
When a kid's kidneys hurt. How to prevent and treat bacterial kidney damage

  • When a kid's kidneys hurt. How to prevent and treat bacterial kidney damage

    If the kidneys are affected in the child, then this indicates the development of pathology, it should not be disparaged to treat such manifestations. It is best to prevent the disease than to treat it.

    Before starting treatment, you will need to establish the causes and manifestations of pain.

    The main causes and manifestations of pain

    The cause of pain can be pyelonephritis - in children it is an inflammatory pathology in the kidney, which is provoked by various pathogens. Approximately half of all cases of the disease occur in children, especially in the early age. The causative agents of the lesion are microorganisms of normal microflora in the intestine, which, due to negative effects, penetrate initially into the urinary canals, and then into the kidneys.

    The main culprits for the development of pathology in children, causing pain in kidney disease are E. coli, enterococci, etc. As a rule, viruses and other microorganisms do not cause pathological abnormalities in the kidneys, but can facilitate reproduction and justification in the kidneys of bacteria.

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    This is important! When a child complains of kidney pain, the important role is played by the presence of relatives with a similar pathology. About half of the children affected by the disease become simultaneously carriers of viral infections. A definite value is given to the hereditary predisposition.

    Much more often kidney diseases are formed in a situation where the child already had congenital anomalies of the kidneys and metabolic disorders in the body. In addition, there is a hereditary impairment of the functioning of immunity. Not all bacteria after penetration into the kidneys of the child can be retained there, begin the processes of reproduction and become the causes of pathological changes. For this, the cell of the bacterium must possess special cilia on its surface, which help it to be fixed on the parenchyma of the organ.

    An important condition for the reproduction and survival of bacteria is the presence of a specific set of toxins and antigens. These substances are capable of causing disturbances in the walls of the urinary canals, which is the cause of abnormalities associated with urinary diversion.

    If urine stagnates in the ureters, then its return to the pelvis begins. Cells of bacteria along with the ascending current of urine get higher and have a negative impact on new tissues. Along the way, they produce toxins that cause the death of healthy cells. Sometimes, an infectious agent of another type joins the already existing causative agent of the disease - a mixed infection develops that can hardly be treated.

    Treatment for children

    Treatment consists in the elimination of the inflammatory focus from the kidney tissues, the restoration of metabolic processes in the body, the restoration of normal kidney function, the intensification of regeneration processes and in the elimination of the re-development of the disease. Any manipulation is carried out carefully to prevent harm to health.

    For treatment, antibacterial therapy is primarily implemented, which is accompanied by phytotherapy, homeopathy, uroseptics.

    Only a nephrologist or urologist can choose medications for a child. The duration of treatment is also determined by the doctor. Confront the disease will only take a couple of months, periodically interrupting treatment. Then the child completely recovers. But antibiotic drugs disrupt the normal intestinal microflora, so the doctor advises suitable probiotics.

    This is important! Children with affected kidneys will need at least once in six months - the year is necessary to organize an ultrasound examination, a systematic check with the urologist and pediatrician. It is also necessary to take urine tests regularly.

    Modern medicine and nephrology makes it possible to treat the kidney inflammatory process in a child very quickly and without consequences. It is very important to seek treatment in a timely manner, immediately after the appearance of the first symptoms caused by inflammation.

    Treatment of pyelonephritis and other inflammatory processes is very closely related to the proper organization of the diet and balanced nutrition. Antibiotic drugs in children with kidney inflammation are used only when the source of infection is bacteria. For the child's body is characteristic and very helpful recipes of folk medicine, which are important to use with caution and only after permission of the doctor.

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