Bodybuilder diet
Bodybuilder diet: testimonials and results
The bodybuilder diet is several different menu options for muscle mass or drying, as there is a significant difference in the set of products between them.
The right diet and diet for the bodybuilder: the essence, pluses and minuses of the technique ^
The essence of the diet of the bodybuilder is to contribute to the formation of beautiful relief muscles from the inside, as this process directly depends on the products and regular training.
For example, to gain muscle mass, you need to increase the consumption of protein and high-calorie foods, while for drying you need to create a calorie deficit, so that the body begins to burn fats. It is impossible to remove protein from the diet in this case, since this can lead to the elimination of fat and at the same time the depletion of muscle tissue.
The power of the bodybuilder on drying should consist mostly of protein: it should be consumed at the rate of 3-4 grams for each kilogram of weight. Oily and high-calorie food at this time is completely excluded, and that the body does not feel the lack of necessary substances, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes.
Thus, nutrition of the bodybuilder for weight loss should consist mainly of protein foods: during drying, it is the basis of the diet along with slow carbohydrates. It is also welcome to eat vegetables that contain fiber: it helps to accelerate metabolism and quickly remove excess fluid.
The nutrition of the bodybuilder when typing mass, in addition to proteins, includes carbohydrates: before and after exercise, one must eat food with a high glycemic index, and the rest of the time - with a low.
Also nutrition of the bodybuilder to the mass by 70% should consist of high-calorie food, and the remaining 30% include fiber, carbohydrates and proteins. If you do not comply with such proportions and eat vegetables and fruits, then due to stimulation of the intestine calories will not be absorbed.
A healthy diet for beginning bodybuilders is not molded from the diet of those who attend strength training for a long time, since in any case, depending on the purpose, it will consist of the same products, but the transition from the usual diet to the sport should be done gradually.
Adhering to the right nutrition for bodybuilders, you can significantly accelerate the achievement of the desired result, and there are many other advantages in this:
- Improving bowel function;
- General improvement of the body;
- Strengthening immunity.
What foods should be in the diet of the bodybuilder:
- Meat and fish of low-fat varieties;
- Vegetables and fruits;
- Milk and sour milk drinks;
- Green;
- Protein cocktails( if mass is supposed to be set);
- Nuts.
The list of forbidden dishes directly depends on the purpose:
- To strengthen muscles, one should not eat all fatty foods, for example.such food interferes with the assimilation of nutrients;
- For drying, in addition to fatty foods, fast carbohydrates are banned: biscuits, pasta, sauces, beer, coffee, sweets, salt.
Bodybuilder diet: a set of food, menu, eating rules, recipes ^
Bodybuilder diet: examples of menus, recipes
Healthy eating rules for bodybuilders:
- Regardless of the purpose, a diet for drying or for weight gain involves 5-6 mealsa day and consumption of 1, 5 liters of water;
- During drying, it is necessary to give priority to cardio training;
Diet for the beginning bodybuilder
To make a smooth transition from a normal diet to a diet for athletes, you need to eat according to the following scheme:
- 1-2 weeks: reduce the amount of fat, cook food for a couple or cook, refuse to fry, remove sauces from the menu;
- 3-4 weeks: stop adding refined sugar, sweets and lemonade;
- 5-6 week: significantly increase the amount of water used up to 10-12 glasses;
- 7-8 week: we carry out energy monitoring, calculating the calorie requirement for the day by the formula 10 × weight + 6.25 × height - 5 × height + 5 .
Diet for the bodybuilder for fat burning
To build muscle and burn fat cells athletes can use this sample menu:
- We have breakfast with a banana, oatmeal and two boiled eggs;
- Lunch 200 g of boiled veal, a portion of pasta and boiled broccoli;
- Before training, we eat 100 g of cottage cheese, fruit jam and 4 slices of rye bread;
- After training we drink a whey cocktail, we eat rice porridge with raisins;
- We have dinner with boiled chicken breast, baked with potato and a salad of peas, corn and carrots;
- Before eating we eat a pack of cottage cheese.
Bodybuilder diet for weight loss
During drying, you must calculate your menu in advance for a day, and for this you can use this example:
- 200-400 g of boiled rice;
- 0.5 g boiled chicken breast;
- Vegetables in unlimited quantities;
- 1 liter of skim milk.
Bodybuilder diet for muscle mass gain
Here the diet should be 50% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and the remaining 20% are given to fats:
- We have a batch of cottage cheese, 100 grams of meat and two egg whites;
- For lunch we eat 300 g of porridge and boiled meat;
- We have lunch with a vegetable stew with meat, we eat soup with beans;
- After training we drink a protein shake, eat a handful of nuts and a portion of oatmeal;
- Eat boiled eggs( 2 pcs.), Cottage cheese and 200 g veal.
The protein diet of the bodybuilder
The menu of the protein diet can be successfully used to reduce fatty layers with the preservation of muscle mass for two weeks:
- We have breakfast with coffee or tea;
- Lunch cabbage salad, egg and 200 g of tomato juice;
- We dine 100 g of boiled fish.
Bodybuilder diet on drying
In this case, you need to act on the principle of "the more fat - the more proteins instead of carbohydrates":
- We have breakfast oatmeal, tea and protein cocktail;
- We have dinner with buckwheat chops, chicken broth and vegetable salad;
- We are having dinner with fresh vegetables and baked fish;
- Between meals, we snack nuts.
Bodybuilder diet - vegetarian
People who do not eat fish, cheese, eggs and meat on their own beliefs can eat soya analogs instead. In order for the body to get the protein it needs in meat products, it can be replaced with the following products:
- Kinoa rice: it has more protein than other varieties;
- Cheese tofu and tempeh;
- Broccoli and spinach are sources of calcium;
- Legumes: beans, peas.
Recipes for the bodybuilding diet
Prescription for the protein cocktail:
- Mix 300 g of cottage cheese with 200 ml of low-fat milk, the same portion of water and 1 tbsp.l.cocoa;
- Beat with a blender.
Recipe for bean soup:
- Boil the beans, then wipe through a sieve;
- We fill with cream and butter, we spread boiled green peas;
- Add the boiled shredded mushrooms.
Recipe for vegetable salad:
- Rub fresh carrots, chop spinach, sprinkle with cashews;
- Dressing with olive oil.
Healthy food for a bodybuilder when gaining weight and for burning fat: doctors' reviews, results ^
As a result of the bodybuilding diet, it is possible not only to achieve muscle growth, but also to significantly improve metabolism, strengthen bone tissue and increase metabolism - that's why dieticians recommend athletes adhere to a certainnutrition, depending on the stage of work on the body.
Correct exit from the bodybuilder diet:
- If the menu gave an advantage to proteins, but gradually reduce their dosage and increase carbohydrates, and vice versa;
- To add weight after drying, you can not immediately start eating fatty and fried foods.
Reviews about the right and healthy nutrition for bodybuilders of our regular readers:
Eugene, 23:
"I have been in the gym for almost a year, and I can say that 80% of the athlete's success depends on his nutrition. Protein cocktails in general need to be drunk every day regardless of the stage - drying or set, as they are non-nutritive and well strengthen muscles »
Olga, 29 years old:
" For a bodybuilder, proper nutrition should be the basis of everything, because the ratio of carbohydrates and proteins depends on the speeda set of muscle mass or fat burning. Personally, I have long abandoned fried foods, as they are highly undesirable for girls. "
Daria, 33 years old:
" It should be borne in mind that the rate of fat burning in girls and men differs. It is more difficult for us to get rid of fat, so I would recommend eating very small portions of low-calorie food during drying, while increasing the number of meals up to 7 times. "