  • Cheese Diet - classic protein weight loss

    Read in article:
    • How to lose weight on cheese
    • Cheese diet: menu for 3, 5 and 10 days
    • Reviews of slimming and doctors about cheese diet

    Cheese diet helps to lose without hunger up to 5 - 7 kg per week

    Cheese diet is aone of the options for a classic protein diet. The advantage of the "cheese" diet before the meat is that the protein from the cheese is absorbed more quickly, and in addition, this food product has a high content of calcium and phosphorus salts, as well as some amino acids necessary for the life of the body.

    How to lose weight on cheese ^

    The essence of this method of losing weight, like any protein, is to supply the body with protein food, and the use of carbohydrate sources is minimized.

    This approach deprives the body of sufficient energy material and forces it to use reserve sources - hypodermic fat, and, as a consequence, to lose excess kilograms. Slimming methods based on protein intake are quite effective, but can not be prolonged, as increasing the amount of protein in the diet affects not the best way on the work of the kidneys and the liver.

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    Another drawback, and at the same time, the dignity of the diet program based on cheese - in this product there is a high fat content. On the one hand, it can to some extent inhibit rapid weight loss, but at the same time slows digestion and contributes to dulling hunger.

    For this method of losing weight, you need to choose the right cheese. It should take into account its caloric content and fat content. So, the cheese of semi-solid varieties has a caloric content of 360-400 Kcal, white low-fat cheese - up to 250 Kcal, most types of processed cheese - 270 - 280 Kcal. For a cheese diet, products with 10 - 12% fat content, for example, ricotta, tofu, mozzarella, cheshil, guadette, Adyghe cheese, will be optimal.

    Advantages of cheese diet:

    • there is no need to count calories;
    • available food that does not require complex cooking;
    • is a fractional food that allows the body not to feel hungry all over the dietary program;
    • easy transition to the familiar power mode.

    Of course, there are certain drawbacks to this weight loss program:

    • , the scarcity of the diet does not allow the body to provide a balanced diet;
    • protein food can cause irritation and inflammation of the mucous membranes in people with weak gastrointestinal tract;
    • dairy products can also provoke lactose deficiency and bowel problems.

    But in general, the cheese diet is a fairly effective variety of protein diets that allow you to saturate the body with useful trace elements and at the same time contribute to the discharge of excess kilograms.

    Cheese Diet: Menu for 3, 5 and 10 days ^

    In the classical version, the slimming program, based on the use of cheese, implies 5 - 6 meals a day.

    The cheese menu for 3 days

    The approximate menu for 3 days can be compiled as follows:

    Day 1:

    • first breakfast: a cup of black coffee or a glass of green tea( without sugar);
    • second breakfast: a slice of cheese and 1 boiled egg;
    • lunch: 200 g lean meat, 100 g low-fat cheese;
    • afternoon snack: 250 grams of cottage cheese;
    • dinner: 200 g low-fat yogurt.

    Day 2:

    • first breakfast: 50 grams of cheese, 1 sweet pepper, a glass of herbal tea;
    • second breakfast: 1 boiled egg;a cup of tea;
    • lunch: 200 g rabbit meat, 50 grams of cheese, a glass of mineral water;
    • snack: 50 cheeses, 2 cucumbers;
    • dinner: 100 grams of cheese, a glass of yogurt.

    Day 3:

    • first breakfast: 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese;2 tomatoes, a cup of tea;
    • second breakfast: 50 grams of cheese, 100 g of asparagus, a glass of mineral water;
    • lunch: 100 grams of cheese, 100 g of boiled chicken breast, a cup of tea;
    • dinner: 50 cheeses, green apple, a glass of low-fat yogurt.

    When you leave the diet regime, gradually add to the diet vegetables and fruits, bread, pasta from durum wheat. Do not forget that with this method of losing weight, you must observe an abundant drinking regimen, and drink at least 2 liters of fluids per day.

    Sample menu for 5 - 7 days

    You can suggest another variant of the cheese diet, calculated for 5, maximum 7 days, in each of which you can throw up to 1 kg of excess weight. The menu for each day will look like this:

    • breakfast: 2 sandwiches from whole grain bread with 2 tsp.low-fat sour cream, coffee or tea with skim milk without sugar;
    • second breakfast: 1 green apple, tea without sugar;
    • lunch: a handful of boiled pasta, 125 grams of cheese, tea with 1 tsp.honey;
    • snack: 2 diet loaves, a slice of watermelon or melon;
    • dinner: 2 dietary toast with melted cheese, vegetable salad with sour cream, low-fat yogurt;
    • 2 hours before bedtime - fruit nonfat yogurt.

    Menu cheese cheese for 10 days

    You can also use the ten-day option, but remember that the excessive increase in the duration of this method of weight loss is not recommended in any case. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, as a result of observing this dietary program, you can throw off 5 to 7 extra pounds:

    • 1st meal( about 8.00): tea or coffee without sugar;
    • 2nd meal( 10.00): 1 egg, boiled soft-boiled;
    • 3rd meal( 12.00-13.00): 200 g of boiled lean meat( beef or chicken) or a slice of ham;
    • 4th meal( 14.30-15.00): 150 g low-fat cheese;
    • 5 th meal( 18.00): 200-250 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
    • 6th meal( 20.00): a glass of kefir low fat.

    Throughout the slimming program, you need to consume more fluids: drinking water, mineral water without gas, unsweetened green tea, broth of wild rose or mint.

    Cheese and Wine Diet

    There are also many options for dietary nutrition based on cheese. So, unique is the cheese - wine diet, in the menu of which alcohol is included, which is considered an unacceptable food for weight loss. The peculiarity of this program is that when wine is combined with cheese, salt practically does not enter the body, which contributes to the activation of metabolism and cleansing of the intestine from toxins and toxins. This method of losing weight lasts 2, maximum 3 days, during which it is possible to lose 1 - 1.5 kg of excess weight.

    The essence of the cheese and wine diet is that during the day, about 100 g of cheese products of hard varieties, a slice of wheat bread and a glass( 50 g) of white dry wine should be consumed for each meal. Between meals, you need to consume up to 0.5 liters of liquids - water, green tea, herbal decoction or other.

    Cheese-and-cheese diet

    It is also unusual to eat a sausage-cheese diet, which can last no longer than 10 days. It in its essence is a version of the Kremlin's diet program:

    • 8.00 - unsweetened coffee;
    • 10.00 - 1 boiled egg;
    • 12.00 - 200 g of low-fat sausage;
    • 14.00 - 100 g of low-fat cheese;
    • 16.00 - 250 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
    • 18.00 - a glass of kefir low-fat.

    Diet 5 processed cheese curds

    For fans of experimenting, you can offer another version of the diet program, which received an original playful name - a diet of 5 cheerful melted cheese. It is designed for 5 days, during which you will need the following products:

    • processed cheese - 5;
    • boiled chicken egg - 5;
    • apples - 5;
    • tomatoes - 5;
    • cucumber or sweet Bulgarian pepper - 5;
    • curd of low fat content - 1 kg;
    • white wine - 0,7 l;
    • greens.

    The menu of this weight loss program is very simple:

    • breakfast - unsweetened coffee or tea with melted cheese;
    • dinner - an egg, a tomato, greens;
    • snack - apple;
    • dinner - 200 g of cottage cheese, cucumber( or pepper), greens;
    • 2 hours before bedtime - a glass of white wine.

    Someone will say that this program is not fun? However, to comply with it you will have to be patient and strong-willed.

    recipes based on cheese dishes

    We also offer a few popular dietary dishes with cheese:

    Cheese - Vegetable Casserole

    • Ingredients: zucchini peeled and seeds - 400 g low-fat cottage cheese - 100-120 grams, cheese varieties - 25 g,egg - 2, garlic - 1 clove, vegetable oil - 1 tsp.
    • Squash is rubbed on a large grater, squeezed well. Cottage cheese is mixed with grated cheese, salt, add crushed garlic. Whisk the eggs and mix with this mixture. Spread out on a baking sheet zucchini and fill them with the resulting mixture, bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 250 degrees.

    Cheese chips

    • Cheese( 30 g) is rubbed and fried in a frying pan. Chips are given a deeper shape by putting it on a glass.

    Cheese sticks

    • Ingredients: cheese - 400 g, eggs - 10, butter - 50 g, salt.
    • Egg whites are beaten and reconnected with yolks, add grated cheese to them and spread a mixture of the handfuls on a baking tray, oiled. Bake a dish in a frying pan at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.
    We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the vitamin diet.

    Reviews dieters and doctors about the diet of cheese ^

    cheese diet is a fairly effective method of weight loss - 10 days its compliance can lose 5 to 10 kg of excess weight. But you can repeat it no more than once in 2 - 3 months. However, in the interim period, the use of unloading days is allowed, no more than once a week.

    actively recommend this technique premenopausal women, but need to be careful to treat it for people with diseases of the gastro - intestinal tract, kidneys and liver.

    In addition, there is one fundamental point - the choice of cheeses for the diet is necessary to give preference to natural, high-quality cheese products, as otherwise the benefit of the body such diet program will bring.

    To ensure that in the first days after the cheese method of losing weight, the weight loss did not return swiftly, it is also important to carry out the correct way out of it. Within two days after the end, it is better to use the following diet:

    • breakfast - solid low-fat cheese, bread, a glass of orange juice;
    • second breakfast - a slice of bread with peanut butter, banana;
    • lunch - 100 g boiled chicken, broccoli steamed, soup or spaghetti with tomato sauce, vegetable salad;
    • snack - crackers with low-fat sauce, vegetable or fruit to taste;
    • dinner - fresh fruit, low-fat yogurt.

    We recommend to watch a video - a video of professionals on how to choose the right quality cheese and how to distinguish a fake from a natural product: