Polish diet
Polish diet: reviews and results of weight loss
Polish diet is balancedand a safe diet, through which you can make the figure slimmer without forcing yourself to starve.
Polish diet: essence, benefits, features of weight loss ^
Polish diet is a system of weight loss, which is used by almost all residents of Poland. The main feature is that during its observance a person does not feel hunger, but at the same time, the kilograms melt with enviable speed.
The essence of losing weight on the Polish diet is the balance of its diet: in it, proteins, fats and carbohydrates acquire the optimal ratio, which helps to achieve weight loss and there is no constant desire to eat something superfluous.
It should be noted that the calorie content of the Polish diet does not exceed 1000 Kcal, and that is why a feeling of lack of energy the body begins to split the existing fat cells, thereby relieving the person of excess weight.
Pros and cons of the Polish diet
What are the advantages of losing weight in Polish:
- Nourishing and useful for the body menu;
- Good efficiency;
- No contraindications;
- Availability of products;
- Easy portability.
The disadvantage is that on a long Polish diet, weight can not be significantly reduced: it is necessary to choose fast, but more stringent varieties for this.
How many can be reset on the Polish diet
Here, too, everything depends on the specific option, but overall the effectiveness of the Polish diet is confirmed by the fact that with it you can lose weight in a week by 5-7 kilograms.
Do volumes leave on the Polish diet? Of course, weight reduction is immediately reflected in the figure: the waist becomes thinner, the hip circumference decreases, but the thoracic area is practically not affected, which is important for women.
Which products are included in the Polish method:
- Milk and sour milk drinks, cottage cheese;
- Butter( limited);
- Juices;
- Fruits and Vegetables;
- Black bread;
- Lean meat and fish;
- Non-nutritive biscuits;
- Hard cheese.
As in any other technique, all high-calorie, sweet, smoked, fried and fatty meals are prohibited here.
Polish diet for weight loss: menus, recipes, rules ^
Polish diet: menus, recipes for weight loss
Rules for weight loss on the Polish diet:
- The menu should be dominated by fruits and vegetables;
- It is recommended to eat food fractionally, i.e.4-5 times a day;
- Sports activities will significantly enhance the effectiveness of the Polish diet, so it is desirable to do at least home gym.
Polish diet: a menu for 7 days
For fast weight loss for a week it is recommended to make your menu like this:
- We have a cup of coffee or tea with milk, but without sugar. We eat a piece of bread;
- We have lunch with soup and vegetable salad;
- We snack a glass of kefir;
- Supper with asparagus, vegetables and 20 g low-fat cottage cheese;
- Before going to bed, we drink tea with lemon.
Polish diet: minus 4 kg for 6 days
Another variant of the slimming menu is as follows:
- We have breakfast with milk and a slice of bread;
- We have lunch with fish broth and vegetable salad;
- We snack any fruit;
- We have dinner with 50 g of cottage cheese and a glass of low-fat milk.
Polish soup diet
With the help of Polish soups you can lose up to 7 kg per week if you eat according to the following principles:
- We eat daily only soups and up to 500 g of vegetables;
- We drink a lot of water.
Recipes for the Polish diet
Polish soup recipe:
- Put the chicken fillet in a saucepan, fill it with water and cook broth;
- Cut the peeled potatoes, shred cabbage, chop the onions and carrots;
- When the broth boils, add salt and vegetables to it, and after 15 minutes - canned peas;
- We take out the meat, cut it into pieces and put it back in the pan;
- Turn off the fire, sprinkle the soup with herbs and insist it 10 minutes before eating.
Polish recipe:
- Shinnings sauerkraut, chopped dill and chives, chopped boiled eggs, cucumbers and mushrooms into cubes;
- Mix all the ingredients, put in the refrigerator for half an hour;
- We add to the vegetables bread kvass, low-fat sour cream and seasoning.
Recipe for Polish salad:
- Boil the beans, drain the broth;
- Cut finely eggs, cucumber, onion, apple and herring, add to the beans;
- Season with olive oil, sprinkle with chopped parsley.
How to lose weight on the Polish diet: feedback, the results of losing weight ^
Of all foreign techniques, doctors consider the Polish diet to be the most suitable, because it contains quite common products for all countries of the world, which means that they will be easily perceived by the human body.
Use such a power system can not be more than three times a year, and to never gain weight again, you need to use only healthy foods that do not contain fast carbohydrates.
The exit after the Polish diet is very simple: it is enough to enter into your menu one habitual dish every day, and do not start immediately eating heavy food.
What results of the Polish diet can be achieved:
- Beautiful slender figure;
- Well-being.
Reviews about the Polish diet for losing weight of our regular readers are also very positive:
Anastasia, 30 years old:
"I practiced the method of slimming Poles six months ago. I ate during the week soups, and very well lost weight - 5 kilograms. I advise this diet to everyone who wants to quickly lose weight without starving. »
Tatiana, 27 years old:
« I love Polish cuisine, and losing weight on their diet did not cause me any special discomfort. For 6 days, I really lost 4 kilograms, and now I do not have excess weight. "
Irina, 43:
" I managed to lose weight on a week Polish diet by 5 kilos, although I expected that I would throw off 7. In principle, this result is not bad either, considering that I did not have to stomach my stomach with hunger - this I endure very hard "