Tomato( tomato) diet
Tomato diet will help to lose weight by 3 kilograms for 3 days
Tomato diet is considered a very unique and attractive way to lose weight,since it helps not only to get rid of hated kilograms, but also struggles with hypertension and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
In addition, the presence of tomatoes in the daily diet significantly reduces the risk of oncological diseases and speeds up the metabolism.
The advantages of losing weight on tomatoes ^
This method of losing excess weight is considered quite sparing, as it does not require the use of tomatoes alone. The main feature of the tomato method is that it is relatively cheap and affordable, especially in the summer.
Tomatoes not only have a wonderful taste, but are also very useful. The healing properties of tomatoes are achieved due to the content of purines, vitamins A, D, E, as well as citric, folic, apple, ascorbic, tartaric acids, minerals: calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron.
The benefits of the program based on tomatoes is also that they:
- strengthens the immune system, restores and speeds up the metabolism in the body;
- removes toxins and toxins;
- reduce the negative impact of radioactive rays on the human body;
- improve the work of the heart, strengthen the vessels;
- are effective for constipation and other digestive disorders;
- is used to prevent gynecological diseases in men;
- reduce the likelihood of cervical disease in women;
- strengthens the bones;
- contribute to weight loss, burn fats, improve metabolism at the cell level.
Despite the fact that 100 grams of tomatoes contain only 23 kcal, the feeling of satiety from the use of several tomatoes remains for another 4 hours. The process of losing weight is faster due to the fact that this vegetable slows the production of the hormone ghrelin - the main culprit for the appearance of hunger.
However, no matter how useful tomatoes are, the dietary method based on them, like any other, has a number of contraindications and drawbacks:
- is not recommended for thinning on tomatoes for people suffering from gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, ulcer disease, as well as arthritis and intolerancetomatoes( they are allergens);
- for kidney disease tomato slimming program is prohibited, since the oxalic acid contained in tomatoes has a negative effect on the water-salt balance in the body;
- to use this vegetable is desirable in a fresh form, after all at thermal processing it loses many useful properties and can even become harmful to health;
- tomatoes are poorly digested with products containing a large number of proteins: meat, eggs, cottage cheese, as well as with potatoes and bread.
Tomato Diet: Menu for 3 days and 2 weeks ^
At the moment there are different methods that use tomatoes as the main product. Such programs differ in duration, methods and amount of consumption of tomatoes, as well as results.
Tomato menu for 3 days
Three-day slimming program based on tomatoes is the shortest, but effective, allowing you to quickly lose up to 3 kg of excess weight. According to this technique, for a period of three days with each meal, a couple of ripe tomatoes should be consumed. At the same time a day should be done at least four meals. From the diet should be excluded salt, sugar, pepper and other condiments.
The approximate daily menu of the three-day tomato diet is described in detail below:
- breakfast: a pair of boiled eggs without yolks and one large tomato;
- second breakfast: 2 small pieces of hard cheese, 1 tomato;
- lunch: 150 g of boiled chicken fillet, salad of 2 tomatoes, seasoned with fermented baked milk, olive oil, kefir;
- afternoon snack: the second breakfast is repeated, namely hard cheese and tomato;
- dinner: a salad of tomatoes with the addition of cottage cheese, dill, coriander, pepper and salt.
Important note: dinner should be held no later than 19.00, after this time it is advisable not to eat anything more.
Diet on tomato juice for 14 days
The diet on tomato juice is considered difficult, as its duration is quite long and is 14 days. To achieve the desired result, which does not affect health, it is allowed to apply it no more often than 1 time in 3 months. In order to get rid of 4 to 5 extra pounds during this time, the daily menu should be as follows:
- breakfast: 200 ml of tomato juice, 2 slices of rye bread, a bit of low-fat cottage cheese, and fruits, except grapes and bananas;
- lunch: a small portion of boiled rice, boiled fish, vegetables, a green apple and, of course, a glass of tomato juice;
- dinner( no later than 18.00): a little rice and beef cutlet, steamed, vegetables and tomato juice.
Important note: during the application of the tomato slimming program, you need to consume a lot of liquid, tea, coffee without sugar, simple or mineral water is best.
In addition to the above, there are other popular dietary techniques using tomatoes:
- diet on tomato soup consists of daily consumption of fat-burning soup in any quantity;
- diet on kefir and tomato juice leads to rapid weight loss, suitable for unloading days;
- diet on buckwheat and tomato juice lasts up to 5 days, is not balanced;
- tomato cucumber diet provides meals mainly with a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers;
- diet on rice and tomato juice consists in the use of a tomato drink 15 minutes before the main meal( rice).
Reviews of doctors and results of a tomato diet ^
The results of a tomato diet range from 2 to 5 kg, depending on its type and duration. The greatest effect can be obtained in a complex with a mobile and correct way of life, systematic physical loads.
According to doctors, a short three-day diet program can not be repeated too often. It can only be used for unloading days. But long-term methods are better to apply with a frequency of 1 time in 3 months. After achieving the desired result, to fix it, you can repeat the program for weight loss 1 time in six months.
Positive and enthusiastic reviews of the tomato dieters reflect the effectiveness, simplicity, uniqueness and excellent portability of the above described programs. Despite the fact that doctors are opponents of rapid weight loss and believe that you need to lose weight gradually, the method of weight loss, based on the use of juicy and all favorite tomatoes, is very popular in our country and throughout the world, it is easily tolerated and does not lead to complications.
We also recommend you to watch a video on video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release, helping to lose weight fast and effectively: