Impulse Diet
Impulse diet is the safest way to combat excess weight
The pulse diet of the famous Russian nutritionist Mikhail Ginzburgis considered one of the most effective and safe dietary methods of weight loss, since it assumes the consumption of high-quality and healthy foods containing high nutritive pricesspine and a small caloric value.
At the same time, food intake must occur at strictly defined intervals. However, these are not rigid "hungry" restrictions, but only a significant reduction in the consumption of fats.
The essence and principles of the impulse diet of Mikhail Ginzburg ^
The key link and the basis of this food system are unloading days. The diet of such days consists of light, protein foods, fruits and vegetables. Discharges are arranged every other day, but not less than twice a week.
Doing this is often not recommended - the body should not suffer from the lack of nutrients necessary for normal life. You can unload every day, using light breakfasts and dinners, while leaving a satisfying lunch.
The author's version of unloading days is based on the use of special mixtures. If there is no opportunity to purchase special ready meals, it can be replaced by low-fat varieties of meat and fish. Ginzburg's method allows for a while to stop unloading days and just stick to a low-fat diet, while the weight will not be added. It all depends on the degree of obesity or the number of extra pounds. When the unloading days resume, the weight will start to decrease again.
The body quickly adapts to an orderly regimen and low-fat food. This allows you to switch the metabolism to lose weight and extract energy from old stocks. The food system does not imply limiting the amount of food and calories consumed, giving up carbohydrates and sweets( within reasonable limits), but the daily intake of fat should not exceed 40 grams.
Eat only foods that do not exceed 5% of calories. Products, the use of which should be limited or eliminated altogether: many fats are found in margarine, oil, fat, fatty meat and dairy products, chocolate, cream and biscuits.
Advantages of pulse diet:
- Safety.
- Products are required ordinary, only low-fat, no strict calorie counting is required.
- The use of special mixtures( if used) saves cooking time, it is convenient to take them to work.
- The food system promotes burning of adipose tissue, and not muscular.
- Weight goes gradually, which does not contradict medical requirements.
- Use the impulse program for weight loss can be a long time and without harm to health, up to 3 months.
- The impulse technique contributes to the proper formation of a dietary stereotype.
Deficiency of polyunsaturated fats can be considered a disadvantage of impulse diet. To avoid this, you need to include in the daily diet of fish and take fish oil.
Impulse Diet: Menu and Stages of Weight Loss ^
The first stage - low-fat nutrition
At the beginning of the impulse program it is sufficient to adhere to a low-fat diet. It has received the name - the phase of low-fat nutrition . The body should get used to low fat foods and not experience discomfort or hunger.
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- Give preference to lean meat and fish, low-fat dairy products, vegetables, fruits and complex carbohydrates( bread, cereals, potatoes, pasta).
- You can eat sweets that do not contain fat: sugar, candy, marmalade, honey, marshmallows. But sweets need to be limited to a day.
- Gradually reduce the number of semi-finished and refined foods, increase the consumption of various fruits and vegetables.
- Protein products must be present in the menu. In the daily ration - 2 servings.
- Vegetables and fruits should be at least 5 servings.
- Oil and mayonnaise are not used in cooking them.
- Also in the low-fat menu includes 2 servings of complex carbohydrates. Cereals, cereals and pasta from durum wheat must be present in the daily menu.
- You can eat 2 dessert spoons of olive oil, it's no longer worth it. After all, some amount of fat is present in fat-free foods, meat, chicken proteins kefir and fish. And at the stage of a low-fat menu, the most important is to reduce fat intake, its daily rate is 20 grams.
Approximate menu of pulse technique:
- Breakfast - a portion of the oat-flakes( buckwheat) on the water, a pear, a glass of 1% kefir or yogurt.
- Extra breakfast - an omelet made from two proteins or 100 gr.low-fat cottage cheese, half a banana.
- Lunch - baked chicken, boiled beef, vegetable soup, 1/2 serving of rice or pasta.
- For an afternoon snack - an apple, cottage cheese, a little dried fruit or marshmallow.
- Dinner - boiled or baked fish, salad from fresh vegetables. For refueling, you can mix a little oil with lime juice.
The second stage - active weight loss
At the second stage of the impulse program try to limit the use of simple carbohydrates and sweets. Of fruits, give preference to pears and apples. At the stage of active weight loss, it is recommended to include in the menu "Doctor Slim" - a special cocktail that has a protein-carbohydrate composition.
To avoid bouts of hunger, this cocktail should be consumed 1/2 serving before dinner, and the second half in the evening. Instead of breakfast - also a cocktail. It can be replaced with fruit, ground with 50 gr.cottage cheese with a blender.
Active stage menu:
- Breakfast - "Doctor Slim"( you can have a fruit and curd mass), coffee with skim milk without sugar. Breakfast the second - a serving of cocktail. Soup - vegetable soup, 150 gr.boiled chicken.
- Snack - again a cocktail.
- Dinner - steamed or baked fish and vegetable salad.
- Before dinner and dinner, half a serving of cocktail will dull the feeling of hunger.
When e tap active weight loss is mastered, you can proceed to the main thing - it's fasting days.
The third stage - unloading days
Unloading is a cocktail "Doctor Slim", 2-4 servings or its replacement( curd and fruit mass), 350 gr.fruit and 500 gr.vegetables. Vegetables need to be divided into 3 divided doses.
Relaxing days on pulsed feeding are easy to transfer, because the body is already sufficiently prepared for them. Drinks and water without restriction can be consumed at all stages of the diet, provided that they do not contain sugar. You can also drink unsweetened coffee and tea.
Results, reviews of weight loss and doctors about impulse diet ^
Reviews of the impulse diet are mostly positive - it is rather gentle and gentle to the body. Ginzburg's method allows you to avoid attacks of hunger, helps to lose weight, but does not deprive the body of vital nutrients. It is allowed even to pass unloading days, and there is no risk to recover.
The Ginsburg pulse diet allows you to lose up to 7 kilograms of excess weight in 1 month. And if you follow all the recommendations for 3 months, it goes up to 17 kilograms. The results of an impulse diet may seem to someone not too fast, but they do not contradict the norms of medicine for correct weight loss. Nutritionists recommend the principle of impulse nutrition even for people with weakened health, pregnant and lactating women.
In addition, during the diet, healthy habits and healthy eating habits are formed, so that the result of weight loss will be persistent. In order to maintain the weight in the future, it will be enough to limit the amount of fat or arrange 2 days off per week. After 2 months, the impulse diet can be repeated, and the principle of nutrition suggested by Mikhail Ginzburg can be taken as a basis for a healthy lifestyle.
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