higher.

    0 - off

    1 - 190 degrees

    2- 210 degrees

    3 - 230 degrees

    I so understood that the lowest temperature for dry or damaged hair.

    Next, I saw the buttons 0, 8, 10 and 12. They are designed to select the density of ringlets.0 - light waves, 12 - large frequent curls.

    Well, the third buttons with the letters A, R, L show which way to spin the lock. Right, left and automatically, respectively. By the way, automatically - this is a twist in turn, one way, then the other.

    How did I work with him? She took a little strand about 3 cm and put it inside the styler. Then, she squeezed, waited for the signal and released.

    And that's what I finally got.

    Of the minuses, I can only note its severity and unpleasant effect for the hair, that is, from frequent use of curls can be badly damaged, however, so with all happens( use a mask for such hair).

    But he has a lot of pluses:

    1. Automatic plowing and the result is beautiful, it is achieved very quickly;
    2. Convenient long rotating cord;
    3. Clear temperature control;
    4. Choice of curl curl.

    So I did not regret that I bought myself a Babyliss Perfect Curl styler, he helps me very much. Cost: 2500 rubles.

    Hair curler Babyliss Triple hair curler

    I have been looking for professional products for a high-quality hair wave for a long time. The usual ployka did not suit me, it was just somehow uncomfortable, so not so long ago in my arsenal there was a triple ployka from Babyliss. She got me almost for 2000r.

    I ordered on the Internet, and when the package arrived, I was unspeakably happy.

    I want to describe my purchase a little. Possible modes from 80 to 230 degrees, it is dialed, of course, evenly, up to 230 reaches in 7 minutes. It cools down about half an hour.

    Secondly, it is very convenient that the cord rotates around its axis, and the plug for the socket is standard and there is no need for adapters, as I once had. By the way, forceps open and close freely, and also the handle does not slip and easily holds in hands. And the device is not so heavy, working with it is initially uncomfortable, but then you get used to it, and everything turns out pretty quickly.

    Well, now I'll describe my hair a little before the electric triple curling interfered in them after. Usually they look like this.

    I chose the temperature at 200 degrees and delayed each lock for about 15 seconds.

    By the way, you can see very well how the process goes in this video.

    These are such beautiful curls that I got in just 15 minutes! Now I try, as often as possible to use this plate! Judge by the photo below.

    And then I decided to lightly comb my hair and looked like a dandelion, but I like it even more!

    That's how my hair looked after six and a half hours. I really liked this product, and I am sure that I will continue to use it for a long time.

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