
Nephrolithiasis of the kidneys: the causes and symptoms of its development

  • Nephrolithiasis of the kidneys: the causes and symptoms of its development

    Renal nephrolithiasis is a urological disease that manifests itself in the formation of kidney stones. In this case, a person develops renal colic, characterized by the suddenness of severe pain in the lower back, radiating to the groin area, genitals and thigh.

    Causes of development of pathology

    The reason for the formation of kidney stones is the violation of metabolic processes in the body, especially the water-salt balance, as well as in the change in blood composition. Often the disease can be inherited.

    Inadequate motor activity contributes to the formation of kidney stones, which provokes a disruption in the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium, malnutrition, climatic conditions of living, housing conditions, labor activity, heredity, infectious diseases of the urinary tract, nephroptosis and other abnormalities that cause urinary retention, vascular and metabolicdisturbance of the kidney.

    The most studied cause of nephrolithiasis is a violation of calcium metabolism, as it is considered the basis of most kidney stones, as well as disruption of the parathyroid glands.

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    Symptoms of the pathology of

    For a long time, kidney stones may not cause any symptoms. Often the first signs of the disease appear only after the adherence of complications, such as renal colic or pyelonephritis. The most frequent complaint of patients is periodic pain of blunt character in the lumbar region.

    The formation of kidney stones several times increases the risk of pyelonephritis, which contributes to the formation and proliferation of new and existing stones. When complicating the pathology of pyelonephritis, clinical signs appear brighter - pain in the lower back increases, symptoms of intoxication, pain in muscles and joints, and general weakness appear. Also, the smell and shade of urine changes, often there is an admixture of blood in the urine.

    Symptoms of kidney nephrolithiasis may vary slightly when a stone is infiltrated from the kidney into the ureter. At the same time, urinary output is sharply disturbed, and renal colic is characterized by strong unexpected pains from the affected side. Also, patients complain of nausea with vomiting and increased blood pressure.

    Diagnosis of pathology

    Diagnosis of the presence of kidney stones is based on data from the medical history, the picture of renal colic, laboratory and instrumental examination.

    On palpation of the affected kidney, the patient feels painful. In the analysis of urine, white blood cells, erythrocytes, salts, proteins and bacteria are found. Biochemical examination of urine and blood makes it possible to establish the composition and cause of the formation of stones.

    Renal colic on the right side should be differentiated from appendicitis, an acute form of cholecystitis, therefore peritoneal ultrasound may be necessary. Ultrasound helps assess anatomical changes in the kidneys, the presence, location and movement of stones.

    The main method of diagnosing stones is an X-ray examination. The majority of kidney stones are revealed during the survey urography. But both urate and protein stones in the kidneys are not able to hold up the rays and give a shadow on the urogram. If necessary, urological examination can be supplemented with MRI and computed tomography.

    The process of treating the disease

    Symptomatic therapy with nephrolithiasis is to stop pain. Also prescribed treatment with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs.

    To the extent possible, litholytic treatment is carried out, that is, the process of dissolution of stones.

    Sometimes it is organized remote fragmentation of stones, which is called remote lithotripsy.

    In the presence of a large number of large concrements, an open surgical procedure is indicated.

    Prevention of the formation of kidney stones is to prevent the development of pathological conditions that increase the risk of formation and proliferation of stones. In this regard, preventive measures should correspond to the individual characteristics of each patient.

    The main areas of prevention are as follows:

    1. Normalization of impaired metabolism.
    2. Increased volume of consumed fluid in the absence of special contraindications.
    3. Correction of acid-base balance of urine.

    Nutrition in the formation of stones in the kidneys should correspond to the chemical composition of these stones, namely:

    • When urate stones are required to exclude from the diet products with a high concentration of purines and their compounds - meat, legumes, cocoa, chocolate, coffee and grapes.
    • When oxalate stones are required to exclude from the diet products with a high concentration of calcium, oxalate and ascorbic acid - these are dairy products, green vegetables, chocolate, black currant, cocoa, strong tea and strawberries.
    • When phosphate stones are required to exclude from the diet products with a high content of phosphorus in them - it's cheese, fish, milk and other dairy products.

    Also, with the formation of stones in the kidneys, correction of hormonal abnormalities is organized.

    Arrangements for treatment and prevention, involving the maintenance and restoration of the work of the gastrointestinal tract, are organized. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as colitis, chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcer. An important role is played by dysfunction of the kidneys, as a special barrier.

    Prophylactic vitamin therapy for the formation of kidney stones is performed in order to fill the deficiency in the body of magnesium and B vitamins.

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