Diet on sauerkraut
Diet on sauerkraut: testimonials andresults of weight loss
Diet on sauerkraut is the most optimal way to lose weight for those who want to get rid of excess weight quickly and without harming their health.
Cabbage sauerkraut for weight loss: good for the body ^
This light dish is one of the favorite dishes in many families, but only a small number of people guess about the benefits of the diet on sauerkraut: this product contains many useful substances, including lactic acid, which improves the assimilation of other elements.
The main feature of the diet on sauerkraut for weight loss is that it is one of the most low-calorie, and the body spends more energy on digesting this dish than it receives.
Thus, after a while, losing weight notice weight loss, and do not ask the question whether the volumes on the diet leave on sauerkraut, because clothes often become great, the tummy disappears and the "ears" on the sides.
In addition to the vegetable itself, often used juice of sauerkraut for weight loss: it contains a large amount of vitamin C and lactic acid, which also normalizes carbohydrate metabolism, which is important for people suffering from diabetes. Advantages of the diet on sauerkraut:
- High efficiency;
- Cabbage quickly quenches the hunger;
- Ability to use a variety of menus for all diseases and pregnancy.
How many kilograms goes on a diet with sauerkraut
There are many variations of this power system, but if you take into account a mono-diet, then you can throw up to 7-8 kilograms in just one week. Less stringent diets are much easier, but the plummet on them is no more than 5-6 kg for the same period of time.
Calorie diet with sauerkraut in rare cases is above 1200 Kcal, because in the cabbage itself contains only 19 Kcal per 100 g.
During the diet on sauerkraut the following foods can be used:
- Lean meat and fish;
- Fruits and Vegetables;
- Sour-milk products;
- Decoctions, teas, compotes;
- Cereal cereals;
- Mineral water without gas - 1,5-2 liters per day.
You can not eat any fatty, fried, sweet, salty, smoked or flour dishes.
How to prepare sauerkraut for a diet:
- Remove the top leaves from the head, shinkoo;
- We throw out the bobbin, mix the cabbage with the grated carrots;
- Solim, mash with hands, put in a glass jar and carefully compact it;
- We overlay the gauze, put under oppression;
- Leave to wander, every two days piercing the cabbage with a wooden stick to release the accumulated gases from it.
Diet on sauerkraut: rules, menu, popular recipes ^
Diet on sauerkraut: menu options, weight loss recipes
Rules for weight loss on sauerkraut:
- Compliance with the drinking regime is strictly necessary, as water accelerates the process of releasing excess fluid from the body;
- If the menu is not too strict, sports or minimal physical activity are recommended;
- You need to eat 5 times a day at regular intervals.
Diet on sauerkraut
This diet can be used no more than three days:
- Daily eat 1,5 kg of squeezed cabbage;
- We also eat rye rusks, drink water.
Buckwheat diet with sauerkraut
For weight loss of 5 kg for a similar number of days, only three products are allowed to be consumed daily:
- Boiled buckwheat( 500 g);
- Sauerkraut( 1 kg);
- Lots of water.
Diet on sauerkraut and kefir
For effective cleansing of the intestine it is worth using for 5-7 days this menu:
- We have a salad of apples and banana, we drink a glass of kefir;
- We have a soup of sauerkraut;
- We have supper cabbage, and after an hour we drink 200 g of kefir.
Diet on sauerkraut and rice
Thanks to this diet, you can throw up to 8 kg per week:
- Every day we consume 500 g of boiled rice and the same amount - sauerkraut;
- Do not forget about water.
Diet on sauerkraut and apples
Another menu for cleaning looks like this:
- In the morning we are eating cottage cheese, drinking tea;
- At lunch we eat an apple;
- We have a salad of cabbage and apples, as well as a slice of whole grain bread;
- We snack with kefir;
- We have dinner with cabbage-apple salad.
Diet on sauerkraut and potatoes
Despite the considerable caloric content, potatoes help to satisfy hunger quickly, therefore this menu is allowed 5-7 days:
- During each day we eat 6-7 boiled potatoes and 1 kg of cabbage;
- We drink as much water as possible.
Diet on soup with sauerkraut: recipe
To lose 7 kilograms in 10 days, you need to eat only one soup prepared according to the following recipe:
- Grind the onion and celery stems, place in a saucepan with 600 grams of chopped cabbage, two chopped tomatoesand sweet peppers, grated carrots and chopped onions in equal quantities( 6 pcs.);
- Cook until boiling, then add brown rice( 4 tablespoons);
- Boil to cook, before reducing the fire.
Diet with sauerkraut: recipes
Recipe for fruit salad with fruit:
- Sliced peeled orange slices and lemon pulp;
- Mix with 100 grams of cottage cheese, add kefir and mix to monotony.
Salad recipe with apples:
- Grind the apple without skin, mix with sauerkraut;
- Fill with lemon juice.
Recipe for stewed sauerkraut:
- Shin and fry onion in olive oil;
- We clean and rub the carrots, add it to the onion and fry for 5 minutes;
- Then we put sauerkraut to the vegetables, mix and add the tomato paste;
- Add 200 g of water, stew for a quarter of an hour.
Cleansing diet on sauerkraut for weight loss: reviews, results, real stories of losing weight ^
Doctors consider sauerkraut to be a rather useful product, but do not recommend abusing its monotonous use for more than five days. If other dishes are introduced in the menu, then it is considered completely harmless and can be used up to two weeks, and to not gain pounds in the future, it is enough to regularly do unloading days.
When you leave the diet with sauerkraut, vegetables are added first, then fruits, and only from the second week you can eat heavier food such as meat, fish, etc.
For the body and figure, the results of the diet for weight loss onsauerkraut and buckwheat look like this:
- Improves metabolism;
- Weight decreases;
- Improves skin and hair;
- The level of glucose and cholesterol is normalized.
Reviews of the diet on the sauerkraut for losing weight our regular readers are also very positive:
Maria, 28 years old:
"I dropped 10 kilograms on cabbage alone for two weeks. I know that you can not limit yourself so much, but I really wanted to lose weight. By the way, there was practically no starvation, so I easily stayed "
Regina, 33 years old:
" I was surprised when I threw off 8 kilograms with buckwheat and cabbage in just a couple of weeks.
Julia, 38 years old:
"We used to weigh 88 kg, but now my weight is 79 kg, and all this thanks to the miraculous cabbage soup that I ate for 14 days. I consider it quite satisfying, so the temptation did not even arise "