
At what stage kidneys and temperature ache and when it is necessary to begin treatment

  • At what stage kidneys and temperature ache and when it is necessary to begin treatment

    Acute pyelonephritis is a nonspecific inflammatory process in the kidneys, in which the main damage occurs in the interstitial tissue, pelvis and calyx. Diseases spread with a high incidence of the population, while it is characterized by the fact that the kidneys are aching and the temperature can increase quite strongly.

    More often the disease is diagnosed in the female body. But at an older age, pathology is also found in males due to the prevalence of adenoma of the prostate that interferes with the normal outflow of urine and promotes the reproduction of bacterial microorganisms.

    Clinical signs of the disease

    Symptoms of the acute form of pyelonephritis vary in accordance with the form and course of inflammation. A more calm course is characteristic of serous pyelonephritis, and violent clinical signs characterize purulent lesions.

    The acute form of pathology during development mainly provokes the appearance of three main symptoms, namely, urination disorders, temperature and kidney pain.

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    In many patients in the first days of active development of the disease, the temperature regime can rise to 40 degrees and is accompanied by chills.

    In addition, there is a profuse sweating, severe head pain, nausea with vomiting, worsening appetite, joint and muscle pain, shortness of breath, frequent urination, aching pain in the lumbar region. Back pains become much more intense during walking, when the kidney zone is being beaten, and may also affect the upper abdomen.

    This is important! In bilateral pain, the pain may be different. The development of painful sensations is explained by the extension of the renal pelvis and irritation of the nerve endings in it. When suppuration of clots of pus begin to clog the ureter, and pain resembles renal colic.

    Violation of urinary diversion is supplemented by polyuria, frequent urination and pain when urinating. When feeling, the patient complains of pain in the lower abdomen from the side of the lesion. In the early days, signs of a reaction to irritation of the peritoneum are clearly visible - this greatly complicates the conduct of palpation. Some patients are forced to pull their legs to the torso, when they sit or lie - this happens in connection with the spread of the inflammation process to fatty tissue around the kidney - this results in a spastic contracture in the muscles of the waist. For acute forms, the increase in arterial pressure and edema of the extremities and the face are uncharacteristic.

    Pathology and possible complications of

    With the timely conduct of diagnostic measures and the appointment of appropriate treatment, the course of the disease will be favorable. Due to the large selection of antibiotic drugs in modern medicine, only rarely is surgical intervention applied. With the proper organization of therapy, most patients after two to three weeks recover completely.

    But repeated kidney lesions are also possible pathology, therefore it is necessary to take into account the risk of transformation of the acute form into a chronic form. With the described course, the disease is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure. The course of pyelonephritis can be complicated by the attachment of purulent inflammation in the cellulose around the kidney - so, the patient's condition worsens severely.

    Sometimes acute pyelonephritis causes urosepsis and kidney failure. When an untreated hematogenous infection is detected, apostematous nephritis manifests itself, which greatly worsens the patient's health. Another severe exacerbation is bacteremia shock.

    Preventive measures and treatment

    If a person has fever and the kidneys are sick, then after confirming the diagnosis of acute pyelonephritis, the infection centers - caries, chronic tonsillitis, maxillary sinusitis, cholecystitis, etc., are sanitized. All these foci are considered a potential threat of microbial penetration into the kidneys. An important role in prevention is given to hygiene. With all the rules of hygiene, it prevents the spread of infection through the urinary tract, fights diarrhea and constipation.

    This is important! It is necessary to get rid of mechanical barriers on the way of urine withdrawal at a time, strictly observe the rules of antiseptics and asepsis, and also carry out antibacterial treatment and preventive treatment with special medicines.

    A person with a diagnosis of acute pyelonephritis should always follow the regimen in order to normalize body temperature, eliminate disorders associated with urination, and eliminate pain in the lumbar region. It is better to give preference to easily digestible food, enriched with vitamins, with a sufficient content of calories. Refuse to take from alcoholic beverages, spicy seasonings, spices, from coffee. For washing the urinary tract, a lot of liquid intake is prescribed - especially decoctions of rosehips, fruit drinks, compotes, kissels, mineral waters, natural juices - about three liters per day.

    Local thermal procedures such as diathermy, warmers, taking analgesic medications, with painful pains due to a blockage of the ureter - candles with papaverine, belladonna and luminal, have a positive effect on kidney health.

    The main way to conduct therapy for the development of acute form of pyelonephritis is treatment with antibacterial drugs. But along with him, in violation of the passage of urine, it is required first of all to restore her departure from the pelvis. For this, catheterization of the ureter can be performed, elimination of the causes causing blockage, by operation, etc.

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