
How does the kidney tumor and its treatment methods manifest itself?

  • How does the kidney tumor and its treatment methods manifest itself?

    The tumor of the renal pelvis is diagnosed in people fairly rarely and is approximately 6 to 7% of all primary forms of tumor kidney neoplasms. With regard to the frequency of the lesion, the males suffer from this disease several times more often than women.

    The mucous surface of the renal pelvis is quite sensitive to the influence of various carcinogens on it. A large influence on the development of tumorous tumors is caused by carcinogens, which increase the process of urothelial hyperplasia and contribute to the increase of its sensitivity to carcinogens.

    Various statistical data on the disease affliction of villagers and townspeople are regarded as evidence of the negative impact of carcinogens in the formation of a tumor in the renal pelvis. In rural areas such tumors are very rarely diagnosed. Some doctors are of the opinion that smoking significantly increases the risk of tumor formation in the kidney of the kidney.

    Manifestations of the disease

    The main symptoms of the disease are:

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    • Periodic appearance of blood in the urine.
    • Rare pain sensations of a dull character in the lumbar region from the affected side.
    • Rarely can the tumor itself be probed.

    Hematuria usually does not cause pain or develops before the onset of renal colic, and also retains a tendency to rapid cessation. Conducting emergency cystoscopy during hematuria makes it possible to determine the affected side. Stupid pain is caused by a persistent impairment of the process of urine outflow from the kidney.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    Diagnosis of a tumor in the renal pelvis does not cause serious difficulties. The main way to help diagnose data on suspicion of a tumor in the pelvis is cystoscopy. When a villous lesion is found in the mouth of the ureter or next to it, the specialist prescribes an examination of the upper urinary canals.

    X-ray manifestation of tumoral neoplasm in the pelvis is the presence of filling defects with dangling edges. There are no specific angiographic diagnostic signs of such a tumor. An important role in the diagnosis of tumors in the pelvis is played by a cytological examination of the urine.

    Differential diagnosis is performed with kidney stones. On the X-ray, stones differ in that the contrast medium being injected surrounds them all along the perimeter. If there is any doubt, a pneumopyelography is prescribed for the diagnosis.

    Therapeutic process

    The main radical treatment for patients with tumorous neoplasms in the pelvis is a surgical procedure. A nephrectomy is performed with complete removal of the ureter and resection of the bladder in the zone of the corresponding mouth.

    Organ-preserving surgical intervention can be considered justified only in patients with one kidney, bilateral pathology or a serious impairment of kidney function. Oncology of the renal pelvis is often capable of relapse, so even after the operation, the patient must be under constant medical supervision.

    Complications of the disease

    With the implementation of nephrectomy without concomitant removal of the ureter, a relapse of the pathology in its stump can occur, which suggests the organization of a re-surgical intervention - removing the stump from the ureter with additional excision of the bladder. With the emergence of regional metastases or with non-radical surgical intervention, radiotherapy is organized.

    Prognosis of the disease

    The subsequent five-year survival rate after the organization of the operative intervention is 75 - 90%.Metastases oncology of the renal pelvis enter the lymph nodes, as well as into distant organs, but most patients do not experience even three years of medical supervision. Survival completely depends on the stage of development of oncology.

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