  • What are the causes of kidney pyelonephritis?

    Infectious-inflammatory pathology of the kidneys, which initially damages the pelvis and tubules of the kidneys, and then passes to the vessels and glomeruli, develops against the background of concomitant diseases, called pyelonephritis. The causes of kidney pyelonephritis can be varied. But mainly pathology develops due to the negative influence of other diseases on the organ.

    Among inflammatory pathologies, pyelonephritis is considered the most common and according to statistics it is diagnosed in every tenth person. According to the frequency of manifestation, it is second only to the infectious lesions of the respiratory tract and lungs.

    Causes of

    pathology Pyelonephritis can develop as an independent disease or in the form of a complication after the defeat of the body by other diseases. The causes of pyelonephritis development are often infections - sinusitis, caries, tonsillitis, inflammation of the abdominal cavity, lungs, organs of the reproductive system. Pyelonephritis can appear even because of the penetration of the E. coli into the excretory system together with the blood flow. Fortunately, the usual penetration of microbes into the tissue of the kidney will not be enough to form a hotbed of inflammation.

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    The disease develops only when the whole body of etiological factors influences the body - insufficiency of vitamins, severe fatigue, hypothermia, stressful situations, etc. Most of the development of pyelonephritis contributes to the causes of delayed excretion of urine - concrements in the kidney or bladder, inflammation in the ovaries in women, prostate adenoma in men, congenital anomalies of the structure of the urinary system.

    It turns out that pyelonephritis and urolithic pathology closely correlate with each other. The inflammatory process activates the formation of stones, and stones, in turn, complicate the outflow of urine and promote the development of inflammation of the renal pelvis.

    How the pathology of

    manifests itself Symptomatic of pyelonephritis and its subsequent treatment are closely related, therefore the doctor should understand the main distinctive features of the manifestation of different forms of the course of the disease.

    For the acute form of pyelonephritis, the following symptoms are typical:

    • Urine changes - turbidity, a reddish hue, when even at a distance its tart odor is felt.
    • Stupid, sometimes turning into sharp pains in the lower back and joints. Often they give into the inguinal region and are strengthened as a result of tilt forward.
    • Persistent nausea with recurrent vomiting.
    • Unexpected fever and chills.
    • Gradually growing headache.
    • Lack of appetite and general weakening of the body.

    Often the chronic form does not manifest itself in any way, which considerably complicates its detection. But periodically there are relapses, which are like acute pyelonephritis.

    For the chronic form of pyelonephritis, the following types of flow are characteristic:

    1. Latent flow - there is an unexpected increase in temperature, which can not go down for a long time. Usually this happens after the transferred acute form of this pathology.
    2. Recurrent course - general symptoms develop in the form of weakening of the body, subfebrile temperature, dizziness, specific changes in urine occur.

    Conducting effective treatment of pathology

    The basis of drug treatment is the intake of antibacterial drugs. They are appointed courses lasting not less than seven days, and with complicated flow - not less than one month. Drug treatment for chronic and acute forms is almost no different, and the way of administration and dose can be prescribed only by the attending physician.

    This is important! If conservative therapy has proved ineffective, then surgery is necessary.

    Usually, operations are prescribed in purulent forms, and the degree of surgical intervention is established already during the implementation of the operation. It all depends on the extent of the damage and the pathogenesis of the disease.

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