
How do salts appear in the kidneys or the causes of salt in the kidneys

  • How do salts appear in the kidneys or the causes of salt in the kidneys

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    Salts in the kidneys and in the urine are present in small amounts continuously and this is not considered a violation. Pathology develops when the concentration of mineral compounds increases sharply. There are various causes of salt in the kidneys.

    This is important! With increasing acidity of urine, oxalates, uric acid, urates can form. With an excess of alkali concentration, phosphates and salts of urate ammonium are formed.

    Why salts are deposited in the kidneys

    The cause of salt deposits in the kidneys is not always pathology. Often an increase in the concentration of minerals in the urine provokes a malnutrition. In female representatives of salt in the kidneys is diagnosed more often due to the peculiarities of metabolism and the violation of the hormonal background. Congenital anomalies in the structure of the epithelium or disturbances in the metabolic processes of uric acid also lead to an increase in the concentration of salts.

    In a healthy person, the deposition of salts can begin with the abuse of certain foods in food, table salt or mineral water.

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    Detection of salts in the kidneys of a child does not necessarily indicate a disease and the development of pathology. This condition sometimes develops due to the characteristics of child nutrition and the inferior formation of the children's urinary system.

    How the process of deposition of

    salts manifests Usually crystals of salts in the kidneys do not manifest themselves, but if salt in the urine is constantly found in a perfectly healthy person, then this can cause chronic urethritis or cystitis. Then, with a constantly inflammatory process in the renal pelvis and a large concentration of mineral substances in them, the formation of small concrements can begin, which later can grow into larger stones.

    Because of such pathological processes, a person begins to complain of frequent urination accompanied by pain, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. When forming stones and when they move along the ureter, an attack of colic can begin, when the doctor's help is urgently needed.

    This is important! Inflammation of the kidneys can promote the appearance of salts in the urine and themselves become a consequence of a high concentration in the urine of these substances. With a constant disruption of nutrition, it will be impossible to cure or stop the active development of the disease.

    The organization of prevention and treatment of pathology

    As a prevention of the appearance of salts in the kidneys, systematic diagnosis of the urinary system, the organization of proper nutrition, procedures for hardening and timely treatment of infections of the genitourinary system.

    Getting rid of salts involves the appearance of urolithiasis when the patient needs medication. The success of therapy will be impossible if a person does not correct his diet and lifestyle.

    Salt removal processes should be complemented by the formulation of a long-term diet, the specificization of which depends on the type of salts. The presence of oxalate salts suggests the refusal to eat sweet, sour and fatty foods, rich meat broths, cocoa, coffee and strong black tea.

    If urate salts are found in the kidneys, then it is required to limit the consumption of meat products - on more than a day and only in a boiled form. When phosphate salts appear, you need to limit the consumption of vegetables, dairy products. But with such pathology, the positive effect is produced by currants, cabbage, tomatoes, cranberries and sorrel.

    Regardless of the type of salt deposits during a diet, it is important to refrain from consuming table salt as much as possible. The rate of fluid intake per day is at least two liters.

    Adherents of folk treatment recommend using various herbal preparations with oregano, yarrow, root of ara, etc. Preliminary consultation with a specialist is required.

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