
Hypoplastic kidney dysplasia - causal factors and basic clinical manifestations

  • Hypoplastic kidney dysplasia - causal factors and basic clinical manifestations

    This medical term, renal renal dysplasia, can be attributed to the group of congenital malformations of the urinary system.

    Compared with all anomalies, it is renal dysplasia that holds leading positions, as it relates to a heterogeneous group of diseases directly related to impaired renal tissue development.

    To date, there is no generally accepted classification of renal dysplasia. Based on morphological signs, there are two types of anomalies - simple and cystic.

    Depending on the distribution of the process, they are segmental, focal and total.

    Hypoplasia of the kidney is a congenital pathology, which is characterized by a significant decrease in the size of one kidney, somewhat less often - both.

    Etiology and causes of renal dysplasia

    The leading cause of their development of the kidneys is a teratogenic external and internal effect on the structure of the embryo, as well as various genetic disorders.

    Statistical data point to the fact that in 30% of cases the true causes of renal dysplasia can not be established.

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    An important place in the development of dysplasia is occupied by genetic disorders( 57% of cases), if we talk about the teratogenic effect, then it accounts for only 16% of cases, and in the third part of the patients the factors that caused dysplasia remain unknown.

    Clinical manifestations of

    Simple total dysplasia in medical benefits is often called hypoplastic( cystic deformity absent).Among all congenital anomalies in the development of the urinary system, it occurs in 2.7% of cases.

    There are two variants of the pathological course - aplastic and hypoplastic. The aplastic variant of dysplasia is indicated by the fact that in case of defeat of both kidneys, a fatal outcome occurs immediately after birth.

    Hypoplastic kidney dysplasia is quite often a consequence of a viral infection of the fetus in the early perinatal period. This nephropathology can often be combined with other types of urinary tract anomalies.

    Blood supply in hypoplastic kidneys is always insufficient, against which the pathological course is often supplemented with nephrogenic hypertension.

    The hypoplastic variant is often characterized by an early course of the urinary syndrome, in which mosaicism and early chronic renal failure are observed.

    This is important! Clinical signs of hypoplastic dysplasia can develop as a type of glomeuronephritis and nephrotic syndrome.

    For early age, the following symptoms are characteristic:

    • growth retardation;
    • chronic renal failure;
    • arterial hypertension;
    • renal dysfunction( tubular type).

    Quite often the clinical picture is supplemented by a chronic infectious urinary tract infection.

    Information on diagnostic methods and therapies

    Diagnosis of kidney hypoplastic dysplasia is based on the collection of anamnesis data by a specialist, the key is to detect a sharply reduced kidney during excretory

    This is important! Differential diagnosis of kidney hypoplasia with the diagnosis of a secondarily wrinkled kidney, as well as interstitial and hereditary nephritis, as well as other types of glomerulonephritis, should be performed. To confirm the final diagnosis, it is often necessary to perform a kidney biopsy.

    Since for the hypoplastic dysplasia of the kidneys is characterized by torpid current, in the absence of cyclicity of manifestations, drug therapy is usually not prescribed, since it is almost always ineffective.

    This is important! In the presence of uncomplicated unilateral pathologic course, treatment is usually not required, except when there is a complication in the form of pyelonephritis and hypertension.

    Complicated cases of unilateral hypoplastic kidney dysplasia with hypertension require a more serious approach, namely surgical treatment of nephrectomy, with a bilateral process showing transplantation. If we talk about the prognosis of the course of this pathological condition, it always directly depends on the nature and type of complications.

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