Summer Diet
Summer diet gives an excellent opportunity to gain a slender silhouette and strengthen health
Special summer diet developedexperts - nutritionists for good reason, because in the summer you can not just lose weight quickly, but also significantly improve your health.
The abundance and availability of fresh, natural vegetables, herbs and fruits in the summer will make the diet menu diverse and very useful.
Why is it more useful to lose weight in summer ^
In summer, nature itself promotes a healthy lifestyle and, as never before, there is a desire to look beautiful. In summer people are more active, spend more time in the open air, more often a desire to walk or escape from a stuffy place on the nature, to the sea or just to the dacha.
- The organism is being reconstructed itself, fatty meat and other high-calorie products do not want at all. Light cold soups, vegetable salads and salads, fresh berries, fruits and unsweetened soft drinks become favorites throughout the summer season. Abundance in the diet of these products will immediately affect the figure and not only.
- Together with excess kilograms, many health problems will disappear. Which is not surprising, because fresh fruits and vegetables are the main sources of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body. In addition, they contain a sufficient amount of fiber, which helps remove harmful toxic substances, cholesterol, fats and bile acids from the body.
- Improves the work of the digestive tract and strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of developing cancer. In addition, vegetables, fruits and berries give a feeling of satiety, as they fill the stomach tightly. And for all their usefulness, they are low, and some, even zero or negative calorie.
- In the summer season the body does not require fatty foods, too, not in vain - in the heat of digestive processes slow down, so eating meat is better at all more often 3 times a week. But proteins must be present in the daily diet. After all, this is the main source of melanin synthesis, which protects against ultraviolet radiation. In days when meat is not present in the diet, the source of protein should be eggs, sour-milk products, beans, nuts.
- In summer, the body loses much more fluid, sweating increases. To avoid dehydration, you need to drink a sufficient amount of fluid. But sometimes thirst torments constantly, but too much water overloads the body. Therefore, from sweet and carbonated beverages must be abandoned completely, after them you want to drink even more.
- Do not forget that together with sweat, not only the excess liquid is lost, but also minerals. Therefore, on a hot summer day, it is better to give mineral water without gas, morsam, sour fruit and berry compotes and green tea. These drinks not only perfectly quench thirst, but also make up for the lack of minerals.
- An important advantage of the diet is that it does not lead to vitamin deficiency or depression. Fresh smell of cucumber, watermelon, melons, appetizing kind of colorful berries and fruits, juicy greens and sunny weather will give rich positive emotions and will defeat any depression.
If there are serious health problems, then the summer diet as a method of nutrition may not be suitable. For example, people with gastrointestinal diseases are contraindicated in the abundance of fiber, especially in fresh vegetables. Any doubts related to the summer diet, as with any other, will help to resolve the doctor, correcting the menu.
Summer diet for weight loss: a menu for 1-2 weeks ^
The system of the summer diet is clear and simple:
- You need to eat natural, local vegetables, berries and fruits, the source of protein for the period of the diet will be sour-milk products.
- You can drink tea, water, herbal infusions, fruit drinks and freshly squeezed juices without salt and sugar.
- You can order salads with yogurt or a minimum amount of vegetable oil.
- All other products from the summer diet menu are excluded completely.
- From the fruit and vegetable ration, it is necessary to exclude potatoes, grapes, bananas.
Another advantage of the summer diet can be considered the lack of a strict menu - it is compiled independently, based on their preferences and needs. Duration of the diet is no more than 2 weeks.
Menu for 7 days
Day One
- You can eat any vegetables in the stew, boiled or fresh all day long.
- Breakfast - a large portion of salad from any vegetables and greens.
- Snack - carrot salad, flavored with yogurt. Lunch - beans stew with vegetables.
- Snack - grated beetroot on a large grater, season with yoghurt.
- Dinner - salad from baked vegetables, with a teaspoon of oil.
Day Two
- All day only fruit, 2 kinds. For example:
- For breakfast - salad from pear and orange, season with yoghurt.
- Snack - a glass of orange juice and a pear.
- Lunch - baked in the oven pears.
- Snack - pear juice.
- Dinner - a glass of 1% sour-milk drink and fruit.
Day Three
- All day you can pamper yourself with berries.
- Breakfast - prepare dessert from low-fat cottage cheese and a mixture of berries.
- The second breakfast - berry juice
- Lunch - a plate of any berries and half a glass of kefir.
- A snack is a berry salad, dressed with yoghurt.
- Dinner - berries and 2 walnuts.
Day Four
- It is fully dedicated to sour-milk products. During the day you can drink 2 liters of this drink, fat content is not more than 2%.
Day Five
- You can repeat the menu of the first day or use other vegetables. For lunch, you can cook pea porridge, or put out vegetables, but not with beans, and add a few mushrooms.
Day Six
- Berry day, the menu completely repeats the third day.
The seventh day
- The heaviest, you can not eat anything, you can only drink juice from one kind of fruit.
If the week passed successfully, the stomach did not rebel and well-being, you can continue the summer diet from the beginning( from the first day).It is not necessary to eat this way for another week, you can just limit yourself to seven or ten days of diet.
Results, reviews of weight loss and doctors about the summer method of weight loss ^
To eat constantly only plant food is suitable for a few, and protein products are extremely necessary for the full operation of organs and body systems. But in the summer, it is useful for a person to arrange such unloading for a figure and for recovery. Reviews about the summer diet are mostly positive - on average, for 10 days you can get rid of 10 pounds of fat.
The results of the summer diet are very impressive. In addition, if you limit the use of fast carbohydrates and fats, the achieved result will be stable. At the end of the diet to introduce animal proteins need to gradually and in small quantities.
In this case, do not use anything as a garnish for meat, except stewed vegetables or salads. Use the summer diet can be used once a month. Summer gives a great opportunity to find a harmonious silhouette and strengthen health!
It is also recommended to watch a video on the video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: