Soy diet
Soy diet helps to lose weight without loss of muscle mass
Soy diet for most people who want to lose weight will be one of the bestmethods of weight loss, thanks to which you can easily lose extra boring weight and find a beautiful tightened body with elastic muscles.
Secrets of weight loss on products from soy ^
Soy is a nutritious, non-caloric, tasty and easily assimilable product containing a high-grade protein, phytoestrogen, lecithin and other biologically active substances.
During the soy diet a large amount of protein helps to not lose muscle mass, and phytoestrogen with lecithin will effectively lower the level of bad cholesterol and improve the body's metabolism.
The main advantages of the dietary method based on soy are the following:
- Natural soy products, eaten, burn fats much more efficiently than dairy drinks and meat;
- A diet using soy products, in combination with physical exercises, will not only help to reduce excess weight, but also get rid of cellulite, gain an elastic body and tightened muscles.
The disadvantages of a soy diet are a possible manifestation of an allergic reaction to soy products and the frequent occurrence of meteorism in soy meat. In addition, it should be noted that the diet with a large amount of soy is contraindicated in pregnancy and in the presence of serious diseases of the digestive and endocrine systems.
The following main products are allowed in the diet of the soy diet:
- Soy products - meat, milk drink, sauce, tofu cheese;
- Vegetables - beets, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, cabbage, bell peppers;
- Fruits and juices - apple, kiwi, orange, plums;
- Dried fruits - prunes, dried apples, dried apricots;
- Legumes and cereals - green beans, peas, buckwheat, oatmeal;
- Low-fat fish( pollock, cod, taimen, pike);
- Lean meat.
It is forbidden to include sweet items, muffins, fatty fish and meat, fried foods and fast food in the menu.
Soy diet: 7 days menu and recipes ^
Diet on soy milk
A soy milk beverage is very useful in combating excess weight, as it is enriched with many useful substances that not only actively burn fat deposits, but also bring undeniable benefits:
- The presence of fiber allows you to perfectly clean the intestines from toxins and accumulated slag;
- Protein strengthens muscle mass of the body;
- The body receives the necessary vitamins, macro and microelements.
Diet on a soy milk beverage will help burn up to 4 extra pounds, subject to the following dietary diet:
Monday, Thursday
- Breakfast: black bread crumbs, soy milk,
- Lunch: mashed potatoes on milk, a pair of baked appleswith honey;
- Snack: 6 pcs.dried apricots;
- Dinner: apple juice, a piece of tofu, a steam fish.
Tuesday, Friday
- Breakfast: Hercules in milk, cereal loaf, a slice of tofu;
- Lunch: boiled green beans with corn, milk from soy, cracker;
- Snack: carrot and apple puree;
- Dinner: dried bread slice, pea porridge, cabbage salad with apples and fresh carrots, plum compote.
Wednesday, Saturday
- Breakfast: tofu, rye bread, milk;
- Lunch: carrot salad with tofu and low-fat sour cream, baked beef;
- Snack: prunes and milk;
- Dinner: boiled red pepper stuffed with green beans and finely chopped lean beef, orange juice.
- Breakfast: bread, buckwheat porridge, milk with muesli;
- Lunch: vegetable soup with rusks and sour cream low-fat, a slice of tofu;
- Snack: muesli and milk;
- Dinner: a piece of baked fish with a pair of potatoes in sour cream, pepper salad with cucumber, tomato juice.
Diet on soy meat
Soy dietary low-calorie meat is extremely useful for slimming, as well absorbed, significantly strengthens bone and muscle tissue and perfectly normalizes metabolic processes in the body.
The approximate diet for meat from soy is as follows:
1st, 3rd days
- Morning: dry biscuits, soy milk;
- Lunch: boiled buckwheat, cutlet from soy, carrot drink;
- Snack: fresh grated carrots with a spoonful of olive oil;
- Evening: a slice of tofu, beetroot boiled salad with sour cream and prunes.
2nd, 4th days of
- Morning: a couple of toast, soy milk, tofu;
- Lunch: Bulgarian pepper stuffed with champignons and soy beans, cocoa with soy milk;
- Snack: a small orange;
- Evening: goulash made from soy, mashed potatoes and milk, bread, juice.
5th, 6th days
- Morning: soy cottage cheese, compote, toast;
- Lunch: soup with pieces of soy meat, carrot salad with dried apricots, tea;
- Snack: a handful of almonds;
- Evening: boiled string beans with soy beans, chamomile tea and soy milk 3: 1.
Diet on soy sauce
The use of natural soy sauce during dietary nutrition gives the dishes a piquant taste without adding calories to them. In addition, its use will positively affect the digestion process. However, it should be noted that the daily rate of this product should not exceed a couple of tablespoons. The recommended duration of the dietary technique with the use of soy sauce is 8 days.
The approximate menu for the day can be as follows:
- Breakfast: boiled rice with soy sauce, slice of lean fish, toast, tea;
- Lunch: a couple of tofu pieces;
- Lunch: pepper stuffed with mushrooms, soy milk, crackers;
- Snack: a small portion of vinaigrette;
- Dinner: steamed or boiled beef with soy sauce, salad, milk.
Results, reviews of weight loss and recommendations of dieticians ^
The results of soy diet, according to many thin, impressive, especially when combined with moderate power loads. During the adherence to the dietary program of weight loss on soy, as a rule, it is possible to achieve the following indicators:
- Weight reduction from 3 to 5 kg in 6-8 days;
- Noticeable improvement in the relief of the figure;
- Significant muscular strengthening.
A dietary food system based on soy products in combination with other foods allows you to carry it with ease, without stress and a grueling hunger strike. The correct way out of the diet is to smoothly remove from the diet products from soy and gradually replace it with meat, fish and mushroom dishes.
However, for further weight retention, avoid overeating and add a couple of spoons of soy sauce once a day to the dish. It is advisable to reuse the dietary method not earlier than after 1.5 months of balanced and adequate nutrition.
Reviews of soy diet from the fair sex enthusiasts:
- The food ration contains useful and tasty food;
- Excellent weight reduction;
- The dropped weight is not returned.
Nutritionists are also positive about the soy diet, but it is advised to take a more careful approach to choosing soy products for weight loss, because only natural and high-quality food can benefit the body and the desired result.
We also recommend you to watch a video with useful advice of dieticians about the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: