French diet
The secret of elegance and harmony of French women is the French protein diet
French diethas a lot of fans around the world, as many women admire and inspire the refinement and grace of French women.
According to statistics, over 10% of people suffer from overweight in France, whereas in Russia, for example, this figure is more than 2 times. What is the secret of the harmony of French women?
The secret of the harmony of French women ^
After analyzing their lifestyle, experts concluded that the figure is influenced by certain factors: the attitude towards food, menus, preferences in products, activity.
If your lifestyle is passive to call it difficult, but even with it you are prevented by extra pounds - most likely, the reason for the fullness lies in the wrong diet.
- French women do not deny themselves of their favorite products. They can afford cake and chocolate. It turns out that it is the ban on any products that most often leads to overeating. If the body lacks any nutrients, then it will require them until it receives the necessary nutrients. A person can eat a lot, but still do not eat up.
- Nutritionists say that in a week you need to eat 30 kinds of food - then the body will get everything that it needs for a normal life.
- You should not "hammer" your stomach. You need everything you want, but only a little bit.
- Food should bring pleasure - these are the dishes you need to choose.
An effective way to maintain an excellent shape is the French protein diet . It allows you to eat delicious and at the same time lose pounds. This is achieved by reducing the consumption of carbohydrates. The main part of the diet is made up of proteins: meat, fish, dairy products, etc. The lack of carbohydrates is replenished with vegetables and fruits.
This method of weight loss is contraindicated in people with diseased kidneys, digestive organs, suffering from thrombosis( blood clotting from protein increases), gout and dysbiosis, as well as people aged. This is due to a certain load on the body, which renders the digestion of animal products. Before the beginning of a weight loss course, consult a doctor even if you do not complain about your health.
Advantages of the protein method of weight loss in simplicity, as well as a nutritious diet. This allows you to get rid of hunger. Starchy foods, flour and sweets should be discarded. Saturation gives a protein. At the same time the weight decreases very quickly. The body loses only fat deposits. Muscles do not lose their appeal. After the end of the diet program, which lasts 2 weeks, the weight loss is not returned for a long time. If you do not start eating, the effect can last for years.
The disadvantages of the French weight loss program lie in the insufficient balance of nutrition. Reducing the consumption of vegetables and fruits can lead to vitamin deficiency, so vitamin courses should be taken during the course. Excess protein, and hence cholesterol, and lack of calcium are also a kind of stress for the body. Therefore, doctors warn that, in order to avoid serious health problems, it is impossible to adhere to this method of weight loss for more than 3 weeks.
If you decided to improve your figure following the example of French women, you should follow certain rules:
- There is a slow - so the feeling of satiety comes on time and the food is absorbed better;
- Do not put in the plate "additive" - there is exactly as much as poured immediately;
- Before a meal to drink a glass of water, if there is no problem with acidity - then with the addition of lemon juice, you can 150 grams of red dry wine - it improves metabolism;
- Do not eat after 18 to 19 hours.
Classical French diet: menu for 2 weeks ^
1 day
- For breakfast, drink unsweetened coffee with toast and jam without sugar.
- For lunch - salad: 2 boiled eggs, 1 tomato and spinach, dressed with olive oil.
- For dinner - a dish of boiled beef( 100 g), sweet pepper and greens.
Day 2
- Morning meal consists of a piece of whole grain bread with a thin layer of butter and black coffee.
- During the day you can eat 100 grams of boiled low-fat meat and 1 vegetable.
- Dinner can be 100 grams of boiled sausage and spinach.
Day 3
- Breakfast - a cup of invigorating drink without sugar with a slice of whole grain bread with honey.
- In the afternoon - tangerine and fried in vegetable oil carrots and 1 tomato.
- In the evening - a dish of 100 g of sausage, 2 eggs and spinach.
Day 4
- Fry a piece of bread from whole grains in the morning, drink a cup of coffee.
- The daily menu - hard cheese( 100 g), egg and fresh carrots.
- Evening - fresh fruit and kefir. A fresh, fresh carrot.
- In the afternoon - fresh tomato and boiled fish( 100 g).
- Evening - lean meat( 100 g) with spinach.
Day 6
- Protein slimming program suggests a cup of an invigorating drink in the morning.
- Day - 100 grams of cooked chicken and 1 tomato.
- Evening meal - 100 grams of beef.
Day 7
- For breakfast - green tea without sugar.
- For lunch - boiled beef( 100 g) and fresh orange.
- In the evening, cut cucumbers, mix with sausage and greens.
Day 8
- The classic diet advises you to drink a cup of unsweetened, refreshing drink in the morning.
- In the afternoon - a dish of 2 eggs, tomato and spinach. Dinner with boiled meat( 100 g) and spinach.
Day 9
- Morning start with unsweetened coffee, you can piece of rye bread with jam without sugar.
- Brew beef for lunch.
- In the evening mix the chicken fillets, sweet peppers and spinach.
Day 10
- In the morning - 1 egg and a cup of green unsweetened tea.
- In the daytime, knock on rabbit meat with fat-free sour cream and greens, season with cucumber with olive oil.
- Dinner consists of fruit and a glass of kefir or low-fat yogurt.
11 day
- Unsweetened coffee with whole grain bread and jam without sugar for breakfast.
- For lunch - a dish of boiled eggs, 100 grams of cheese, fresh carrots and parsley.
- Boil beef for dinner( 100 g) and eat sweet pepper. Breakfast - peach and a glass of yogurt.
- Boil the fish in the afternoon, eat a fresh tomato.
- For dinner, you can fry 1 egg and sprinkle with herbs.
Day 13
- The morning menu consists of a toast and a black invigorating drink.
- In the afternoon you can boil fish and eat fresh vegetables.
- In the evening - boiled beef meat with sauce from sour cream and greens.
Day 14
- Have breakfast with green tea.
- For lunch, eat a salad of cucumber, boiled beef, green peas and lettuce leaves with olive oil.
- Have dinner with a glass of yogurt and a fruit salad.
To ensure that the French diet does not seem monotonous and boring, come up with a menu with fantasy. Make any dish refined with fragrant herbs, garlic and natural condiments. Diversify the food will help natural sauces and sauces - from homemade mustard, olive oil, yogurt, lemon juice and greens.
Tasty and healthy dishes for the French protein diet ^
Chicken fillet in kefir
- 100 g chicken fillets salt, pepper, sprinkle with herbs. Mix kefir and water( 50 g each) and pour in the meat. Send it to the refrigerator for 3 hours. Stew on a heated frying pan for 5 minutes from one side and the other.
Chicken fillet in lemon juice
- Remove the fillet, pour it with juice, sprinkle with dried herbs, salt. Marinate an hour 2. Then fry without oil.
Baked fish
- Fish( any) pour with lemon juice, salt and pepper, sprinkle with herbs and bake
- in the oven. Can be in foil or sleeve.
Fish in Polish
- Fish to cook and choose bones. Put in a saucepan and pour fish broth( to cover), add salt and pepper, sprinkle with grated boiled egg and simmer for 5-7 minutes under a lid on low heat.
Pork roast with soy sauce
- Pork grate with lemon juice, pepper, salt and sprinkle with ground bay leaf. Bake in the oven, periodically pouring out the juice that stands out. Stir-fry and pour in soy sauce.
Beef with rice
- Cut the meat into cubes, fry in olive oil, stew for half an hour. Add the rice to the broth and cook until the rice is ready.
Results, reviews of weight loss and doctors about the French diet ^
Women who have tried the classic French method of losing weight, talk about rapid weight loss. A week on average, it takes about 3 kg, within 3 months you can lose up to 15 kg. In addition, the French technique helps many people quickly return to the form after giving birth.
Reviews of the French diet are mostly positive. Rarely, who complains of hunger during these 2 weeks. There are also negative opinions, but they, more often than not, are connected with the wrong composition of the menu and the violation of dietary program rules.
Doctors recognize the effectiveness of the protein diet, because protein is an important element for the full vital activity of the body. However, the results of the protein diet manifest themselves very quickly, and this is a certain load for the human body. Therefore, nutritionists do not recommend it to get involved. It is enough to sit on it once a year, and then you should maintain the effect.
How to get out of the French protein diet
For 2 weeks, the body gets used to proteins, so immediately after it can not overeat carbohydrates. This is a great stress for the body. You need to consolidate the result, so you should follow certain rules:
- 2 weeks after the end of the diet for breakfast, eat light food and do not cope with tea and coffee. You can eat buckwheat porridge, low-fat yogurt or kefir, toast;
- For lunch continue to eat salads from vegetables, meat, fish, boiled eggs, vegetable stews and fruits. You can drink orange juice or a decoction of herbs;
- Dinner should also be as light as possible - dietary meat, vegetable salad, boiled egg;
- During snacks you can afford a little hard cheese or yogurt, as well as milk ice cream;
- Eat often and gradually.
- In order for the result of the French protein diet to last a long time, you need to drink enough fluids and once a month to do unloading days.
We also recommend you to watch a video on the video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best unloading days that help you lose weight fast and effectively: