
What is a congestive kidney, the causes of its loss, symptoms and treatment

  • What is a congestive kidney, the causes of its loss, symptoms and treatment

    Congestive kidney is a syndrome that develops with insufficient blood flow and is characterized by hyperemia in the veins of the kidney and dystrophic disorders in the epithelial tissue of the convoluted tubules of the kidneys. Clinically, this pathology is manifested by proteinuria.

    How does the pathology of

    manifest? With the development of this pathology, the kidney becomes much heavier compared to its normal state. In this condition, a large number of morphological changes occur in the kidneys. Also, the kidneys acquire a blue-red color and are covered with yellowish kidneys. In the kidneys, fatty degenerations are formed, the renal capsule is stretched and a clear pattern of veins appears, and the surface of the organ becomes wrinkled and uneven.

    Morphological examination of the affected organ reveals the following symptoms of a stagnant kidney: a clear separation of cortical and medulla from each other, an increase in the glomeruli of the kidneys, enlargement of renal vessels due to blood stagnation, the presence of leukocytes and red blood cells in the tubules of the kidneys, the kidney material atrophies and grows in itconnective tissue.

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    The main manifestations of a congestive kidney include: urinary syndrome, oliguria, an increase in the specific gravity of urine and moderate proteinuria. Also, with stagnation, the volume of nocturnal urine prevails over the volume of daily urine due to its overabundance. The causes of the appearance of such a syndrome are explained by the influence of the central nervous system. The patient who suffers from this pathology, changes in urine and decreases diuresis. Urine contains an admixture of erythrocytes, and in the daytime, along with urine, chlorides are released.

    This is important!

    The natural sign of stagnation in the kidney is proteinuria. In this case, the specific gravity of urine decreases, and the rhythm of its excretion is markedly disturbed. A congestive kidney can cause other common symptoms, such as an increase in pressure.

    Conducting diagnostic measures

    As a rule, for a true professional, the diagnosis of the disease is not difficult. For starters, differential diagnostics with other diseases - with glomerulonephritis, amyloidosis, etc. - is expected.

    To reveal the functional state of the kidney allows X-ray examination. In the diagnosis, a laboratory study of urine and blood, ultrasound, MRI and computed tomography is used. Thanks to the use of a special optical device - a cystoscope - the doctor gets an opportunity to study the state of the ureters and the process of urine release.

    The most informative methods of examination include angiography. To implement it, a small amount of a radioactive isotope is preliminarily injected into the body, which allows to leave marks and passes rays through itself. So are the present violations in the body.

    Organization and treatment of pathology

    Long-term stagnation of the kidneys with time worsens kidney function and provokes the emergence of kidney failure. Stagnation in the kidney causes serious complications, such as the formation of stones, pyelonephritis, the spread of the inflammatory process in the body, the secondary decrease in kidney size, increase in pressure. In connection with Tim, it is necessary, as soon as possible to start treatment.

    To reduce pain and prevent kidney damage, infections are treated with analgesic and antibacterial agents. To resume normal excretion of urine from the body requires instrumental intervention or surgery. Selection of the method of treatment correlates with the causes that caused stagnation.

    This is important!

    The main task of treatment is the elimination of heart failure. Special drugs, prescribed by a doctor, can restore blood flow in the kidneys, improving it and expanding the kidney vessels.

    Because of the increase in sodium secretion, urine output increases. In such situations, patients are given special nutrition with a limited intake of salt.

    The best effect is produced by soluble drugs containing sulfonamides and mercury. It is they that accelerate the excretion of sodium from the body, and simultaneously the specific gravity of urine decreases, the puffiness decreases and the blood pressure decreases. Some patients with congestive kidney and heart failure symptoms are undergoing hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.

    Prevention Organization

    As prevention of stagnation in the kidneys or after its elimination, it is required to limit the consumption of those foods that affect the normal functioning of the kidneys. Specifies the diet of the attending physician individually for each patient. A suitable diet helps to recover from the illness much faster and makes the treatment more effective.

    Sports activities and frequent outdoor walks also favorably affect the functioning of the kidneys. It is recommended to abandon harmful addictions, such as alcohol and smoking. Alcoholic beverages adversely affect the body as a whole and especially on the kidneys and liver.

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