The diet of Lesenka
Diet The scaffold is a fast and effective way to slenderness
Diet The scaffold is a very simple and effective way to quickly lose weight, loved by many women because of easy tolerability,short and varied nutrition.
According to dieticians, Lesenka's program helps to easily lose from 3 to 8 kilograms in a five-day period( depending on the initial weight and individual characteristics of the organism) and save the result for a long time. It is noticed that people with large excess body weight lose weight most effectively.
Reviews about the diet Lesenka the most positive, so it is extremely popular in social networks, it is recommended, actively discussed and share experiences and results in all forums devoted to weight loss and nutrition.
Its undoubted advantages include the fact that in the process of losing weight, the stomach volume is significantly reduced( due to which one does not want to eat much) and the craving for sweet, floury and other high-calorie and unhealthy food is significantly reduced.
The diet The scaffold is the essence and contraindications ^
The diet of the Lesenka consists of 5 days - steps, each of which has its own distinctive function( purification, restoration, energy saturation, replenishment of protein stores, fat burning) and is a new step towards slenderness.
The scaffold is easy to carry psychologically, since the slimming is pre-configured for 5 days and knows that each new step not only approximates the desired weight, but also solves certain problems in the body. Like the diet of 6 petals( when we painted the days - the petals), it's useful to draw a ladder on your own for yourself, stick it on the fridge and daily mark your plans and achievements on it.
Draw your ladder and daily mark on it the plans and achievements of
. As nutritionists note, the presence in the diet of the Lesenka elements of the game has an important psychological aspect, helping to tune in the ascent to the "ladder of success" and comply with all the steps without violations. However, even if you suddenly break and break the prescribed scheme, do not despair and do not scold yourself, just start the ladder again, from the very first step. In addition, with insufficient weight reduction, the entire cycle can be repeated several times during the month, unlike other diet programs that require a long recovery period( Dyukan, Japanese, and Kremlin).
However, despite the ease of compliance and the possibility of repetition, it is not recommended too often to "climb the 5-day ladder", keep moderation and common sense, do not lead the body to excessive stresses and do not provoke food disruptions. Superfood on the diet Lesenka is not allowed during the period of exacerbation of any chronic diseases, pregnant and lactating mothers.
Days - steps must follow each other strictly in the specified sequence, they can not be interchanged or combined with each other. For any deviation from the scheme, begin the repetition from the first day.
- The first day - cleaning( plummet 1 - 2 kg)
- The second day - regenerative( plummet 0,8 - 2 kg)
- The third day - power( plummet 0,5 - 1,5 kg)
- The fourth day - building( plummet 0, 7 - 1,3 kg)
- The fifth day - burning( a plumb of 1 - 2,5 kg).
Diet Laden menu and detailed description ^
At its very core, Lesenka is a strict low-calorie diet, therefore, to avoid the occurrence of excessive hunger, on all days it is recommended to observe fractional meals( 5-7 times per day).In addition, an abundant drinking regimen is shown that contributes not only to the best cleansing of the intestines, but also to the "deceptive saturation" of the body. After all, as is known, a sense of thirst and hunger is sometimes difficult to discern, and it is often enough to drink a glass of water to make you full and want to eat.
First day - cleansing stage
The first day is the most important, as it not only cleanses the gastrointestinal tract from slags, toxins, heavy salts and other decay products, but also prepares the body for the following stages.
The menu of the first day is very strict and simple - it consists of apples( about 1 kilogram) and pure still water( at least 1.5 - 2 liters).The choice of apples as a main product is not accidental - the natural fiber contained in them absorbs toxins and slags, and pectin binds and removes fatty deposits, pesticides and radionuclides, acting in the gastrointestinal tract as the best nurse.
In addition, for a better cleansing, during the day evenly( every two hours) you need to drink 1 tablet of activated charcoal( per day - 1 table for 10 kilograms of body weight).Drink only pure water, tea and coffee and other beverages are not recommended.
Second day - recovery stage
The second day menu consists of 1 liter of skimmed yogurt( preferably one or two days) and 600 g of low-fat cottage cheese. If you do not like yogurt, you can replace it with fermented milk, sour milk or curdled milk. After a cleansing day, such a diet contributes to the restoration of microflora in the intestine( settling it with useful bifidobacteria) and significantly improving its work.
In addition, low caloric content of fermented milk products contributes to the use of internal reserves for processing them, which contributes to increased weight loss, and the content of full proteins, lactose and essential amino acids does not lead to a deterioration in metabolism and a lack of necessary nutrients.
The third day - the energy stage
The energy step provides replenishment of the glucose reserve in the body, necessary for the further disintegration of fat cells. Since the glycogen reserve was completely consumed over the previous days, an energy burst is needed that gives a new impetus to the process of losing weight and allows to "deceive" the body, not allowing it to adapt to low-calorie nutrition and to include a saving mode( a similar method is used in the American roller coaster diet).
Energy day avoids the so-called plateau effect, when the body begins to significantly slow down the rate of weight loss or completely stops the process of losing weight. If the diet includes natural sugars( honey and dried fruits), this process can be prevented.
The menu of the third day includes 300 grams of raisins( preferably dark), 2 tbsp.spoons of honey and compote of dried fruits( prunes, dried apricots, dried apples) with fructose, about 2 liters.
The fourth day is the construction stage
The construction stage is needed to replenish the body with a vital protein, which is the building material for cells, bones and normal hematopoiesis. To prevent critical loss of muscle mass and to ensure the necessary intake of glycogen, foods containing animal protein are introduced into the diet.
The ideal dietary product for the construction stage is lean chicken or turkey fillet. During the day, you need to consume 0.5 kg of boiled meat, it is allowed to add fresh greens to taste( onion, dill, parsley, celery) or non-starchy vegetables.
Fifth day - incineration stage
The burning effect of the final day is achieved by using in the diet products with a high content of dietary fiber, or inanimate fiber, which is practically non-caloric, but requires a significant amount of energy for its processing. As a result, a negative energy balance occurs, leading to a maximum loss of excess kilograms.
In addition, due to dietary fibers, powerful cleaning of the gastrointestinal tract from slags and toxins continues and further saturation of the intestinal microflora with useful substances in sufficient amounts contained in the fiber.
Menu of the fat burning day - whole oatmeal cooked on the water( 200 g in dry form) and fresh vegetables and fruits( 1 kg), which can be eaten both raw and in the form of salads with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil.
At the end of the whole Lesenka cycle, if you are not satisfied with the result, you can repeat the steps from the very beginning. However, according to experts, you should not repeat climbing more than 2 times in a row, so as not to harm your health - repeat after a break of several months and a full balanced diet.
In order to preserve the achieved results, the output after the Lesenka diet, as well as after any other, should be gradual and cautious - introduce no more than one or two new products per day, do not exceed the amount of food consumed so as not to stretch the diminished stomach and use physiologicallya reasonable amount of calories, depending on individual physical activities and lifestyle.
In addition, try to maintain your optimal weight constant, do not get carried away by the endless swing "lost weight - grew fat."To do this, arrange one-day fasting or weekly fasting days( cucumber, oatmeal, curd and any other).Only in this case you will manage to keep the desired harmony and not to sit on hungry diets all your life.
We recommend you to watch the video of doctors - dietitians about products that help actively fight fat deposits: