Paleo diet
Palaeological diet helps to lose weight without feeling hungry and stress for the body
The Paleo diet is today considered one of the most popularmethods for weight loss models and most of the actors of Hollywood, as well as a common program for levying muscle mass in athletes and fitness.
The essence and main features of the diet of hunter-gatherers of the Paleolithic epoch, which allows satisfying, tasty, and effective to lose weight, will be described in this article.
The essence and benefits of the Stone Age diet ^
The main feature of the Stone Age diet is that it does not require the use of a certain standard kcal and allows you to eat as much as you like. It is enough to follow that all foods and dishes included in the diet, resemble people's food during the Paleolithic.
Thanks to this technique, you can learn to control everything that you eat, and also prepare delicious and interesting dishes from quality and natural products. It is noteworthy that this paleontological program does not limit the use of useful fats and carbohydrates, in contrast to most dietary techniques.
After the termination of weight loss, it is simply impossible to gain weight, because it is high in calories by itself. However, choosing a paleological diet for yourself, you need to weigh the advantages and disadvantages, as well as consult a dietician.
This technique has a number of advantages, namely:
- Helps normalize blood sugar levels, which in turn leads to the absence of sudden bouts of hunger and chronic fatigue, and also reduces the risk of developing diabetes.
- Reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, is the prevention of heart disease due to unsaturated fats contained in products from the paleo ration.
- Helps athletes build muscle mass, and lose weight lose weight. This is due to the protein content of the products allowed during the paleontological diet, as well as the combination of low-fat meat with fresh fruits and vegetables.
Like any other dietary method, the paleo diet program has its drawbacks:
- The biggest difficulty of this technique is its cost, because in our time fresh, natural and quality products are much more expensive than conventional ones.
- Modern people, who are accustomed to eating in facies and using semi-finished products, it is very difficult to give up these bad habits.
- There are not enough carbohydrates in the diet of the Stone Age diet. This problem is actual for athletes, but it can be solved quite easily: it's enough to consume more fruits rich in carbohydrates, namely cherries, pineapples and bananas.
- For many, it may be uncomfortable to follow the paleo diet, according to which it is necessary to finish eating before the feeling of satiety.
- It is difficult to adhere to such a diet for vegetarians replacing soy or lentil meat, as legumes are unacceptable during this diet program.
- This method is contraindicated in people with kidney disease.
So, in order to achieve the desired result, to have strong health and an attractive body, a diet during the paleo diet should be built from such products:
- meat of all kinds: chicken, pork, beef, rabbit, but lean, fish and other seafood, eggs, preferablydomestic or farmer market;
- of various fruits, except dried fruits;
- vegetables, excluding potatoes and corn;
- nuts: cedar, Brazilian, pistachios, cashews, etc.
From the menu, according to recommendations of nutritionists, you should remove:
- all cereal products, which, as it turned out, contribute to the development of inflammatory processes;
- milk and other dairy products, since they can cause allergic reactions due to the dishonesty of modern manufacturers who inject cows with hormones to enhance lactation;
- floury and containing a large amount of sugar: sweets, cakes and cakes, which are the cause of diabetes and the emergence of excess weight;
- fast food, which does not benefit the body at all, but only harms it.
Paleo diet: approximate day menu and recipes ^
Let's give an approximate menu of hunter-gatherer diet, but this is only the only menu option. You can combine the diet yourself according to this example.
- The first meal should be satisfying and tasty, so for breakfast you can enjoy yourself with berry platter or a small amount of nuts, apples and pears.
- You can eat a little lean meat and drink a cup of coffee without sugar.
- Despite the fact that the caveman did not drink tea or coffee, these products are allowed to be consumed, but in limited quantities.
Light snack
- This reception of useful and qualitative food should consist of a handful of berries or 1 apple, a piece of low-fat meat and a cup of water without gas.
- Lunch of a person who adheres to the Stone Age technique should consist of a salad made from vegetables and seasoned with olive oil, a piece of red fish or lean meat, melons and a cup of water.
- During a snack, you can eat any fruit, a little nuts.
- For dinner it is preferable to eat a light vegetable salad, any fish cooked on the grill or in the oven.
Before going to bed
- Before going to bed, eating is not necessary, but, if necessary, allowed to eat an orange, a few nuts, drink a cup of water.
To diversify the diet of paleo techniques, you need to learn how to prepare healthy and tasty food. Here are a few simple and interesting recipes for its preparation:
Paste from the bird's liver
Because of the content of a large number of nutrients, the liver pate is an excellent product of the ration program of hunter-gatherers.
- So, for pate will need: 0.4 liters of cream substitute;6 eggs;salt, seasoning;half a kilogram of chicken liver and as much bacon;a handful of raisins;melted butter( 25 g).
- The oven should be preheated to 150 degrees before cooking.
- Mix in the plate yolks, cream and spices. Grind the liver, fat, raisins in a blender, mix everything.
- Pour the resulting mixture into a baking dish and cook for a little more than an hour.
- Refrigerate, serve with bread as a mixture for sandwiches.
Pancakes made from coconut flour
- For delicious pancakes you will need: coconut flour( 3 tablespoons);eggs( 3 pcs.);unsweetened apple sauce( 1 tablespoon);coconut oil and milk( 1 and 3 tablespoons, respectively), soda, extinguished with apple cider vinegar.
- All the ingredients must be mixed and fried in coconut oil like ordinary pancakes. Serve with fresh fruit.
Coconut curd
- Necessary ingredients: coconut milk( 400 ml), gelatin( 4 tsp).
- Method of preparation: 50 ml of milk should be poured over gelatin. The remaining milk should be heated in a saucepan over low heat, pour the gelatin mixture with milk and stir. The resulting mixture must be cooled in the refrigerator. After 5 hours, get it out of the refrigerator and mix it with a mixer for 40 seconds. Serve with fruits, honey or nuts.
Reviews and results of the diet Paleo ^
The results of the paleo diet are simply stunning: according to a lot of those who have lost weight in just a week, you can get rid of 4 kg of excess weight. Many celebrities such as Miley Cyrus, Jessica Bill, Megan Fox prefer to stick to this weight loss technique to maintain the perfect shape.
Reviews about the paleo diet are mostly positive - not only well-known people, but also simple weight loss notes that paleo nutrition in combination with physical loads contributes not only to loss of excess weight, but also to the surge of vigor and energy and improvement of general health.
We also recommend you to watch a video on the video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: