  • Protein Diet - Nutritious and Delicious Weight Loss

    Read the article:
    • The essence of the protein diet
    • The main advantages of the protein diet:
    • Protein diet for weight loss: menus for 7, 14 and 30 days
    • Popular protein recipes for weight loss
    • Reviews of slimming, contraindications and opinion of doctors

    Protein diet helps to lose weight without feelinghunger

    Protein diet will be a real find for those who like to eat plenty, without denying yourself the meat.

    At the same time, the menu of such a program of weight loss includes not only foods with high protein content, but also most other necessary nutrients, which greatly facilitates compliance with dietary regimens.

    The protein diet is recognized today as one of the most effective methods of losing weight, during which you can feel alert and active without suffering a constant feeling of hunger.

    The essence of the protein diet ^

    The protein diet is aimed at causing stress in the body, constantly saturating it with high-protein foods and restricting the intake of carbohydrate food.

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    This achieves an energy deficit in the body, and with an insufficient amount of carbohydrates to replenish such a shortage, the body begins to extract hidden glycogen reserves, which are found primarily in fats and muscle mass. At the same time, weight loss is first made at the expense of a significant loss of fluid, and the muscle-fat mass begins to give energy material a little later.

    The scheme of this method of losing weight seems simple, but in practice it is a much more complicated process than we have described here, and how effectively it will work depends primarily on the strength of the will of the slimming one and how correctly he will adhere to the chosen diet program.

    Of course, you'll have to eat a little less than in the usual diet, but you can still please those who want to get rid of extra pounds by the fact that the feeling of hunger when taking protein products is significantly reduced due to a longer processing time of food.

    The result of compliance with such a diet will be the discharge of excess weight on average to 5 kg per week, while the total duration of the protein regime should not exceed more than two weeks, otherwise her admirer is seriously worsened health. After all, despite all the advantages of this method of weight loss, it can not be called balanced, and therefore, it is recommended not to repeat it until one year after the end of the previous one.

    The main advantages of the protein diet: ^

    • high efficiency, allowing you to lose weight to 10 kg in two weeks;
    • lack of a constant gnawing feeling of hunger;
    • a variety of diet;
    • saving the result of weight loss for a long time.

    There are certain drawbacks to this method of losing weight:

    • as a result of eating high protein foods, the kidneys experience a significant load;
    • imbalance of essential vitamins and minerals that causes such a diet can lead to deterioration of the general health of the body( eliminated by taking multivitamin complexes);
    • in some cases, minimizing the intake of foods with fiber content can cause disruption of the digestive tract;
    • an exception to the diet of fruits and vegetables can lead to dehydration of the body( eliminated by mandatory consumption of a large number of liquids - at least 1.5 liters per day during the entire program of weight loss).

    Now let's see what you have to eat during the protein program. You can store almost any meat - fish, poultry, pork, beef, eggs. It is allowed to add a little bit of fat, sausage, canned fish( on the water) to the diet.

    You will also need a lot of raw vegetables: cabbage, cucumbers, greens. A huge advantage will be given to tomatoes - they contain lycopene, which can repeatedly strengthen the effectiveness of the protein diet. Salads must be filled with lemon juice or olive oil. Twice a week you can eat porridge and buckwheat.

    The quality of food proteins is estimated by the assimilation factor, which is given in the table of assessing the quality of proteins of various products according to WHO.The most valuable sources of protein are products that have an assimilation factor of 1.0.

    What is strictly prohibited:

    • sweet - this includes not only cakes and biscuits, but also sweet fruit;
    • pasta, bakery products, fried foods;
    • potatoes, cereals, desserts, side dishes, butter.

    When observing a protein diet, several basic rules must be adhered to:

    • should be eaten 5 to 6 times a day, the last meal should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime;
    • products must be selected with a minimum fat content;
    • daily need to drink at least 1.5 liters of mineral water without gas;
    • any alcohol is strictly prohibited.

    There are a lot of variants of the protein diet. This includes fruity - protein, protein - vegetable, protein - vitamin and other slimming programs. Among the most popular are also the diet of Dr. Ducane and the Kremlin diet program.

    Protein diet for weight loss: menus for 7, 14 and 30 days ^

    Protein diet for 7 days

    Protein weight loss program for a week, will include the following menu( on days):

    Day 1:

    • breakfast: milk orkefir - 1 glass;
    • second breakfast - rice porridge( 200 g)
    • dinner - boiled beef( 150 g);
    • afternoon snack - vegetable salad( 200 g);
    • dinner - vegetable salad( 200 g);
    • before going to bed - a glass of apple juice.


    • breakfast - unsweetened tea or coffee;
    • second breakfast - low-fat cottage cheese( 100 g);
    • lunch - chicken( 150 g), vegetable salad dressed with olive oil;
    • afternoon snack - rice( 100 g),?apple;
    • dinner - salad from tomatoes( 200 g);
    • before going to bed - a glass of tomato juice.


    • breakfast - tea or coffee;
    • second breakfast - boiled beef( 100 g);
    • dinner - boiled fish( 150 g), rice( 100 g);
    • afternoon snack - 2 apples;
    • dinner - salad from cabbage, green peas and onions( 150 g);
    • before going to bed - a glass of apple juice.


    • breakfast - coffee or tea;
    • second breakfast - boiled beef or chicken( 100 g);
    • dinner - vegetable soup with a slice of black bread;
    • afternoon snack - rice( 150 g);
    • dinner - boiled meat( 100 g), vegetable salad;
    • before going to bed - a glass of apple juice.


    • breakfast - milk or kefir - 1 glass, cracker;
    • second breakfast - carrot salad( 100 g);
    • lunch - boiled fish( 150 g), boiled potatoes( 2 pcs.);
    • afternoon snack - vegetable salad( 150 g);
    • dinner - boiled lamb( lean) - 100 grams
    • before going to bed - a glass of tea or kefir.


    • breakfast - tea or coffee;
    • second breakfast - egg - 1, crackers - 2;
    • dinner - boiled meat( 100 g) and rice( 100 g);
    • afternoon snack - 1 apple or 2 kiwi fruit;
    • dinner - boiled fish( 100 g) and rice( 100 g);
    • before going to bed - a glass of orange juice.


    • for breakfast - unsweetened coffee or tea;
    • second breakfast - a slice of bread with sausage;
    • lunch - vegetable salad( 150 g) and rice( 100 g);
    • snack - from cabbage and green peas( 100 g);
    • dinner - boiled lamb or chicken( 200 g);
    • before going to bed - a glass of tea or yogurt.

    Weight loss on such a diet is up to 5 kg per week.

    Menu for the protein diet for 14 days

    There is an effective version of a two-week diet program for high-protein foods. His menu shows three meals, but in practice the amount of food should be divided into 5 to 6 receptions.

    Week of the first( in days).

    First day:

    • morning is a cup of black coffee without sugar;
    • day - 2-3 hard-boiled eggs, boiled or stewed in vegetable oil of cabbage;
    • evening - boiled fish( until saturation).


    • morning - a cup of coffee with a cracker;
    • day - boiled fish, vegetable salad with vegetable oil;
    • evening - boiled beef( 200 g), a glass of yogurt.


    • morning - coffee without sugar, crackers;
    • day - vegetable stewed vegetable oil, apples;
    • evening - boiled beef( 200 g), 2 hard boiled eggs, tomato or cabbage salad with vegetable oil.


    • morning - a cup of coffee;
    • day - raw egg, boiled vegetables with vegetable oil, cheese, except cream varieties) - 15 g;
    • evening - fruit.


    • morning - raw vegetables with lemon juice, water with the addition of lemon juice;
    • day boiled fish( 300 g), juice of tomato juice;
    • evening - fruit.


    • morning - a cup of coffee;
    • day - boiled chicken meat, cabbage or carrot salad;
    • evening - 2 hard-boiled eggs, raw grated carrots( 100 g) with vegetable oil.


    • morning is a cup of coffee;
    • day - boiled meat( 200 g), fruit;
    • evening - repeat from any day of the week, except for the third.

    Week two( on days).

    First: same as the previous day.


    • morning - black coffee without sugar;
    • day - boiled chicken, vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil or lemon juice;
    • evening - 2 eggs, hard-boiled, salad from a raw carrot with vegetable oil.


    • morning - grated carrots with lemon juice, a cup of coffee;
    • day - fried or boiled fish( before saturation), tomato juice;
    • evening - fruit( until saturation).


    • morning - coffee without sugar;
    • day - salad from boiled carrots with vegetable oil, 2 slices of hard cheese;
    • evening - fruit.


    • morning - unsweetened tea or coffee with crackers;
    • day - stewed vegetable oil vegetable marrow, several apples;
    • evening - boiled beef( 200 g), 2 eggs, cabbage salad with vegetable oil.


    • morning - black coffee with crackers;
    • day - boiled or fried in oil fish, vegetable salad with the addition of vegetable oil;
    • evening - boiled beef( 200 g), kefir.


    • morning - a glass of tea or coffee;
    • day - a salad of hard-boiled eggs and greens, boiled cabbage;
    • evening - boiled or fried fish, greens.

    With the correct compliance with the diet on such a diet program, you can throw off up to 10 kilograms of excess weight in two weeks. It is not allowed to add salt and sugar to the dishes. Daily it is necessary to drink up to 2 liters of water.

    Variant of protein diet for 25 days

    Those who experienced this method of losing weight on themselves, testify to the loss of 5 kg in the first days of the program, and for the entire course up to 12 kg of excess weight.

    The menu of the protein diet for 25 days is simple. In the first five days:

    • in the morning - unsweetened tea or coffee;
    • second breakfast - boiled hard-boiled egg and apple;
    • lunch - boiled meat( 100 g);
    • afternoon snack - a piece of hard cheese( 100 g);
    • dinner( no later than 19 hours) - 200 g low-fat kefir.

    Water with such a diet can not be consumed.

    In the next 20 days, your diet should include a variety of cereals( except manna).This method of losing weight is not easy, but extremely effective.

    Mixed protein diets

    There are quite a few variants of mixed protein techniques:

    • For example, fruity - protein diet , built on the alternation of protein foods with fruits. It establishes the principles of separate nutrition and limiting the consumption of high-carb products.
    • Another, no less popular diet, protein - vegetable .In it, it is necessary to alternate the intake of protein food with the use of vegetables. This method of weight loss is designed for no more than one week, weight loss at its end should be up to 5 - 7 kg.
    • Protein-vitamin diet belongs to the system of fractional nutrition and is considered a sparing version of protein programs of weight loss. As a vitamin component it uses certain types of fruits and vegetables.
    We recommend to familiarize yourself with the diet of Wheat( protein-carbohydrate alternation)

    Popular protein recipes for weight loss ^

    Here are a few simple recipes that can be used while observing a protein diet.

    Okroshka on kefir

    Ingredients for 2 servings:

    • chicken or lean ham - 2 pieces;
    • boiled eggs - 2;
    • radishes - 4;
    • pickled cucumber - 1;
    • low fat kefir - 1 glass;
    • mineral water - 0.5 cup;
    • wine vinegar - 1 tbsp.
    • green onion, parsley.


    • Radish rubbed on a grater, all other vegetables and meat finely crumbled, poured with kefir( can be diluted with water).Add the vinegar.

    Beef with eggplants

    Ingredients for 4 servings:

    • lean beef - 500 g;
    • aubergines - 300 g;
    • peeled tomatoes - 400 g;
    • finely chopped parsley, garlic clove;
    • 0.5 liters of water.


    • Eggplants are cut into rings, put for 15 minutes in salted water. Slice the tomatoes, put in a saucepan, sprinkle with parsley and chopped garlic. Water is brought to a boil, put the eggplant and cook for half an hour on medium heat.
    • Some vegetables are placed on the bottom of high-temperature glassware, meat is put on them, the top is covered with other vegetables. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes.

    Yoghurt dessert

    For 4 servings:

    • 2 eggs;
    • low fat yogurt - 200 g;
    • cornstarch - 50 g;
    • sweetener for baking - 2 tsp;
    • flavor.


    • Preheat the oven. Proteins are separated from the yolks, the latter mixed with a sweetener, starch, yogurt, flavor. Proteins are beaten into thick foam and added to the total mass. Pour the dough into a mold, bake for 20-30 minutes.

    Reviews of slimming, contraindications and opinion of doctors ^

    Reviews about the protein diet are mostly positive, as this weight loss program is easily transferred, it offers the opportunity to use a wide variety of dishes, and is quite effective. But, nevertheless, she also has a number of contraindications.

    So, this method of losing weight is not recommended for use in the elderly and inactive people - the protein significantly increases the coagulability of blood, which increases the risk of thrombosis. Most of all, this program is suitable for people who spend a lot of time on fitness training or in the gym. It is impossible to use such a diet for suffering kidney, liver and gastrointestinal diseases - the load on these organs becomes simply huge and requires a large health reserve.

    In general, all doctors agree on the opinion that protein diets, especially their long-term variants, are more harmful to the human body than are beneficial. Of course, you will lose weight, but at the same time risk acquiring a number of very serious diseases of the intestines, kidneys and liver. Especially harmful is the method of losing weight for the female body, since nitrogen, obtained during the breakdown of protein, accumulates in the genitourinary system and later can cause problems with conception.

    If this program does not suit you for one reason or another, you can use the method of losing weight BEACH( protein-carbohydrate alternation).This system of rapid fat burning was developed by bodybuilders and successfully embodied the effectiveness of simple protein diets in combination with balanced weight loss programs. BECHE is a more sparing and less harmful variant of dumping excess kilograms.

    We recommend you to watch the video of experts - nutritionists about the benefits of alternating protein and carbohydrate days for effective weight loss: