
Chronic inflammation of the kidneys: causes, clinic, diagnosis and treatment methods

  • Chronic inflammation of the kidneys: causes, clinic, diagnosis and treatment methods

    Among nephrologic diseases, the proportion of acute pathology is no more than ΒΌ.This is largely due to the fact that very often the disease occurs secretly or with a little noticeable clinic. Therefore, chronic inflammation of the kidneys is one of the first places among all nephrologic pathologies.

    Anatomy and physiology of the kidneys

    Kidneys are related to paired organs. Under normal conditions of development of the body, there are two bean-shaped organs located in the lumbar region. More precisely - the kidneys are on either side of the spine between the last two thoracic vertebrae and 2 lumbar vertebrae.

    The internal structure of the organ is similar to the rest of the parenchymal organs. But only in terms of "architecture".It includes the following structures:

    1. Capsule. Almost completely covers the body. The thickness is a few millimeters. The capsule consists of connective tissue collagen fibers. Between which are nerve fibers. It is their irritation that gives a sensation of pain. The remaining structures of the kidneys that say "do not hurt."
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    3. Renal parenchyma. Represents the main organ tissue. Here distinguish the brain substance and cortical substance. On the cut, the cortex looks lighter. It is located directly under the capsule. But in addition, it gives small "outgrowths" into the body. They surround part of the brain substance. The very brain substance is located behind the cortex in the form of the so-called renal pyramids. They have their bases turned towards the capsule. The apexes of the pyramids are directed toward the central part of the inner side of the kidneys.
    4. Renal sinuses and pelvis. This cavity is located in the middle of the inner edge of the organ. They include kidney cups that open into one large cavity, called the pelvis.

    In the cortex there are bodies of nephrons - structural and functional units of the kidneys. They determine all the most important functions of the body. This isolation, maintenance of homeostasis, regulation of oncotic and osmotic blood pressure. The formation of erythropoietin occurs not only in nephron cells, but in many other parenchyma cells.

    Briefly, the nephron consists of the following parts:

    • .This is the vascular plexus. It is formed by arterioles decaying into many small branches. Each of them is surrounded by a basal membrane and podocytes - specific cells involved in plasma filtration.
    • Capsule of Bowman-Shumlyansky. Connective tissue cavity in the form of a glass. It receives the substances that have undergone filtration and are delayed by the membrane of podocytes.
    • Canals. They divert primary urine( the so-called filtered part of the plasma) and the formation of secondary urine by the reverse reabsorption of certain substances.

    The processes of kidney physiology are somehow connected with the functioning of nephrons. It can be described as follows.

    Blood on the renal artery enters the vessels of the kidneys. Those, in turn, penetrate into the glomerulus. For a day through all kidney nephrons passes up to 2 thousand liters of blood. The glomeruli are filtered. A large part of the plasma with small proteins( 20 nanometers or less in diameter), lipids, carbohydrates and metabolic products passes into the capsule. The rest of the plasma, containing large proteins and uniform elements of blood( erythrocytes, white blood cells platelets) goes into a vessel called vyyasnyuschim for the fact that he collects blood from the capsule and exits it.

    On the tubules this primary urine moves to the collecting tubes. Along the way, reabsorption( back absorption) of lipids, carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins and some electrolytes is carried out. The remaining part of the plasma contains only metabolic products and ions. It is called secondary urine. On the collecting tubes urine enters the kidney cups, and from there to the pelvis. From it, the urine leaves the ureter.

    Inflammatory Kidney Disease

    This is important! The main inflammatory diseases of the kidneys include glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis. Only they can give chronic forms. From the causes of these diseases of envy are the treatment of chronic inflammation of the kidneys.

    Glomerulonephritis is an inflammation of nephrons. Occurs due to the settling of circulating immune complexes and antibodies on the basement membrane. This leads to the development of aseptic( without the participation of microorganisms) inflammation.

    The filtration capacity of nephrons is violated. In the composition of primary urine there are large proteins and uniform elements of blood. And they are known not to be absorbed from the tubules of the nephron.

    Glomerulonephritis is a classic example of autoimmune inflammation. The formation of antibodies occurs in cells of the protective system with streptococcal infection. Therefore, the development of glomerulonephritis classically begins after 2-4 weeks after a streptococcal infection.

    Pyelonephritis - inflammation of the urinary tract of the kidneys: calyx and pelvis. Direct nephron damage does not occur. But the disease breaks the normal outflow of urine. Therefore, sooner or later, due to increased pressure inside the tubules, nephrons begin to suffer. The occurrence of pyelonephritis is associated with an upward infection from the bladder and urethra.

    In the treatment of chronic inflammation of the kidneys, antibiotics, anticoagulants and diuretics are used. Since they, respectively, have antimicrobial, antithrombogenic and diuretic effects.

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