Wine Diet
Wine diet promotes intensive weight loss by efficient fat splitting
Wine diet is developed for a short time- up to 5 days, and is one of the few methods of weight loss, which is based on the use of alcohol in small quantities, namely, quality and natural dry wine.
Fat-burning properties of natural wine ^
When making natural wines, only pure fruit juices are used without different impurities, so their acidity corresponds to the acidity of the human stomach, which has a beneficial effect on the digestion process.
Thanks to the content of nutrients in dry wine, it helps to reduce weight by rapid processing of heavy and high-calorie food and accelerate the process of splitting fats.
A short-term weight loss program based on wine has several limitations that must be strictly observed:
- Do not eat foods that contain sugar;
- It is necessary to completely exclude salt from the diet;
- Forbidden - coffee, juices, tea and mineral water;
- Only wine and non-carbonated drinking water are allowed from drinks.
During the application of the wine diet, dry red wine is preferred, as it beneficially affects the circulatory and cardiovascular system, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, improves metabolism and promotes weight loss.
The positive aspects of this weight loss program based on the use of this type of wine are:
- In a very short period of time, a significant weight loss( up to 5 kg) is achieved;
- It can be adhered to on holidays;
- Refusal of salt will lead to a significant elimination of the liquid from the body and cleansing of toxins and toxins.
Alcohol-based diet has also negative aspects:
- As it is rather low-calorie, during this period it is necessary to pay special attention to one's health.
- Because of the lack of salt in the diet, some of the weight will be reduced not by fatty deposits, but by liquid.
- The wine dietary technique is contraindicated for people with intestinal problems, girls under the age of 21, and those who either abused alcohol before, or did not use it at all.
Wine Diet: Menu for 3 and 5 days ^
Wine diet is developed for 3 and 5 days.
Wine menu for 3 days
The three-day menu must consist of the following products:
- Breakfast: 1 sweet apple, a glass of wine;
- Lunch: wine - 200 ml;
- Lunch: whole-grain loaf-200 g, glass of wine;
- Snack: 2 apples;
- Dinner: wine - 250 ml;
As a result - weight reduction from 3 to 5 kg and complete body cleansing.
Wine menu for 5 days
The menu of the wine diet program, calculated for 5 days, consists of the same set of products:
- Breakfast: tomato - 1 piece, cooked chicken egg - 1 piece;
- Lunch: green apple;
- Lunch: skim curd - 200 g, a small fresh cucumber without salt;
- Dinner: a glass of wine.
The main condition is that for dinner there should be only wine. In addition, during the day, clean drinking water can be consumed in large quantities.
Wine diet with cheese
There is another program for weight loss, based on alcohol - a wine diet with cheese. This option refers to mono-diets, is designed for 3 days and is very popular among Russian star of show business and Hollywood.
- Breakfast: wine - 200 ml., Hard cheese - 150 gr., Toast from wheat bread;
- Lunch: hard cheese - 100 gr., Wine - 2 glasses, 2 toasts.
- . Dinner: same as for lunch, but cheese at 50 gr.
Thanks to a technique based on dry wine and cheese, you can lose 4 to 5 kilograms of excess weight, but in this three-day period the body will experience an acute shortage of nutrients.
Preparation of home-made dry wine
It is also worth noting that positive results from compliance with the wine diet can only be achieved if the wine is natural, not fake. If necessary, you can prepare it at home. This will require pure and sweet berries of grapes. The method of preparation is carried out in four stages:
The first stage: obtaining the wort
- Above the enameled capacity is established a colander, where the grapes are placed in small portions and kneaded with their hands. The result is a must, namely juice and squeezes.
The second stage: preparation for fermentation
- Capacity( saucepan, cans) for three quarters is filled with wort and covered with gauze.
- Then the container is removed for 3-5 days in a room with a temperature of 25 - 30 degrees.
- To stir the must 2 - 3 times per day.
- Further, the juice without sediment must be drained into a 2/3 bottle having a narrow neck.
The third stage: fermentation
- On the neck of the container with juice is fixed a special lid - the bolt, and if not, then a medical glove with a small hole on one of the fingers.
- Then it should be removed to a place with a temperature of up to 20 degrees for 15 - 25 days.
- When there is a complete absence of bubbles or a glove recession, this will mean the completion of the fermentation process.
Fourth stage: maturation
- Liquid without sediment is carefully poured into another container and tightly closed. Homemade dry red wine is ready for use.
Results, reviews of thin and doctors about a diet on red wine ^
Exit after a wine diet to exercise very carefully and gradually. In order to preserve the acquired form and not gain even more unnecessary weight, it is strictly forbidden to eat sweet, floury and fatty foods. In the diet should include fruits, vegetables, greens, lactic products, cereals and other, but most importantly - eat small meals and several times a day.
The results of the wine diet are very significant:
- Weight reduction for 3-5 days - up to 5 kg;
- Reducing the level of bad cholesterol in the blood;
- Improved metabolism;
- Cleansing the body of harmful toxins and toxins.
Women who took advantage of this technique were satisfied and leave positive feedback about the wine diet. Many of them noted that although they felt hungry, the result turned out to be stunning, and some dropped weight by 6 - 7 kg. However, the opinion of dietitians about this method of losing weight is not so rosy and diverges from the opinion of those who have lost weight. They believe that low caloric content of the wine diet is a danger to the body and can significantly worsen the well-being.
Therefore, at this time, exercise is not worth doing. Do not recommend a diet on red wine and those people who have a predisposition to alcoholism. In addition, they note the fact that as a result of the loss of a large volume of fluid from the body, vitamins and nutrients are withdrawn in parallel. Proceeding from this, physicians recommend using a wine diet only to healthy people and not more often than once every six months.
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