Watermelon diet
Watermelon diet promotes effective weight loss and perfectly cleanses the body of toxins and toxins
Watermelon- a traditional summer product, which both adults and children love so much. Especially it fell to the taste of those who want to lose weight, because the watermelon diet is highly effective and great for losing weight in the summer.
What is the use of losing weight on watermelons ^
Perhaps not everyone knows that watermelon is not just a tasty sweet berry, it has a mass of useful characteristics:
- This sweet fruit has a very low calorie content - only 38 kilocalories per 100 g of pulp, so theyThey can eat sweets at any time of the day, without worrying for their figure.
- Potassium and calcium are responsible for the condition of the skin, nails and hair.
- Provides a diuretic effect, and this allows you to remove toxins and toxins from the body. Moreover, the berry does not cause irritation of diuretics, so the kidneys are washed "gently".
- Discharges toxins from the liver, which contributes to its effective "cleaning".
- Due to the diuretic effect watermelon is considered a good antipyretic.
- Helps reduce cholesterol. Fiber helps to fix the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
- A light, relaxing effect that helps with constipation and digestive problems.
- Folic acid helps in the normalization of metabolism and is simply necessary in the early stages of pregnancy, as well as during lactation.
- A high content of iron, which makes it useful for those suffering from anemia.
- Magnesium is useful for normal kidney function. In addition, this micronutrient helps to better assimilate the remaining elements and is an excellent antidepressant.
- Watermelon seeds are a good remedy against parasitic worms.
From the above, we can conclude that in small quantities watermelon is useful to almost everyone. But here's a watermelon diet, when you consume a much larger amount of the product, it's not for everyone. Such a food system is contraindicated in the following cases:
- propensity to edema;
- late gestation;
- diabetes mellitus;
- kidney stones;
- pancreatic disease, especially in later stages;
- has serious problems with the urinary tract.
In addition, watermelons often accumulate nitrates, so if possible, it is better to buy them from trusted suppliers in August or September. If the confidence that this purchase is environmentally friendly, no, it is worth eating the flesh only in the middle of the fetus. All that is close to the peel, it is better to cut it. Otherwise, it can cause such unpleasant consequences as indigestion, vomiting and diarrhea.
Watermelon diet: menus for 3, 5 and 7 days ^
There are several options for a watermelon diet, differing between the duration and severity of the diet menu.
Unloading days on watermelons
The first and easiest way to lose weight on watermelons is to unload the days when only this fruit, green tea and water are allowed to eat. Calculate the amount of consumption of the main ingredient is simple: you need to divide the body weight by 10. The resulting number is the weight of the pulp that can be consumed throughout the day.
Monodni many carry quite hard, so the duration of such a program should not exceed 3 - 5 days. For this period you can get rid of 4 kg. But it's worth knowing that in the first couple of days the body will not get rid of excess fat, but from excess fluid.
Therefore, it is much more effective to arrange a watermelon unloading day on a weekly basis. Monodni - an excellent solution for those who want to quickly lose a few pounds in a short time, for example, before an important event.
A gentle variant of the previous method is the addition of a piece of rye or grain bread( not more than 5-7 receptions) to the main product during meals. This menu is difficult to call rich and diverse, so the ideal time - 3 days.
Watermelon menu for 5 days
For those who want to try a weight loss system for a long time, you should choose more "soft" options. Here is an approximate menu for the day. Repeat it can be 5 days, which guarantees weight loss to 3 - 4 kg.
- Breakfast: 150-200 g of light curd, coffee or tea.
- Lunch: 200-250 grams of rice or buckwheat.
- Snack: skim curd or cheese.
- Dinner: Fig.
Each meal should be accompanied by the use of watermelon or fresh. Also, the flesh should be used as snacks( about 5 kg for the whole day).
Watermelon menu for 7 days
There is also a diet program, designed for a week, during which it is easy to get rid of 3 to 5 kg.
- Breakfast: coffee or tea;skim curd, cheese or boiled egg;porridge, cooked on the water, for example rice, buckwheat or oats.
- Lunch: a portion of lean meat, fish or chicken breast;salad from any vegetables, which can be seasoned with lemon juice, olive oil, low-fat sour cream or sour yoghurt.
- Dinner: about 2-3 kg of watermelon flesh( about 1 kg for 30-35 kg of body weight).
Every day you can enjoy the products you like from the menu offered and their combinations, within the acceptable calorie limit. It turns out a fairly diverse diet, so eat for such a system a week is not difficult.
Despite the low calorie content of watermelon, it is better to consume it in food no later than 2-4 hours before going to bed. This recommendation is due to diuretic properties, which may simply not allow you to fall asleep.
Results, reviews of thin and doctors about the watermelon diet ^
If you read the reviews of the watermelon diet, you can see that they are ambiguous. Some food for this system is easy to transfer, and others - not very. Some, especially in the early days, suffer from bloating, upset stomach and flatulence. Side effects can arise from the "wrong" watermelon or the individual reaction of the body. Therefore, those who feel discomfort, it is better to give up the watermelon diet.
Food based on only one ingredient has its drawbacks. Monodiet can be accompanied by a decline in strength, bad health and mood. That's why they should not be abused, even if the result is unspeakably happy.
If you stick to a certain regime, the results of a watermelon diet will justify all expectations. To "fix" the result, you can continue eating right up to 7 - 10 days. In the diet should be present low-calorie protein-carbohydrate foods: cereals, dietary meat, dairy and sour-milk products. Do not forget about vegetables, fruits, greens, and, of course, watermelon, which can be consumed in quantities of up to 2 kg per day.
If during the time of losing weight this fruit is fed up, it makes sense to slightly diversify the diet, for example, adding it to milk shakes, curd desserts and fruit salads.
The ideal time for watermelon slimming techniques is August and the first half of September, when you can find really natural and fresh berries. According to nutritionists, once a year for weight loss on a watermelon diet will be quite enough, but eating fruit in small quantities is allowed at least every day.
We also recommend you to watch a video on the video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: