Bonn diet
Bonn diet: reviewsand the results of the slimmed
The Bonn diet is a very comfortable and ungodly weight loss method based on healthy foods and not having too strict limitations.
What is the Bonn diet: the essence, pluses and minuses ^
The Bonn diet for fat burning is based on a nutritious and non-nutritious dish - Bonn soup. In one of his plates contains only 35 kcal, so the rules of this technique are allowed to use the soup in unlimited quantities.
The essence of losing weight on a diet with Bonn soup is that it includes products that promote the fastest burning of fat: celery, cabbage, bell pepper, onions, tomatoes and carrots. This dish does not contain a lot of carbohydrates, but this does not mean that you can not eat anything except soup: for each day, specific foods are used that can be banned further.
In general, weight reduction is achieved both due to increased fat burning, and thanks to the low caloric content of the diet itself, which consists mainly of the following products:
- Fruits and vegetables in boiled form;
- Baked or boiled lean meat;
- Green;
- Juices, compotes, tea without sugar.
It is forbidden to eat sweets, as well as floury, salted, fried and smoked dishes, and this prohibition extends to the entire period of compliance with this diet.
Advantages of the diet on the Bonn soup:
- It is very suitable for any season: in the summer the dish can be eaten cold, and in winter - in the warm;
- In view of the absence of restrictions on the use of soup, you still do not have to starve;
- As a result of the diet, it is possible to activate metabolism, which has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora.
The Bonn diet for weight loss is not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women, people with any chronic illnesses, as well as in adolescence or old age.
How much can I lose on a Bonn diet without harm to my health
Thanks to this technique, you can throw off up to 7-8 kilograms in just a week, becauseThe total calorie diet of Bonn soup does not exceed 600 kcal. If too much weight is too much, then this figure can increase to 10 kilograms.
Such a diet on the Bonn soup for weight loss is explained by a very low calorie content, but a satisfying first course reduces the risk of breakdown to a minimum.
Diet for weight loss in Bonn soup at home: detailed menu, rules, menu for the week ^
Bonn diet: menu, recipes for weight loss
Rules for weight loss on the Bonn diet:
- It is necessary to strictly follow the menu of each day;
- When you feel hungry, you can eat a soup every time;
- It is important to increase the volume of water consumed: every day you need to drink up to 2 liters of non-carbonated mineral water.
Diet on Bonn soup: 7 days menu
- We eat soup and any fruits except bananas;
- Unsweetened tea, mors and water are allowed from drinks.
- In addition to soup, we also eat vegetables in boiled, raw or baked form. Fruits are forbidden;
- We leave the drinks the same.
- We eat fruits and vegetables( except potatoes and banana), we eat soup;
- We drink water and other unsweetened drinks.
- Earlier banned bananas and potatoes are consumed together with other vegetables and fruits;
- Eating 4-6 servings of soup.
- We leave the same products, but we add 500 g of lean meat to them;
- Observe the drinking regime.
- We remove potatoes, add leaf greens to fruits and vegetables;
- Also eat soup - 5-6 small plates.
- We eat all the previously allowed products, we also eat a bit of brown rice;
- Add to the drinks juices without sugar.
Recipes of the Bonn diet
Recipe for Bonn soup
- Cut a bunch of celery, a small head of cabbage, 2 carrots, 2 bell peppers, 3 tomatoes and 5 onions;
- Put the vegetables in a saucepan, pour boiling water, bring to a boil. We cook for another 10 minutes;
- Reduce fire, cook until cooked - it can take about a quarter of an hour;
- Salt can not be added, but a couple of laurel leaves will not spoil the dish at all.
Rice porridge recipe
- Fill a glass of brown rice with boiling water, we insist 2 hours;
- Heat in a saucepan of 1 liter of water, after boiling place rice;
- Cook until ready on low heat.
Fat Burning Bonn Diet: doctors' reviews, results of losing weight ^
Despite the positive results of the Bonn diet for rapid weight loss, expressed in the cleansing of the body and weight loss, nutritionists consider this technique unbalanced and do not recommend using it more than twice a year. In the future, to maintain weight, it is enough only proper nutrition - limiting the use of sweets and fatty foods, as well as weekly unloading days.
The correct way out of the Bonn diet:
- On the first day, add any cereal, then - low-fat fish. Also increase the number of vegetables and reduce portions of soup;
- For 1 day we gradually increase the calorie content of the diet by 150 Kcal.
Reviews about the diet on the Bonn soup for losing weight to our regular readers are also very positive:
Evelina, 28 years old:
"I Bonn diet helped to lose as much as 8 kilograms! For me, this is a very good result, because earlier it was not possible to lose weight even in a month. I really did not have to starve: every time I wanted to eat, I just ate a soup or drank water. "
Eugene, 34:
" I lost 5 kilograms of Bonn technique, but I had enough to wear my ownfavorite jeans that used to be small "
Veronica, 48 years old:
" I barely survived the Bonn diet week, but I also enjoyed the plummet - 7 kilograms. Now I will try not to gain weight again, it's very difficult for me to be given such restrictions ยป