
Increased sweating - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Increased sweating - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Most people sweat during exercise and physical work. This is normal and even necessary. The allocation of sweat protects the body from overheating. The allocation of sweat and sebum in the underarm area ensures that the hands slide around the body when walking.

    How sweating occurs

    The sweating mechanism is simple: a nervous impulse enters the sweat gland, causing its ducts to shrink and throw out sweat.

    Sweating is considered to be heightened if:

    • You get wet clothes, you have to change clothes
    • You get bothersome body and legs odor
    • You are worried about this, you are trying to avoid close contact( hugs, handshakes), restrict physical activity to avoid sweating.

    Causes of increased sweating

    Increased sweating is caused by the increased work of sweat glands. There are 2 types of increased sweating:

    • Secondary .It is caused by some other disease, for example, hyperthyroidism, diabetes or infection. Sweating can be a side effect of taking some medications. In this case, the entire body sweats, including the chest and back. Sometimes a person sweats even in a dream.
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    • Primary. Not a consequence of the disease. Doctors do not know its true causes, but there is a tendency to transfer it by inheritance. With an elevated compartment of this type, only certain areas of the body( palms, soles of the feet, armpits and face) sweat.

    Diseases causing increased sweating

    • Thyroid disease( eg, hyperthyroidism)
    • Diabetes mellitus
    • Nervous disorders
    • Diseases accompanied by a rise in body temperature, for example, infectious diseases, etc.

    To which doctor should I consult with increased sweating

    With increased sweating should be examinedin physicians:

    • endocrinologist
    • neurologist
    • general practitioner

    Treatment of increased sweating not caused by a diseaseaniyami

    Sweating treatable. As a rule, after contacting a doctor, you can achieve improvement. Reduce sweating can be done in a variety of ways. The doctor will help you find the best method.

    Powerful antiperspirant .These funds are appointed first. They contain 20-25% aluminum chloride. This is much more than in conventional antiperspirants containing only 1-2% active substance. Antiperspirant can handle the palms, soles of the feet and armpits. They are easy to use, however, skin irritation is possible.

    Ionophoresis .Sweating stops under the influence of a weak electric current. The most effective for sweating feet and palms. The course of treatment: 3-4 times a week for 2-3 weeks. Contraindication - the presence of a pacemaker.

    Botulinum toxin injections( Botox) .Botulinum toxin does not give a nerve impulse to the sweat gland, its contraction and release of sweat does not occur. Effectively stops the sweat glands. The duration of the action is 5-6 months. The injections are quite expensive and painful, but most remain very pretty result. There is information about the harmful effect of botulinum toxin on the body, so this method of reducing excessive sweating is applied taking into account the assessment of harm / benefit to the patient.

    Anticholinergics .Block the production of the substance responsible for the allocation of sweat. Effective in the treatment of whole-body sweating. May cause dry mouth, blurred vision and constipation;there are contraindications to the use.

    Another group of drugs for sweating - beta blockers .

    Surgical intervention. The operation is very rarely used - only when the sweating is very high, and other means do not help.