Yogurt diet
Yoghurt diet normalizes the work of the digestive tract andstrengthens the immune system
Yoghurt diet is designed primarily for lovers of sweet desserts. But this slimming program is not only delicious, but also very useful for our body. A day started with a glass of yogurt will surely become optimistic and fruitful for everyone.
The use of diets and fasting days on yoghurts ^
Yogurt is considered to be the most useful of all sour-milk products, especially if it is made from completely natural ingredients and does not contain dyes and various flavors.
In the mass production of this food product, as a rule, there is a mixture of homogenized and pasteurized milk and the addition of special types of bacteria to it.
In addition, pectin and modified starch have become very popular in the dairy industry. The first promotes the removal of toxins from the body and regulates digestive processes, and the second is used to obtain a more dense consistency of the products.
Very useful yoghurt products for those who need to replenish in the body supplies of calcium and phosphorus. Calcium in this sour-milk product contains a lot( up to 40% of the daily norm), phosphorus is slightly smaller( 15%), this product is rich in vitamin D, very rare for the townspeople. A real find yogurt has become for people with an individual intolerance to lactose, which can not by virtue of this feature take milk.
Enzymes, contained in yoghurt products, process milk protein in such a way that they do not cause allergic reactions of the body and are easily absorbed by them. A protein and lactobacillus, which are part of yogurt, accelerate the process of losing fat when losing weight and restore the intestinal microflora, blocking the action of harmful substances.
In general terms, the useful properties of this fermented milk product can be represented as follows:
- high immunity - consumption of 200 grams of yogurt a day helps to increase the production of substances that protect the body from infections and prevent the development of various tumors;
- healthy intestines - yoghurt products regulate the work of the digestive tract and restore it after having suffered intestinal infections;
- protection against fungal diseases - this sour-milk product perfectly supports a healthy microflora in the body;
- good mood and a charge of positive energy - beneficial bacteria that are part of probiotics, increase the level of serotonin and adrenaline in the body;
- is very beneficial for this sour-milk product from a medical point of view, because due to the high content of calcium, magnesium and potassium in its composition, it is an excellent prevention of osteoporosis, caries and hypertension.
It is worth noting that most all these useful properties are realized not in the store, but in the home yoghurt. Therefore, in order to be confident in the naturalness of the product used, it is better to cook it yourself.
Recipe for cooking homemade yogurt
- This will require: 1 - 3 l of pasteurized milk and a dry yoghurt culture( it can be purchased at a pharmacy).
- Prepared in sterilized dishes: it is poured milk, bring it to a boil and cool to a temperature of 37 - 42 degrees.
- A small amount of milk is mixed with the leaven and gradually added to the bulk.
- For the ripening of yogurt in the vessel must be maintained a special temperature, so it is best to insist the product in a yogurt or thermos.
- In the latter case, so that the milk does not have time to cool down, it is necessary to pour out the mixture quickly, and then heat the thermos beforehand with boiling water and wipe well.
- Tightly closing the dishes, wait 12 - 14 hours. The longer the product costs, the more acid it turns out.
- The prepared mixture is cooled and placed in the refrigerator for 2 hours for thickening. Do not forget to leave some of the product for further leaven.
You can use live yogurt in various forms: as an independent product or cook oatmeal on it, use it as a dressing for salads and replace it with mayonnaise. In general, the possibilities of its application are inexhaustible and depend on your imagination.
Yoghurt diet for weight loss: menus for 3 and 7 days ^
At the moment, there are quite a few variants of yoghurt diet programs.
Yoghurt diet for 3 days
The simplest( but hard) of them is a strict yoghurt program for 3 days. It involves the use of yoghurt products( 400-450 grams per day) in combination with apples( 3 pcs a day).The daily ration is divided into three meals, each of which is eaten by a portion of the fermented milk product, and two hours after eating, one apple. This method, provided it is well tolerated, can be extended to 5 days.
Another variant of the yoghurt diet for 3 days is less severe. The principle of this method of losing weight is simple: in the morning yogurt is combined with fruits, in the afternoon - with salad and meat products, in the evening - with salad or cottage cheese. An approximate three-day menu for this program can look like this: in addition to the 150-gram portion of yogurt consumed for every meal, excluding afternoon snacks, they are also introduced into the ration:
Day 1:
- for breakfast: 1 apple, 150 ml fruit fresh or green tea;
- for lunch: 100 g of boiled or stewed meat, vegetable salad of cucumber and tomatoes with lemon juice, a glass of pomegranate juice diluted with water;
- for a snack: fruit salad, a glass of mineral water;
- for dinner: stewed vegetables, 0.5 glasses of orange juice.
Day 2:
- for breakfast: 1 orange, green tea;
- for lunch: instead of yogurt you can eat yoghurt soup, 100 g of boiled or stewed meat, pomegranate juice diluted with water;
- for an afternoon snack: an apple, green tea or a glass of mineral water;
- for dinner: cabbage salad with lemon juice, 0.5 glass of orange juice.
Day 3:
- for breakfast: a handful of berries, 50 g of pistachios;
- for lunch: cabbage salad, 100 grams of meat;
- for an afternoon snack: 2 kiwi, mineral water or a glass of tea;
- for dinner: an apple, 100 cottage cheese.
Yoghurt diet for 7 days
You can use a longer diet program lasting 7 days. At the same time, the following types of products can be included in the food ration daily:
- yogurt - 500 g;
- vegetables and fruits - 400 g;
- dietary types of meat or fish - 150 g;
- greens - unlimited;
- freshly squeezed juices - 2 cups;
- green tea, herbal infusions, mineral water without gas.
Try to use for your menu low-calorie kinds of vegetables, fruits and meat. The daily norm of products is divided into 4 to 5 parts. It is allowed to carry meat and fish products for dinner, with the last meal should be no later than 3 - 3.5 hours before bedtime.
A sample menu for 7 days may look like this:
- first breakfast: tea or herbal infusion, fruit;
- second breakfast: yoghurt product( 150 g) with additives in the form of cereals or dried fruits, vegetable salad or 100 g of fruit;
- lunch: vegetable soup - mashed potatoes, summer salad dressed with yoghurt;
- afternoon snack: a glass of freshly squeezed juice;
- dinner: low-calorie fish or meat( 150g), salad, yoghurt dessert.
With this weight loss program, it is possible to lose up to 5 kg of excess weight. More effective will be a combination of weight loss with moderate physical activity.
Yoghurt kefir diet
Very popular and effective is the kefir - yoghurt diet, which would be more accurate to call a day of relieving, since its duration is only 1 day. This diet program has a strict time limit, and its result will be a loss of 500 - 700 grams of excess weight:
- 8.30 - 200 g of low-fat kefir;
- 12.00 - 200 g of ordinary kefir;
- 15.00 - 200 g of fruit yogurt;
- 18.00 - 200 g of biocheraphic;
- 20.00 - 200 g of low-fat kefir;
- 22.00 - 200 g of biocheraph.
If desired, kefir is replaced with yogurt or alternate sour-milk products. It is allowed to drink water. This unloading diet is recommended to be performed every two weeks, it has a beneficial effect on the work of the intestines, liver, pancreas, cardiovascular system.
Curd - yoghurt diet
Very satisfying, tasty and, most importantly, effective is a curd - yoghurt option, designed for 6 days. His menu is extremely simple:
- morning - 2 jars of yogurt, 3 tbsp.l.cottage cheese;
- day - 2 jars of yogurt, 3 tbsp.l.cottage cheese;
- evening - 1 jar, 6 tbsp.l.cottage cheese.
In the intervals allowed the intake of water or fruit teas. The ingredients of the diet can be beaten in a mixer. Weight loss on such a diet is from 3 to 6 kg.
Unloading day on drinking yoghurts ^
In order not to torture yourself with long-term diets, you can use unloading yoghurt days.
One of the most sparing of these is the following:
- first breakfast: a toast of a slice of whole grain bread, 1 boiled egg, a glass of green tea;
- second breakfast: a glass of low-fat yogurt product;
- lunch: cucumber soup with yogurt or kefir, a glass of green tea;
- snack: 1 green apple;
- dinner: low-fat drinking yog-rt.
For the second version of the unloading day you will need: drinking yogurt - 1 liter, dried fruits - 60 grams, muesli - 150 grams, green apple - 1, grapefruit - 1.
The menu for a fasting day will be as follows:
- first breakfast: apple, a cup of tea;
- second breakfast: 200 g yogurt, dried fruits - 20 g, muesli - 50 g, a cup of tea;
- lunch: 300 g yogurt, muesli - 50 g, dried fruits - 20 grams, half a grapefruit, half cup of tea;
- afternoon snack: 200 g yogurt, half a grapefruit, half cup of tea;
- dinner: 200 g of yoghurt product, muesli - 50 g, dried fruits - 20 g, half a cup of tea.
It is better to use green tea before each meal. Unloading days can not be carried out to people with weakened immunity.
Weight loss with yogurt: results, opinions, opinions of specialists ^
Reviews of those who lose weight about the yoghurt diet are mostly positive, as the method of losing weight is quite "tasty", satisfying and effective - you can lose up to 5 kg of excess weight in a week. But still, too often nutritionists do not recommend using it - no more than once in two months.
There are contraindications to this program - because of the high content of calcium in dairy products, it is not recommended for them to abuse people with liver and kidney diseases. Beware of this diet is also for those who often suffer from digestive disorders.
Many stars like the yoghurt diet, for example the famous actress and producer Reese Witherspoon. The main products of its daily diet are:
- natural yog-rt - 500 g;
- fruit - 300 g;
- lean meat - up to 100 g;
- Vegetables and greens - 300 g.
American actress Joana Lunden has developed her effective version of a yoghurt diet for 3 days, allowing her to maintain an excellent shape:
Day 1:
- breakfast - fruit, half a cup of yogurt;
- dinner - fruit salad with yoghurt;
- afternoon snack - 2 plums;
- dinner - 200 grams of chicken meat, vegetable salad with lemon juice, 0.5 grapefruit.
Day 2:
- breakfast - 200 g of berries with cereals;
- lunch - pieces of pineapple;
- afternoon snack - nectarine;
- dinner - 200 grams of turkey meat with lettuce, orange. Day 3:
- breakfast - a cup of yoghurt, fruit;
- dinner - strawberry-banana puree;
- snack - a cup of yoghurt with fruit;
- dinner - 200 g of flounder, soaked in lemon juice, lettuce leaves.
Russian actress Katya Rednikova is very supportive of the yoghurt diet. Her menu for 3 days is very simple:
- Day 1 - kefir with cinnamon;
- Day 2 - natural yogyurt;Day 3 - fruit.
For three days, as the actress claims, on such a diet, you can easily lose 3 kg of excess weight.
We offer you to watch a useful video, as you can prepare yourself at home useful yogurt from the store milk and "live" starter: