Raw diet
Raw slimming program is based on the use of products in an unprocessed form, not turning into slags
Raw dietrefers to a vegetarian food system, since it is based on the use of natural plant products not subject to heat treatment.
What is the essence and benefit of raw food ^ ^
The slimming program, based on raw food, promotes rejuvenation, cleansing and healing of the whole organism in a short time.
Its basis is the use of plant products in an unprocessed form, which when ingested does not turn into slags, but is saturated with vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
In addition, due to the intake of small amounts of carbohydrates and calories, there is an active burning of fat deposits and weight loss. The following foods are allowed to be included in the diet:
- Fruits and dried fruits;
- Vegetables;
- Seeds and nuts;
- Herbs and spices;
- Sprouted grains;
- Clean water and freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices.
During this slimming program it is forbidden to drink coffee, tea, alcohol, pastries, sweet dishes, boiled and fried products. The disadvantages include the presence of certain contraindications. Do not stick to the raw diet if there are diseases of the pancreas, intestines, stomach and gallbladder, since these diseases provide for a special diet.
Advantages of the raw diet program are:
- Cleansing of toxins accumulated in the body;
- Rejuvenation and recovery;
- Improved and accelerated metabolism;
- Saturation of the body with the necessary nutrients, minerals and vitamins;
- Improving the digestive process.
Raw diet: approximate menu and options ^
Currently, there are several types of weight loss programs based on the use of natural unprocessed foods. We list the most popular of them.
Diet on raw eggs
The program for losing weight on raw eggs lasts three days and allows you to lose excess 3 kg. The main condition of the egg method is that during the day, the diet should include grapefruit, juice from it and no more than 4 raw yolks.
These two products in combination perfectly complement each other - grapefruit is rich in vitamin C, and raw yolk are a source of biotin, folic acid, vitamin B 12 and many other useful substances.
Diet on raw vegetables
The dietary method for raw vegetables is designed for 10 days, during which only fresh vegetables, salads and juices are needed daily. During this period of weight loss the body will begin to cleanse of harmful substances and excess fluid, and weight reduction will reach 4 - 5 kg.
Diet on raw buckwheat
Dietary program on raw buckwheat is very effective and allows for 3 days to reduce weight to 8-10 kg. This is achieved due to the fact that buckwheat is rich in microelements and vitamins. Due to this, buckwheat is also able to strengthen the vessels, cleanse the body of harmful harmful substances and improve the condition of nails, skin and hair. In addition, the food is not boiled, and steamed buckwheat, which allows it to maintain its most useful properties.
The recipe for cooking is as follows: you need to take 200 g of buckwheat without adding salt and sugar, pour boiling water 0.5 l, wrap and overnight let it brew. Between 4 meals a day it is allowed to drink water without gas and green tea.
Diet on raw buckwheat with kefir
Weight loss on raw buckwheat with yogurt is a very common technique and involves replacing water or tea with 1% kefir. By duration it lasts from 5 to 7 days, during this time weight loss will reach 5-8 kg. In addition, during this period, the body will effectively remove slags, toxins, excess fluid, the digestion process will significantly accelerate and the well-being will improve.
Diet on raw carrots
The method of weight loss on raw carrots is very effective, vitamin and easily tolerated. It is based on cooking and eating no more than 5 times a day of carrot salad dressed with olive oil. From the liquid is allowed carrot juice, green tea or drinking water. After 3 days, the loss of excess weight will be 3 kg.
Diet on raw cabbage
Diet program on raw cabbage will allow for 7 days to throw about 5 kg. Cabbage in its raw form is perfect for those who want to lose weight, as it is rich in vitamin C, mineral substances, antioxidants and fiber. During the day, you should eat a salad of finely chopped cabbage with the addition of lemon juice, olive oil or soy sauce. Between the five meals a day green tea or drinking water is allowed.
Diet on raw fish
Weight loss on raw fish should not exceed 5 days and is intended for meat lovers. During the day, it is supposed to eat 300 grams of raw fish, vegetables and fruits. The daily menu looks something like this:
- Breakfast: vegetable salad, fish dish - 150 g;
- Lunch: citrus, apple or banana;
- Lunch: vegetables, fish dish - 150 g;
- Snack: banana;
- Dinner: vegetable salad.
Raw diet from Demi Moore
A diet program based on raw foods has gained popularity among Hollywood stars. For example, the popular technique from Demi Moore is designed for 10 days, after which the weight reduction will be 3-4 kg, not only due to fat deposits, but also removing cholesterol, toxins, toxins and excess fluid.
Approximate daily menu for 10 days:
- Breakfast: fruit salad with seeds of pumpkin and almonds, a glass of milk with low fat content;
- Lunch: vegetable salad, seasoned with olive oil;
- Dinner: vegetable soup, cheese - 50 g, a glass of raspberries or strawberries;Between three meals a day it is allowed to eat fruit freshly squeezed juices and water.
Angelina Jolie's raw diet
Angelina Jolie's method of losing weight involves consuming not only vegetables and fruits for 10 days, but also fat-free dairy products and chicken white steamed meat. The daily menu of the Hollywood diva looks something like this:
- Breakfast: vegetable juice, fruit salad with seeds and nuts, seasoned with low-fat yogurt;
- Lunch: fruit juice;
- Lunch: yoghurt with the addition of dried fruits, vegetable salad;
- Snack: cottage cheese with dried apricots or raisins;
- Dinner: cold soup with vegetables( gazpacho) or meat of fish or chicken, cheese, nuts.
Using the technique of Angelina Jolie, you can reduce the excess weight to 5 kg.
Results, reviews of slimming and doctors about dieting on raw food ^
The results of a raw diet will be achieved depending on which dietary program to adhere to. If you need to reduce weight in a very short time, you can use the slimming system on buckwheat or on raw carrots. If there is a desire to lose weight, without resorting to a rigid diet, you can use the technique of Hollywood stars.
Despite the selected method of losing weight, the body for this period will begin to burn fat deposits, clean and saturate with nutrients. However, during rapid weight loss, there may be a problem with the appearance of skin flabbiness or the appearance of stretch marks. Therefore, it is recommended to combine weight loss with physical exercise.
The main condition for success - when you exit after losing weight, do not immediately enter into the diet of heavy, sweet and fatty foods. It is desirable, every day to gradually enter into the menu of porridge, soups and dishes cooked for a couple. Reviews about the raw diet of women who used this or that method of raw food, very positive - they were very pleased with the results.
In addition, many losing weight noted that losing weight on raw food is fairly easy to tolerate, although at times there is a feeling of hunger. Doctors - nutritionists believe that this method of weight loss is really capable of cleaning and improving the body, however, they are not advised to take a great interest in it more than once in 2 months.
We also recommend you to watch a video on video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release, helping to lose weight fast and effectively: