Diet on a Persimmon
Diet in persimmon: reviews and results of those who have lost weight
For those who like sweets, the persimmon's diet fits best: it allows you to quickly get rid of a few extra pounds, and also very useful for health.
Diet with persimmon: essence, benefits, pluses and minuses ^
Caloric content of 100 g of fruit varies from 60 to 70 Kcal, so many do not even have a question whether it is possible to use persimmon for weight loss.
This miracle fruit contains a large number of beneficial substances that positively affect the human body:
- Vitamins;
- Minerals;
- Proteins;
- Organic acids;
- Fiber;Tannins and pectin substances.
The essence of losing weight on a diet of persimmons is that a person consumes a small amount of calories, due to which the weight begins to decrease. Thus, with a lack of energy, the body has to extract it independently, splitting the already existing fat deposits.
Pros and cons of diarrhea with persimmon
Weight loss with persimmon has many advantages:
- This fruit prevents kidney disease, useful for nervous disorders and cardiovascular diseases;
- With this technique, you can quickly lose weight;
- If you follow all the rules, it is impossible to cause health damage;
- Dried persimmon and diet - the concepts are almost incompatible, since it contains 274 kcal in 100 g. It can only replace the meal - for example, dinner - and then you will lose weight.
It is contraindicated to eat persimmon in people with diabetes and gastrointestinal problems, but during pregnancy it is recommended by many doctors precisely because it has the most necessary elements for the normal development of the fetus.
How much can I lose on a diet with a persimmon
It's hard to imagine a more effective slimming product than a persimmon, and the diet on it allows you to reduce weight by 1 kg per day if you use a strict menu, and up to 500 g for the same period - if it's simpleeat instead of dinner.
Do the volumes on the diet go with persimmon the same as weight? Of course, along with getting rid of kilograms after a while you can see that the waist and hips were a few inches less in volume, and the chest remained the same.
The caloric content of a diet on a persimmon depends on the specific menu, but usually within a day you can consume no more than 1500 Kcal. What products can be in the diet:
- Vegetables;
- Fruits;
- Sour-milk drinks;
- Kashi;
- Lean meat and fish;
- Green;
- Boiled eggs;
- Hard cheese;
- Curd.
As in any other method of weight loss, it is strictly forbidden to eat any high-calorie and sweet dishes, and if the menu is limited to only one product - only it is allowed to eat.
The effectiveness of the persimmon diet is achieved precisely because throughout its entire length it is necessary to limit itself slightly in food, but in the near future one can be sure that such prohibitions are not in vain.
Weight loss persimmon diet: menus, recipes, rules ^
Persimmon diet: recipes for weight loss, menu options
Rules for weight loss with persimmon:
- Persimmon can be eaten as usual, or cook salads from it, if not using mono-diet;
- To quickly cleanse the body and lose weight, you need to drink 1.5 liters of clean water every day without gas;
- When using only 1-2 products for several days, it is recommended to refrain from physical exertion.
Strict diet on a persimmon: the menu for 3 days
The most rigid ration is calculated no more, than for 3 days:
- Eating up to 2 kg of persimmons;
- Drink water, herbal or green tea.
Diet on persimmon and kefir
The next option can also be used for no more than three days:
- We eat for the whole day no more than 6 fruits;
- Drink a maximum of 1.5 liters of fat-free kefir.
Diet on persimmon and apples
You can replace yogurt with apples using this strict diet:
- We consume 1-3 kilograms of persimmon and apples for 1-3 days;
- Of the drinks we leave only green tea and water.
Diet on Persimmon and Bran
As you know, bran cleanses the body well and strengthens the immune system, and using a salad cooked with them and persimmon, you can lose a couple of extra pounds:
- Chop the persimmon, mix with a third glass of dry bran, fill it with all fatyoghurt;
- We eat a dish for lunch, and for all other meals we prepare dishes from the allowed products.
Diet on Persimmon with honey
For slimming for 7-10 kg per month, you can use this menu:
- We eat any permitted products;
- For dinner we eat one persimmon and 1 tsp.honey.
Diet on persimmon and rice
Monodiet, lasting up to 7 days, can successfully get rid of 5-7 kg of excess weight:
- We feed only boiled rice without salt( 500 g per day);
- We eat up to 1 kg of persimmons.
Valeria's diet on a persimmon
The singer periodically uses this 7-day diet to keep herself in shape:
- Lunching oatmeal cooked on the water;
- We have lunch with vegetable soup and a steam chop;
- We dine with persimmon and a glass of kefir.
Diet for persimmons for pregnant women
During the gestation of a child, the use of persimmons is of great benefit: relieves swelling, strengthens the nervous system, removes excess fluid from the body, saturating it with potassium. To get rid of the astringency of the fruit, you can use one of the following methods:
- We keep persimmon in warm water for 12 hours;
- Freeze, and then defrost the fruit;
- We give the fruit to mature on the windowsill, if it is not fully ripe.
Recipes for diet with persimmon
Recipe for salad from persimmons:
- We clean persimmon, cut it into mugs;
- Cut the mozzarella with circles;
- We spread cheese on a persimmon, alternating circles with each other;
- Sprinkle with pepper and pour with olive oil.
Recipe for soup with persimmons:
- Cut into cubes onion, sweet pepper and persimmon;
- Fry onion in vegetable oil, add tomato paste and paprika, simmer on low heat for 5 minutes;
- We add Bulgarian pepper and persimmon to the frying pan, we extinguish 7 minutes;
- Put vegetables in a pre-cooked vegetable broth, boil, salt and pepper;
- Sprinkle with herbs before serving.
Dessert recipe with persimmon :
- Fill with prunes, let it get soaked;
- We clean and cut the persimmon;
- We spread in the glass for desserts the first layer of fat-free cottage cheese, and then - prunes and persimmon;
- In the end, fill with yogurt and sprinkle with cinnamon.
How to lose weight on a diet with persimmon: feedback, the results of losing weight ^
Many doctors advise their patients with various diseases to include persimmon in their diet, but diets with it can be used only in the absence of contraindications and not more than three times a year. Weekly allowed to do only unloading days on this fruit - this will not gain weight in the future.
How to make an output after a diet with a persimmon :
- First enter the fruit in the diet, then the vegetables;
- Heavy meals start eating only from the second week after the release.
The results of the persimmon diet are remarkable:
- Rapid weight loss;
- Good metabolism.
Reviews of the diet for weight loss with persimmons of our regular readers are also very positive:
Alisa, 23 years old:
"Within a month I replaced a full dinner only with persimmon, and very well lost weight - by 8 kilograms."
Daria, 33 years old:
" On persimmon and rice, I lost about 6 kilograms per week, which is incredibly happy, even though this diet is not easily tolerated. Very often I wanted to eat something else, but the best motivation was served by earlier bought pants that were small to me. "
Jeanne, 35 years old:
" I do unloading on apples and persimmon, and it helps me not only not to recover, but alsodiscard 1 kg for one such day. I think this is the most optimal and safe way to lose weight ยป